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viewers like us podcast

by Prof. Eliseo Runolfsson MD Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Grace Lee

Grace is a Peabody award-winning filmmaker who most recently directed and produced the two-part series for POV, And She Could Be Next, as well as two of the five episodes for PBS’s Asian Americans.

Joaquin Alvarado

Joaquin is the former SVP for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and American Public Media. As CEO of the Center for Investigative Reporting, he founded Reveal, the Peabody Award-winning investigative radio program and podcast, along with this project’s investigative consulting editor, Susanne Reber.

Ken Ikeda

Prior to coming onboard as CEO of AIR (Association of Independents in Radio) in 2019, Ken was Executive Director of indie film and training center, BAVC.

Cheryl Devall

As a veteran storyteller in sound, images and words, Cheryl has reported and edited with National Public Radio and for newspapers in Boston, Chicago, Miami and beyond. Cheryl has worked on nationally distributed public radio programs and public stations throughout the U.S.

Olivia Aylmer

Olivia is a Brooklyn-based freelance arts & culture writer with a background in print and digital media, book publishing, communications, and programming, including prior staff roles at Vanity Fair and Little, Brown.

Akintunde Ahmad

Akintunde (Tunde) is an Oakland-based multimedia journalist, who served as a 2020 Ida B Wells fellow with Type Investigations, and a 2019 Delacorte Fellow with the Columbia Journalism Review. In addition to contributing to this project as investigative reporter, he currently works as a documentary film producer for Pete Nicks and Proximity Media.

Susanne Reber

Susanne is an award-winning investigative editor, executive producer, and author who currently leads the podcast team at Scripps Washington Bureau.

Interview Excerpt

In the United States, there’s a “public” element to all broadcasting over the federally regulated airwaves. Audiences have the right to speak up about the changes we expect on the air.


Viewers Like Us, a co-production of filmmaker Grace Lee and Studiotobe, documents the growing disconnect between PBS’s founding mission and the increasingly diverse public it was created to serve.


We envision Viewers Like Us as movement-building through storytelling. In that spirit, we want to gather stories from you—the public—about your experiences, as media makers and audiences, with PBS over the years.

Interview Excerpt: Randall Pinkston

In the United States, there’s a “public” element to all broadcasting over the federally regulated airwaves. Audiences have the right to speak up about the changes we expect on the air.

Don't Go Chasing Watersheds

In the decades-long struggle toward an equitable public media system, what will it take to move from mere talk to actionable change? As you’ve heard throughout the series, countless BIPOC creators have dedicated themselves for decades to keeping PBS’s mission and relevance on track. Many people working within the system have done the same.

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