Podcast FAQ

vlog vs podcast

by Lilyan Hegmann Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

The key difference between podcast and vlog is that the content of a podcast is based on audio while the content of a vlog is based on videos. A podcast is a digital audio file, whereas a vlog is a social media account or a personal website that has video content.

The key difference between podcast and vlog is that the content of a podcast is based on audio while the content of a vlog is based on videos. A podcast is a digital audio file, whereas a vlog is a social media account or a personal website that has video content.Jun 16, 2021

Full Answer

What is the difference between vlogging and podcasting?

In the end, when it comes down to it, the difference between vlogging and podcasting is the difference between whether you want to be on TV or whether you want to be on radio. Personally, I'd rather be on TV.

What is the difference between a blog and a vlog?

A lot of people ask what is the difference between a blog and vlog and the simplest way to explain it is that a blog is typically written words and a vlog is a video blog or video log. The term blog comes from weblog as in web-log but has been abbreviated and then adapted to cater for personal videos.

Why is video better than podcasting?

It’s simply easier to convey who you are as a person in video than it is as a disembodied voice in podcasting. This next point is huge: one of the most important facts to know about video for entrepreneurs is that video watchers are approximately 75% more likely to make a purchase from seeing a video than they are from hearing a podcast.

Can you make a video into a podcast?

One of the main reasons I did is because first and foremost, video can more easily be converted into a podcast, but not vice versa. You can take your audio from a video and turn it into a podcast to repurpose it, but if you do a podcast, you can't really turn it into a video – other than it being simply audio in a video format.


Is it better to vlog or podcast?

So, if workload and complexity is a major consideration, podcasting is a better bet. When evaluating the best platform, it is good to take into consideration that people are “time-starved”. People's calendars are really full, there's always so much to do, and podcasts are generally longer than video content.

Can a podcast be a vlog?

A video podcast is simply a podcast with a video element. The video element could be as simple or as complex as you like, but it often consists of a single static image or a video recording of the podcast hosts and guests.

What is the difference between a podcast and a Vodcast?

A derivative of the term (and idea) of podcast is “vodcast,” also commonly referred to as a video podcast. A vodcast functions in much the same way as a podcast, except that instead of users downloading only audio files, they also download corresponding video files to their portable media players.

Are podcasts better than YouTube videos?

Podcasts have a much better method of reaching your audience because they are more versatile than trying to listen to a video on a smartphone while driving. Podcast Users are More Engaged: Podcasts are better for engagement because people can listen at their pace.

What is a video podcast called?

Most video podcasts, or “vodcasts,” are videos of audio recording sessions. The video can be used to promote the audio podcast or serve as a video show content itself. Podcasts are an “audio first” medium, meaning that the quality of the audio is of utmost importance.

Do I need to film my podcast?

If you film a video podcast, you'll have extra footage you can cut into short, sharable segments. You'll also have behind-the-scenes content to share. Creating variety in your marketing can increase engagement and keep people interested. Another benefit of doing a video show is that you can do a live recording.

Which is an example of a Vodcast?

Easily the most famous vodcast is TED Talks. Although they are presented by different speakers, it's a series with a theme (albeit a broad one) and viewers can subscribe to receive updates.

What vodcast means?

A vodcast is a podcast that contains video content. The term vodcast comes from the combination of the words "video" and "podcast". Video podcasts may also be referred to as vidcasts. In order to watch a vodcast, you need a podcatcher capable of playing video (such as iTunes).

What is podcast example?

A radio program distributed exclusively over the Internet and listened to on people's iPods is an example of a podcast. (iPOD broadCAST) An audio broadcast for playback in the computer or mobile device.

What is more profitable YouTube or podcast?

If you are not great at on-camera, then you may find that podcasts work better for you. However, if you are better on-screen, or your content is better when visualized, then YouTube may work for you. On the flipside, both can make a substantial amount of money, but neither will be an automatic income source.

Why podcast instead of YouTube?

People listen to podcasts in many different situations, such as cooking, commuting, or walking their dogs. On YouTube, people have to sit down and be in a situation where they have access to their screen. Podcasters can always convert their audio to video using an app like Headliner and add their podcast to YouTube.

Can u make money off of podcasts?

So is it even possible for new podcasts to make money? The answer is yes. By setting up a few automated revenue streams, new podcasters can accrue passive income that grows alongside their audience, giving them time back to focus on podcasting.

What is the difference between a blog and a vlog?

A lot of people ask what is the difference between a blog and vlog and the simplest way to explain it is that a blog is typically written words and a vlog is a video blog or video log. The term blog comes from weblog as in web-log but has been abbreviated and then adapted to cater for personal videos.

What is serial podcast?

Serial – Serial is an investigative journalism podcast hosted by Sarah Koenig that digs into a different true-crime story in each season. The podcast literally put the word podcast on the map as this paved the way for many other true-crime podcast series that followed and have also gained massive audiences.

How much does it cost to host a domain?

Access to a computer. A domain name. Hosting. Most people already have a computer, laptop or at least access to one, so then it’s just a case of buying a $10 per year domain name and $5 per month web hosting.

Why are blogs considered websites?

Most large and established blogs these days could just be considered websites because they feature more than just a list of blog posts, they feature resources pages, educational content and tend to have more structure.

Who is the creator of the SmartPassiveIncome podcast?

Here are some notable content creators who blew up as a result of their podcasts: Pat Flynn – Pat was doing well already from his blog but when he launched his SmartPassiveIncome podcast in the early era of podcasting (Especially for the marketing and business niches) he really took his audience to a new level.

Is it possible to have a blog about your cat?

Sure the days of having a blog about your life with your cat are pretty bleak and since there’s a lot of competition it’s not easy to just build a blog, write a few posts and expect to become an overnight sensation BUT it is still possible. That said the blogs that are thriving have often evolved into something more.

What is a Podcast?

A podcast is free from all visuals, which makes it more passive. It has only audio content and best for people who are camera shy. Therefore, the presenter should have an appealing, pleasant voice to attract people since it’s the voice and the productivity of the content that attract people.

What is a Vlog?

A vlog is a social media account or a personal website where the owner uploads videos regularly as content. The term ‘vlog’ has gained its name through the words ‘video blog’ and ‘video log’. Various messages and content based on various topics like marketing, technology, current affairs, and fashion can be conveyed to the public using videos.

What is the Difference Between Podcast and Vlog?

The key difference between podcast and vlog is based on the way they present their content. The content of podcasts is audio, and the content of vlogs is video. Because of this, vlogs tend to have a bigger audience and are more convincing to people.

Summary – Podcast vs Vlog

A podcast is based on audio content; therefore, it requires storytelling abilities since it doesn’t have any kind of visual aids. Generally, they are series and can be listened to on a weekly basis. A vlog, meanwhile, is a personal website or a social media account with video-based content.

Vlogs vs. Podcasts

Today, brands have many opportunities to become a “friend” to their consumers, rather than just a company. Learning where and how to connect with your consumers is key. And when it comes to deciding between podcasts or vlogs, the decision is quite simple.

But Which is Best for Your Business?

Despite their different upbringings, both mediums have been around for 10+ years, growing in popularity and interactivity. But for a business to tackle both in order to connect with their audience may prove to be too much work and inefficient.

Successful Vlogs

Bustle — Editors share reviews, DIYs and How-Tos through brief videos, also sharable on media.

Successful Podcasts

Glimet Creative + Ebay “Open for Business” — In just one season of their informational podcast on business, Gimlet Creative, in partnership with Ebay, reached 200% of its download goal.

What is Blogging?

Blogging is creating online content that would help you in reaching out to global prospects and also help in increasing brand reach and build authority and reputation. Blogging is creating content relevant to what the viewers want to see. It is both helpful and knowledgeable and helps with better interaction between the creator and the viewers.

What is Vlogging?

Vlogging is another word for video blogging. Therefore, in simple words, it is a blog in a video form. Vlogging though still a new concept for many is super fun and is becoming one of the most popular methods by which creators and businesses could educate their viewers. When it is visual, users enjoy it more and vlogging is offering just that.

What Is Podcasting?

If you have a business, then podcasting is an excellent way to promote it. Podcasting is periodic audio which is now also available in video formats where one or more people are talking, discussing a particular topic.

The Differences Between Blog Vs Vlog Vs Podcast

One major difference is that for vlogging, the videos could be easily transformed into a podcast but vice versa cannot be done. Again, for blogging, none could be done because there is no visual impact. Also, for vlogging, you can take out the audio and turn it into a podcast but not the opposite.


Blogging has been around since the early days of the Internet. It seems to have started as a bit of an online journal. So instead of writing your thoughts down in a traditional journal, you typed them and published them on your own website.


Vlogging is blogging, but in video form. That’s how many of the popular video channels are created. They are documented in the same way that journaling or blogging is. They’re edited. Maybe they’re a bit scripted. But it’s just about the same process for creating any type of content.


Podcasting has come into the spotlight in the last decade. But really it’s been around for a long time. Radio was huge in the early 20th Century. It was the first way for many to get content in another form than face-to-face or written text. Video still wasn’t really possible so once audio came along, lots of people flocked to it.


The key takeaway from this discussion is that for content marketing, you want to focus on where your preferences are for creating content. The channel or medium that encourages you to create the most and the most consistent content is your best bet. Generally, there is a pretty even mix or people in all audiences that want text, video and audio.

As nouns the difference between vlog and podcast

is that vlog is (internet) a weblog using video as its primary presentation format while podcast is podcast.


2005:' I like to take walks when I'm having my breaks at work, and then I '''vlog my walks and put them online. I can just ramble on about philosophy, or whatever. — ''vlogger Raymond Kristiansen in Vloggers get political in Norway, by Clark Boyd, BBC online.


An audio programme produced on a regular basis, delivered over the Internet in a compressed digital format and designed for playback on computers or portable digital audio players, such as the iPod.


You may be unfamiliar with the concept of podcasting; it’s a periodic audio you release featuring one or more people talking about a subject related to your industry. Some of the latest podcasts are also available in video form.


If you are new to vlogging, it’s a blog in video form, it’s a new marketing technique but it has quickly gained popularity. Businesses use it to entertain and educate their clients. Research shows that around 45% of global internet users are watching at least a vlog monthly.

The component requires for choosing the best alternative in content marketing

There are various components to contemplate when occupying which alternative to following first:

About the Blog

It has believed that blogging is lively and one of the enormous sorts of enduring content marketing. Writing a blog about your living with your dog is pretty desolated. There is too much contesting and not uncomplicated to establish a blog, write a post and anticipate flattering an all-night outrage, but it is feasible yet.

About the Vlog

Several platforms and apparatus are available through that you can fabricate video content nowadays. Vlogging is one alternative and but it imparts itself to tiny vlogs and personage.

About the Podcast

Podcasting has pumped up in prosperity over the previous decades and does not display any indication of decline. Podcasts are producing seven figures per year from endorsement and other takings runnel so, we acknowledge there are several commercial chances attested and individual like this medium.

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