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wayfair conspiracy podcast

by Dr. Marcelle Emmerich Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Does Wayfair sell storage cabinets as a cover for child trafficking?

We've received your submission. A conspiracy theory emerged Friday that the Wayfair online store was using the sale of storage cabinets as a cover for child trafficking — which the home decor company immediately denounced as false.

Why is wayfairgate trending on Twitter?

The whole thing all started on Reddit on July 9 and has snowballed ever since, leading to #Wayfairgate trending on Twitter. The idea at the center of the theory is that the reason behind high-prized cabinets and other products on the company's website is child trafficking.

Is the Wayfair scandal linked to Pizzagate?

Others even tried to link it to the Jeffrey Epstein scandal. All of this has drawn comparisons to Pizzagate, the debunked theory that the Democratic Party was linked to a pizza restaurant in Washington, D.C. Wayfair is a major player in online retail and headquartered in Boston.

Is Wayfair owned by CSN Stores?

However, none of this is true. When the photo was taken, Wayfair was only a year old and still known as CSN Stores. The unknown man is only identified as a "guest" in the Getty Images caption.


Wayfair Conspiracy Theories: Human Trafficking, Furniture, Camps, KUBRICK, Adrenochrome and Hollywood Movies!

On today’s episode of the Conspiracy Theories and Unpopular Culture podcast we deep dive into this massive Wayfair conspiracy theory! I’ve never had more requests to cover one topic in my ten years of truthin! Are they trafficking kids through furniture on their website?? We’ll look at the border detention camps and how they fit into Wayfair’s past, but more importantly we’ll look at the twilight language of the Illuminati and their connections between child abuse, ping pong and furniture in Stanley Kubrick’s “Lolita” and “A Clockwork Orange!” We’ll also consider the films Bruno, Hostel 2, and Soylent Green! It’s another wild conspiracy for 2020- this one might be the biggest!.


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Where is Wayfair located?

Wayfair is a major player in online retail and headquartered in Boston. The company was founded in 2002 and reported over $9 billion in revenue last year. Here is a look at how the company got ensnared in an unfounded conspiracy theory.

Who is the woman who was arrested for Wayfair?

Since the Wayfair theory surfaced so soon after Ghislaine Maxwell 's arrest for her connection to Jeffrey Epstein, it should not be surprising to see some try to build a link between the two. As Heavy.com notes, a 2003 photo of Maxwell with an unknown man went viral as part of the Wayfair theory.

Why was the Redditor suspicious?

The Redditor described themselves as someone "involved in a local organization that helps victims of human trafficking," which was why they were suspicious. They said the Reddit post was not meant to be an accusation, but just an attempt to reach out to "see if anyone else had more details.

What is a SKU in Wayfair?

As the theory gained traction online, many Twitter users claimed that searching the stock keeping unit number (SKU) for each Wayfair product on a Russian search engine would bring up photos of children.

What did some theorists claim about the expensive products carrying the names of missing children?

Another part of the theory claimed that product SKUs could be used to find images of young children on a Russian website. Others even tried to link it to the Jeffrey Epstein scandal.

Is Wayfair involved in a human trafficking ring?

Wayfair Human Trafficking Conspiracy, Explained. Wayfair found itself at the center of a bizarre and unsubstantiated conspiracy theory this week. The online furniture and home goods retail giant has already de nied the theory, which claims Wayfair is involved in an elaborate child trafficking ring just because it sells expensive cabinets, pillows, ...

Is Wayfair a major player?

All of this has drawn comparisons to Pizzagate, the debunked theory that the Democratic Party was linked to a pizza restaurant in Wash ington, D.C. Wayfair is a major player in online retail and headquartered in Boston.

1. Sex trafficking is perpetrated online via prostitution sites and via pornography websites

Prostitution websites are major hubs for sex trafficking in the modern world. Additionally, more and more evidence and testimony is emerging which shows that one of the largest and most well-known online pornography platforms, Pornhub, and similar sites are also hubs for sex trafficking.

2. Sexual abuse, exploitation, and trafficking occur via popular social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat

Based on survivor testimony and research, sex traffickers and child predators appear to be increasingly using popular social media apps such as Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok to identify, groom, and exploit children in the online space.

3. Sex trafficking occurs in hotels and motels including big chains such as Marriott and Wyndham

Hotels are used as places of business for traffickers because often they can pay in cash, keep “transactions” anonymous, and sell trafficking victims more than one time per night (up to 10-15 times, in fact) using multiple rooms as meeting places.

What Else Can Be Done to Fight Sex Trafficking?

Mary Bianculli, a former NCOSE intern who later spent time as a case worker with survivors of trafficking at Selah Freedom, recently summed up the problem with the Wayfair sex trafficking conspiracy this way:

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9