Podcast FAQ

what do podcast producers do

by Prof. Moses Goldner Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What Does a Podcast Producer Do?

  • Podcast Management. One of the essential jobs for a podcast producer is managing the overall production of your show.
  • Creative Input. Another responsibility of the podcast producer is to offer creative input to the show. No matter how...
  • Guest Scheduling. A podcast producer will organize and schedule guest appearances on your show,...

As a podcast producer, your job is to oversee the production of a podcast. In this role, you may act as a sound engineer as well. You help manage the recording studio, determine the story of each podcast, use equipment to edit the content, and evaluate content pitches from the hosts of the podcast.

Full Answer

What do you need to produce a professional podcast?

Podcast Equipment: What Do I Need, & Why Do I Need It?

  • Types of Podcast Equipment (And Why You Might Need Them) Let's run through the various pieces of equipment commonly used to record a podcast, then. ...
  • The Microphone. ...
  • The Recorder. ...
  • Interfaces & Mixers. ...
  • Headphones. ...
  • Production & Publishing. ...
  • Summary: Podcast Equipment. ...

How can a podcast producer help me?

A Podcast Producer helps Podcasters create and grow podcasts. Basically, they help with any service the Podcaster needs for their business. In the interview below with a successful Podcast Producer, you’ll see exactly what services this can entail. Some Podcast Producers also extend their services outside of the podcast to other aspects of ...

How to become a podcast producer?

You might be wondering how to get a job in podcasting because:

  • You’re a regular podcast listener and appreciate podcast shows
  • You have a passion for audio entertainment
  • You want to work from home and have a flexible schedule

How much does podcast production cost?

Podcast production costs around the $25/$30 per episode mark seems to bring you into the ‘average' freelance producer range. They normally work on their own, and probably run their own show, having learned their audio skills through that experience. First, quality – that can be pretty variable with producers at this level.


How much should you pay a podcast producer?

Full Production/Full-Service Expect to pay anywhere from $1,000 to $15,000+ for an episode depending on the type of podcast you are producing (interview-based, narrative or story-driven, or a mixture of the two). Agencies and teams functioning in this space are experts and have the experience and evidence to prove it.

Can you make money as a podcast producer?

Podcast Producer The average earning for a podcast producer is $70,000 annually going all the way to $132,000. For a part-time basis, your earning will be as much as $25 per hour.

Who are the biggest podcast producers?

The Top Podcast CompaniesSweet Fish Media.Pacific Content.JAR Audio.Lower Street.Resonate Recordings.Podfly.Content Allies.Motion Agency.More items...•

What roles are needed in a podcast?

A successful podcast team has the following roles:Ring Leader (Project Manager)Outreach Manager.Show Host.Writer/Editor.Voice Over Specialist.Audio Engineer.Graphic Designer.Administrator.More items...

Can you make a living off a podcast?

So is it even possible for new podcasts to make money? The answer is yes. By setting up a few automated revenue streams, new podcasters can accrue passive income that grows alongside their audience, giving them time back to focus on podcasting.

Does Spotify pay you for podcasts?

The short answer is: No. Spotify does not pay for podcasts, but fret not! We have good news for you: There are many ways to monetize a Spotify podcast. You can make money on your podcasts through sponsorships, affiliate programs, ads, coaching, and more.

How do I learn podcast production?

7 Best Podcasting CoursesPower-Up Podcasting by Pat Flynn.Podcast Production Course by Mike Russel at Music Radio Creative.Podcast Journal by John Lee Dumas.Podcasters Paradise by John Lee Dumas.Podcasting Classes & Trainings on CreativeLive.Podcast Engineering School.Podience - Free Podcast Training Course.

Who was the first podcast ever?

Doug Kaye, who had been publishing MP3 recordings of his interviews at IT Conversations since June, created an RSS feed with enclosures, thus creating the first true podcast.

What is the most popular podcast platform?

SpotifyThe most popular platform for listening to podcasts in the United States in 2020 was Spotify. In a study published by emarketer, on a sample of over 2000 respondents, Spotify was chosen by 25% of respondents. This is up from 19% the previous year.

Do podcasts need a producer?

As a podcast producer, your job is to oversee the production of a podcast. In this role, you may act as a sound engineer as well. You help manage the recording studio, determine the story of each podcast, use equipment to edit the content, and evaluate content pitches from the hosts of the podcast.

How much does a freelance podcast producer make?

You'll find that the average podcast producer salary is around $47,000, but can be higher for experienced audio technicians. Freelance podcast producers can usually earn between $40 and $50 per hour in their first few years of work.

How many people do you need to produce a podcast?

Podcasts can take many forms: one-man shows, cohosts, guests, call-in, etc. Metafilter founder Matt Haughey, who has put in hundreds of hours on podcasting, recommends that your show involve two or three hosts. I listen to a lot of podcasts and the most typical format is 2 or 3 hosts and sometimes one guest.

How much money can you make from a podcast?

As an estimate, if your podcast has about 10,000 downloads per episode, you can expect to make between $500 – $900 per episode in affiliate sales.

How many listeners do you need to make money on a podcast?

You usually need a larger audience of at least 5K or 10K listeners per month to work with them. One of the largest ad networks is Midroll, another popular network is Authentic, and many of the podcast hosting companies have their own networks as well.

How do I start a podcast and get paid?

How to Start a Podcast (and Make Money) in 13 Easy StepsDevelop a Concept for Your Podcast.Name Your Podcast.Get the Basic Equipment You Need to Start a Podcast.Choose Editing and Recording Software.Copyright and Trademarking Your Podcast.Create a Format for Your Podcast.Record Your First Podcast Episode.More items...•

How much do podcast hosts make?

Podcast Host SalaryAnnual SalaryMonthly PayTop Earners$156,000$13,00075th Percentile$130,000$10,833Average$76,048$6,33725th Percentile$35,500$2,958

What is the role of a podcast producer?

The primary function of a podcast producer is to work on all aspects of audio production. That means they oversee the recording, editing, and broadcasting of every episode of the podcast.

What software do podcast producers use?

The job of a podcast producer involves spending so much time with audio recording and editing software. You have to learn to use software like GarageBand, audacity, and adobe audition amongst others. This software is called digital audio workstation, and professional podcast producers make use of this software to arrange, edit, and mix audio.

How can I get better at podcast production?

With time, you will build your skills and acquire more knowledge, get confidence, and belief in yourself to produce a great show.

What is the job of a podcast producer?

That includes mapping out the format of the podcast, making sure the host stays within the time limits of each section and ensuring that the vision and tone of the podcast stay consistent throughout each episode.

What is the responsibility of a podcast producer?

Another responsibility of the podcast producer is to offer creative input to the show. No matter how clear your vision is for your podcast, another pair of eyes and a creative brain are always useful. You never know – they might give you new and exciting segment ideas.

What is a podcast producer?

A podcast producer is an individual who oversees a podcast's production. Acting as a sound engineer, they handle most—if not all—decisions revolving around a podcast. Podcast producers handle aspects of a podcast's production, delivery and schedule. They may work for a company or have their own podcast business.

What does a podcast producer do?

A podcast producer oversees a podcast's developmental process. They have many duties revolving around production management, scheduling, audio management and editing, analytics and overall leadership.

Podcast producer salary

Producers make a national average salary of $41,809 per year. However, your salary may differ as a podcast producer. It may also change depending on your experience level, your geographic location and whether you're self-employed or work for a company.

Podcast producer job outlook

While the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) doesn't report job outlook data for podcast producers, it has data for producers in general. According to the BLS, producers can expect an employment growth of 10% from 2019 to 2029. This rate comes much faster than the average for all other jobs in the workforce.

How to become a podcast producer

If you're interested in becoming a podcast producer, it's important to know how to pursue this career. Keep in mind that companies and organizations may have specific requirements for podcast producers. Use these general steps to become a podcast producer, whether for your own podcast or for a company:

Podcast producer skills

Podcast producers need a variety of soft and technical skills to complete their duties. Here are the skills you need as a podcast producer:

What is a podcast producer?

The image of a podcast producer may drum up different pictures for different people. Maybe you think a podcast producer is some sort of app or software used to compile a podcast episode. Or perhaps you see a podcast producer as someone who is paid a high salary and who is hired to make your podcast for you.

5 Key areas of focus for a podcast producer

The more complex the overall concept of the podcast, the more a producer will need to do. For simple, straightforward podcasts, the podcast host usually takes on a lot of the responsibility of the producer, at least in the administrative areas.

Do you need a podcast producer?

A lot of the things discussed here are overall observations of the role and responsibility of the podcast producer. As I mentioned, these roles may be taken on by the host, divided between a team or sourced out to a dedicated podcast producer.

Where can I find a podcast producer?

Finding a producer is a challenge, especially one you can trust. The Resonate team has a lot of experience working with podcasters of all levels and bringing our expertise to the table to help podcasts shine. Due to popular demand, we have worked hard to build out a set of podcast producer services.

What services do podcast production companies offer?

Small production companies work solely on the preparation of episodes, where they put together each episode and deliver it to listeners. Mid-size companies offer content marketing services, while full-service agencies are appropriate for businesses as they try to generate new sales from podcasts.

How much do podcast production companies charge?

Podcast production companies charge $1,000 to $20,000+ per episode. The price depends on the range of services. $1k-$5k costs episode production and publishing. You will pay $5k-$10k for guest booking, show prep, and basic marketing. Above $10k cost marketing strategies and ads budget management.

Do I need a producer for my podcast?

As a general rule, the majority of smaller podcasts don’t have and need producers. The production responsibilities fall on the hosts. A producer can manage the entire show production cycle and help the host with guest selection, show prep, and advice regarding the show style and direction.

What skills do you need to produce a podcast?

To produce a podcast, you need to know your audience and niche of your show to deliver a satisfying experience within the length of the episode. The skills should allow you to manage time, book guests, perform interviews, understand what your listeners want, and deliver it to them on schedule.

How to choose the right podcast production company?

As a general rule, to choose the right podcast production company you need to understand your exact requirements, define a budget, and find a producer who understands your niche. Ask for a dedicated producer who is a good fit to manage the production, growth of your show, and can act as an advisor.

What is a podcasting company?

There are different types of podcasting companies within the industry: media hosts providing file hosting services, production companies that develop shows, advertising networks focused on managing marketplaces for publishers and podcasters, client apps used for listening, and many more.

In Conclusion

A podcast production company can manage the launch of a new podcast, book guests, record, edit and publish new episodes regularly.

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