Podcast FAQ

what do you need to start a podcast

by Dr. Madyson O'Reilly MD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Essential Equipment You Need to Start a Podcast

  • Headphones. It’s always important to use headphones when recording a podcast. ...
  • Mixer. If you choose to move away from recording directly into your computer or you have decided that you think using a sound desk would be better for your podcast ...
  • Shock Mount. ...
  • Pop Filter. ...

Steps to Start a Podcast
  1. Decide why you want to start a podcast.
  2. Choose a podcast topic, theme, and name.
  3. Select a podcast format and structure.
  4. Create podcast branding.
  5. Set up your podcast equipment.
  6. Find the best podcast recording software.
  7. Prepare for your first few podcast episodes.

Full Answer

How do you start a podcast as a beginner?

  • Set a definite date and time for publishing
  • Have one evergreen recorded podcast (As a backup plan)
  • Mention Website link at the start & end of Show notes
  • Use an animated video overlay and publish your podcast on YouTube.
  • Connect with best minds in your industry by inviting them to be a guest on your podcast show.

How to successfully start a podcast?

  • Do a test recording before you go live to make sure the mic sounds good and the correct microphone is recording.
  • Structure out your podcast before recording. ...
  • Research your guests before the day of the podcast.
  • Keep your mic close to your mouth for the best sound.

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How do you launch a podcast?

Rhythms Announces New Company Members, The Launch Of New Podcasts, Classes, Events and More For 2022

  • Community Tap Jams. Friday, Feb. ...
  • New M.A.D.D. Rhythms Podcast Network. ...
  • Classes. The M.A.D.D. ...
  • 2022 Fundraiser. M.A.D.D. ...
  • Individual Tap Artist Grant. ...
  • National Tap Dance Day 2022. ...
  • DanceAfrica Chicago. ...
  • Chicago Tap Summit 2022. ...
  • Company Updates. ...
  • Izaiah Harris in Encores' The Tap Dance Kid at New York City Center. ...

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How to start a profitable podcast?

Take a look at several out-of-the-box podcast money-making ideas below:

  • Advertisements-Podcasts that have a vast following are highly sought by advertisers. ...
  • Rely on sponsorships-You can generate thousands of dollars a month if you can find sponsors. ...
  • Establish relationships-When you are able to establish good relationships; you make your podcasts more profitable. ...

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How much does it cost to start a podcast?

In fact, if you already have a computer and you're operating on a shoestring budget, you can record, edit, and launch a podcast for less than $200. On the other hand, if you want to use higher-end equipment, starting a podcast can cost a few thousand dollars.

Can you start a podcast for free?

Most podcasts are free. They're free to create and free to listen to.

What equipment is needed for a podcast?

For a conventional podcast, you need at a minimum a microphone, headphones, a computer, recording and mixing software, and internet access.

Do you get paid if you start a podcast?

Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn.

How much money do podcasts make?

Assume you're a podcaster and you do the following each month: 1.00% of your audience purchases through your link, earning you $15 for each sale. 0.05% of your audience buys an online course per month for $99. You release about four episodes of your podcast each month.

How long does it take for a podcast to make money?

Relying on the experience of Marc Clair, a podcast host, and producer, it may take as long as 18 months before you start seeing results. That's if you produce a show weekly. In his words, things can be faster than stated if you have luck, a marketing budget, and irresistible content.

Can I start a podcast with my phone?

You absolutely can start podcasting with a smartphone. All you need is a simple recording app. You can even go with something podcast-specific such as Anchor or Spreaker which let you create episodes and upload right from your phone.

Can you do a podcast alone?

A solo podcast episode is an episode consisting of only the host elaborating on a topic they're an expert on. Think of it as a TED Talk but without the live audience and all the pressure. Normally, a solo episode is shorter than an interview because, well, there's only one person talking.

Which platform is best for podcast?

What are the Best Podcast Hosting Platforms?Fusebox. ... Blubrry Podcasting. ... Spreaker. ... PodcastWebsites. ... Audioboom. Best hosting platform for taking your podcast to the next level. ... Libsyn. The most reliable podcast hosting site. ... Soundcloud. Best platform for audio content creators. ... Podomatic. Best freemium podcast hosting platform.More items...•

Does Spotify pay you for podcasts?

Streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcasts pay out for streams, but the payout tends to be very low. Podcast sponsorships are one way, but for new podcasts, the likelihood of finding a high-paying sponsorship is slim unless you're already a well-established figure.

Do podcasts on Spotify make money?

The short answer is: No. Spotify does not pay for podcasts, but fret not! We have good news for you: There are many ways to monetize a Spotify podcast. You can make money on your podcasts through sponsorships, affiliate programs, ads, coaching, and more.

What makes a podcast successful?

Keep the topic simple. A podcast with focus is going to be much easier for potential listeners to understand. You might think a wide appeal will get a wider audience but more often a narrow appeal means there's less likelihood others are doing the same thing. And the listeners you get will be very excited to find you.

What are the benefits of starting a podcast?

Popular content platform because they are easy to consume. Great way to build an audience and build authority. You don’t need experience to start a...

Do podcasts make money?

Popular podcasters can make $25 to $50 for every 1,000 host-read podcast ads. Jeromy Sonne, co-founder of audio advertising service, Decibel , rep...

What are some free podcast hosting sites?

Anchor Acast Buzzsprout Podbean

Can you start a podcast for free?

Yes, you can create and set up a podcast for free by using a free podcast hosting service and free audio software and uploading your shows to sites...

Why do people start podcasts?

Lastly, starting a podcast allows you to position yourself as an authority on your topic. It helps build your audience and also makes it easier to sell your product or service since you're the credible source. Being seen as an authority can help influence potential customers to purchase your products.

How to record a podcast on a computer?

When it comes to how to record a podcast, all you need to do is plug in a USB microphone and open the audio recording software on your computer. Ensure your microphone is plugged in and turned on and that your microphone is the default input device for your recording software.

Why upload podcasts to Spotify?

Spotify is an up-and-coming directory for podcasts because of its popularity with music streaming and ability to make relevant music and podcast recommendations. The directory is growing quickly, so you want to get your podcast in its feed to improve visibility.

How many podcasts are there in 2019?

In 2019, US weekly podcast listeners averaged seven podcasts each week.

How many people listen to podcasts a month?

According to Edison Research, the number of Americans listening to podcasts every week increased 175% over the last five years, with roughly 90 million listening to a podcast each month.

What is a podcast on Stitcher?

Stitcher is the second largest podcast directory and another great way for people to discover your podcast. Basic Brewing Radio, for example, is a podcast on Stitcher that discusses homebrewing beer. Wine enthusiasts, on the other hand, can tune in to the Wine for Normal People podcast.

Why is podcasting important?

If you understand the value of creating content (e.g., blogging) for your business and brand, then you understand the value of podcasting. Creating a podcast allows you to reach a brand new audience: people who might otherwise never find or consume your long-form content because they prefer the audio format.

What is the best way to start a podcast?

Voice is the start of all podcasts. If the quality of the voice recordings are bad, your podcast might come across as unprofessional. So investing in a microphone is key! To start, you will be fine with a USB mic setup. Just plug it into your computer and you are good to go.

How long should a podcast be?

The sweet spot for a podcast’s length falls usually into the 20 and 40-minute mark, mirroring the time of an average commute. With that said, you shouldn’t worry too much about episode duration at the beginning of your podcasting journey. Instead focus on value and authenticity. Your listeners will eventually tell you if they think your episodes are falling a bit too short or too long. The key aspect of episode format has to do with the main format your podcast will stick to. Here are a few podcast format options to choose from:

What is the best place to record audio?

A Place To Record: The bare minimum for a place to record should be a home office or a decently quiet room. The more isolated you are from outside noises, the better. A quiet, small space, with less sound reflecting surfaces is ideal. This will help with the quality of your recorded audio files.

What is a good podcast host?

A Good Media Host: Media hosts store your digital audio files and allow your audience to listen, subscribe, and download your podcast episodes. Choosing a reliable podcast host is crucial because you can’t just upload your show to iTunes or Spotify with no host to support the audio files.

What should a podcast name be?

You can brainstorm to come up with the perfect name for your podcast. A podcast name should be unique to you, your content, and feel natural. Some podcasters like to include their name somehow, some come up with something witty, and others focus solely on the type of content they’re covering.

How many podcast listeners will there be in 2024?

Lastly, it’s estimated that by 2024 there could be well over 100 million podcast listeners in the U.S. alone. So if you’re on the fence about starting your podcast, it’s time to go all in! The good news is podcasting has low entry costs and a relatively easy production process.

Do podcasts need storage?

Since you will use podcasting apps and audio editing software, your computer should also have enough storage to store your audio files. Plus you’ll probably want a computer that is fast enough to make your work more enjoyable.

What Do You Need To Start A Podcast – The Ultimate Guide

Everything you need to know to launch a podcast This article may contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, I will earn a commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you. There is no denying the meteoric rise of podcasts in the past 12 months. Covid forced us to stay at home and connect online.

Why now is the perfect time to start a podcast

There are over 1.7 million titles available for avid podcast listeners and the hunger for compelling audio does not look like it will slow down anytime soon.

Before you start a podcast you need to consider the following points

Potential podcasters might be tempted to jump feet first. Before you think about investing in expensive equipment and a podcast hosting platform you need to do market research. There are millions of podcasts available across Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and other podcast directories.

How to start a podcast

Once you have done your research and are committed to launching a podcast your next step is to plan your first four episodes.

Essential tools for creating a podcast episode

The good news is you do not need to spend a small fortune on podcast equipment. A very basic setup is a USB microphone, computer/laptop, editing software, and podcast hosting platform.

How to record and edit a podcast

Zoom became part of everyday life in 2020 and it’s also a handy tool for podcasters. Zoom recordings create a downloadable MP3 file that can be edited for your episodes. You also have the option of creating two separate tracks if you have a guest, this will be useful if you have an audio editor.

Choosing podcast music

In an average 40min podcast episode you may have 30-45 seconds of music including intro music and outro music. The music industry has strict copyright and usage laws so you will not be able to use your favorite music for your podcast.

How long should a podcast be?

Determine the podcast length. You need to respect your audience’s time and set a reasonable episode length that is consistent throughout the series. Twenty minutes is generally the ideal episode length for a podcast, as most people listen to podcasts while commuting to and from work.

Why do people start podcasts?

There are so many reasons for starting a podcast! Some of those reasons are to grow your business, connect with people in your niche, create a relationship with your audience, and self-fulfillment. As of January 2020, there are over 1 million podcasts available, with over 30 million podcast episodes to listen to.

What is a podcast host?

The podcast host is the intermediary between your podcast and your audience. After providing the description and posting the relevant artwork, the podcast is published on the hosting service. You will receive your podcast’s RSS feed link from the host.

Why do podcasts need to be pre-planned?

Every podcast must be pre-planned with a tailored approach to make sure that the quality remains consistent throughout the entire show.

How to make your podcast visible?

To make your podcast visible in the digital space, you need to sign up with a hosting company. These are platforms that store your files and provide access to your listeners so that they can download and subscribe to your podcast.

What is a personal trainer's podcast called?

For example, a personal trainer’s podcast could be called ‘The Fitness Podcast, ’ which perfectly highlights the niche of the podcast. But you must avoid using long names because you will be saying the name quite often in your podcast.

What are the different types of podcasts?

The structure of your podcast is critical. Here are a few podcast formats to choose from: 1 Interview style – This is the most popular format these days as each episode introduces the listener to exciting and inspirational people from a specific niche. The format is generally unscripted and free-flowing and requires minimum editing. 2 News and current events show – This format focuses on sports, politics, technology, or any other hot topic that lets you provide non-stop fresh content to your listeners. 3 Multi-host show – A podcast with more than two people creates intrigue and can be highly entertaining with a conversational tone. There will be less pressure on you since the responsibility of presenting great content to your audience is divided among all hosts. 4 Solo style – In these podcasts, you can tell a story in each episode that is relevant to the topic of your podcast. It could be in any tone as long as the content is educational or motivational. By occasionally inviting a guest on the show, you can entice the audience and engage them in your podcast.

What do I need to start a podcast?

So, here are the 9 things needed for a podcast: To make your life easier, I’m listing both equipment and Softwares you need to start with. 1. Microphone. This is obvious but let me explain it in detail. A podcast is an audio-focused space. So the microphone is something you don’t want to compromise with.

What equipment do I need to make a podcast?

The 2 basic things needed for podcasting are a computer/laptop and a microphone. Obviously!

What is the best mic for a beginner?

To begin with, you can go with USB Mics which will be really easy to connect with your Computer or a laptop. Here are the 2 best beginner mics out there: Audio-Technica ATR2100x-USB. Blue Yeti. If you have more budget, you can go with XLR Microphones.

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