Podcast FAQ

what makes a podcast different from a youtuber

by Florine Schulist Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Power of Podcast and YouTube
That's the power of YouTube because it hosts all kinds of videos irrespective of the genre. Podcast, on the other hand, is an audio or video recording often focused on a specific theme or topic which users can download and listen to on their mobile devices.

Full Answer

What is the difference between podcasts and YouTube?

Another differentiation from YouTube Jonathan pointed out is that podcasts are story-driven. They’re not typically found through search and discovery like YouTube videos. When starting out you also have to rely on word of mouth.

How to make a podcast on YouTube?

On YouTube, people have to sit down and be in a situation where they have access to their screen. Podcasters can always convert their audio to video using an app like Headliner and add their podcast to YouTube. On the other hand, creating a podcast from your YouTube channel would be difficult if you rely on visuals.

Why do people listen to podcasts on YouTube?

People listen to podcasts in many different situations, such as cooking, commuting, or walking their dog. On YouTube, people have to sit down and be in a situation where they have access to their screen. Podcasters can always convert their audio to video using an app like Headliner and add their podcast to YouTube.

Can I distribute my podcast on YouTube?

This is different from creating videos because YouTube is the dominant video sharing service. If you are looking to scale your audience, having a multiple platform distribution strategy is always better then being aligned with one option. Below are some of the most popular podcast directories that you can distribute to through BuzzSprout:


Is it better to do a podcast or YouTube?

Video Content on YouTube is Much More Engaging Than a Podcast: Although podcasting has been a game-changing method of disseminating information, a video on YouTube is far more engaging. This is why many individuals prefer to watch videos on other platforms on YouTube rather than searching for videos on other platforms.

What makes podcasting different?

New forms of media, like podcasts, tend to have an edge over traditional media because they're tailored to meet specific needs for the modern age. For instance, podcasts can be downloaded and listened to wherever, even in an area with no internet access.

What is the benefit of podcasts over YouTube videos?

You can get your audience's attention on the go. A great benefit of having a podcast is that your listeners can download and listen to it at a time that is convenient for them. This may be while they're driving, grocery shopping, walking their dog, or anywhere else they are looking to pass the time.

Why are YouTubers making podcasts?

In both instances, YouTubers can benefit from sharing their podcast content on YouTube. Those are some of the fundamental reasons why it makes so much sense for YouTubers to try podcasting. Many YouTubers are also turning to podcasts because of the opportunity it presents to connect with their audience.

What are the 3 types of podcasts?

Panel. Nonfiction narrative story-telling. Fictional story-telling. Hybrid.

What makes a good podcast?

To create the most engaging podcast, your topic should be something that you are knowledgeable and passionate about. The creator and host of the podcast, “With Special Guest Lauren Lapkus” came up with the idea for her completely improvised podcast with guests because she is an avid improviser.

What is the difference between a podcast and a video?

Overnight, the video goes viral. That's the power of YouTube because it hosts all kinds of videos irrespective of the genre. Podcast, on the other hand, is an audio or video recording often focused on a specific theme or topic which users can download and listen to on their mobile devices.

Can you make more money on YouTube or podcast?

If you are not great at on-camera, then you may find that podcasts work better for you. However, if you are better on-screen, or your content is better when visualized, then YouTube may work for you. On the flipside, both can make a substantial amount of money, but neither will be an automatic income source.

Are podcasts better than video?

Audio recording is much easier and less stressful for the person being recorded. As a result, they loosen up a bit. They get a bit more expressive in the way they talk. The result is a more enjoyable, more effective experience for all concerned.

How much do YouTubers make from podcast?

Rates range from $18 to $50 CPM, though hugely popular podcasts can pull in a lot more. You can price your ads differently depending on where you place them within your episode. Pre-roll ads run at the beginning of the show, usually for about 15-30 seconds.

Why does everyone start a podcast?

Podcasts enable users to choose their favourite topics, download the episode and manipulate the listening pace (19% of listeners increase the podcast speed). They allow listeners to consume bite-sized information on their favourite music streaming apps while they're doing something else.

Do podcasts work on YouTube?

How To Start A Podcast On YouTube. Unfortunately, you can't upload MP3s to YouTube directly. The video site requires video files, so you'll need to convert your audio files to MP4s. This also means you need some kind of video element in order upload a podcast to YouTube.

What is the difference between podcast and YouTube video?

What are 3 main differences between podcast and vodcast? - Quora

What is the difference between YouTube and podcast?

Summary: Difference Between Podcast and Youtube is that Podcasting is another popular method of distributing audio. A podcast is recorded audio, usually an MP3 file, stored on a Web site that can be downloaded to a computer or a portable media player such as an iPod. While In 2005 YouTube, an online community for video sharing, is founded.

How to broadcast yourself on YouTube?

Log into YouTube. Start a Web browser, type youtube.com in the Address bar, and then press the enter key to display the YouTube – Broadcast Yourself Web page. Click the Sign In link. Type your user name and password, and then click the Sign In button.

How to upload a video to a website?

Upload the Video. Click a Upload button to display the Video File Upload Web page. Click the Upload Video button to display the ‘Select file to upload’ dialog box. Locate the video on your computer that you wish to upload and then click the Open button. If necessary, change the title of the video to one you prefer.

What is the best way to distribute audio?

Podcasting is another popular method of distributing audio. A podcast is recorded audio, usually an MP3 file, stored on a Web site that can be downloaded to a computer or a portable media player such as an iPod. Examples of podcasts include music, radio shows, news stories, classroom lectures, political messages, and television commentaries. Podcasters register their podcasts with content aggregators. Subscribers select podcast feeds they want to be downloaded automatically whenever they connect. Most smart phone users who subscribe to a wireless Internet service provider can listen to streaming audio and podcasts.

How to make YouTube videos private?

If you want to make the video private, click the ‘Private (Viewable by you and up to 25 people)’ option button. Click the Save Changes button. YouTube will save your changes once the video is finished uploading.

How to transfer video from a camera to a computer?

Transferring a Video from a Digital Video Camera to a Computer. Connect the digital video camera to a computer using the provided USB or FireWire cable. If the camera does not have a cable and stores the digital video on a memory card, remove the memory card from the camera and then insert it into the computer.

When was YouTube founded?

In 2005 YouTube, an online community for video sharing, is founded. YouTube includes content such as home videos, movie previews, and clips from television shows. In November 2006, Google acquires YouTube, but it was founded by Jawed Karim, Steve Chen and Chad Hurley on February 15 2005. YouTube Sometimes called as YT.

Why are podcasts better than YouTube?

This is because making a quality audio recording is a whole lot easier than creating a professional-quality video. There’s a lot that goes into creating and editing good-quality videos and there’s so much that could go wrong, like a poor script or poor production which might affect your content. Podcasts are theme-specific recordings which do not require fancy editing or professional-level shots; a simple audio recording will deliver your message just fine.

What is a podcast?

A podcast is an audio or video recording often focused on a specific theme or topic, like anything you can possibly think of. It’s a digital media file typically available as series which a user can download and listen to or watch on their mobile devices such as iPods, smartphones, tablets and computers.

Why is podcasting so popular?

– One of the main features that make podcasting so popular is its accessibility. Anyone with a good-quality headphone and a laptop (and a sound-proof box) can make his/her own podcast and share it with the world. There are not a lot of stuff which you can use while at home, with podcasting because podcasting requires easy-to-carry equipment. When it comes to YouTube, you’ll require a handful of equipment including a DSLR, sound and video recording equipment, and a lot of other stuff, if you want to go all professional. Like YouTube videos, podcasts don’t require a script.

What is YouTube video?

YouTube is a Google-owned video-sharing website and one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. If you enjoy uploading and sharing your most favorite videos with others, then chances are you’re an active member of the YouTube community.

Why is YouTube so popular?

The main reason why YouTube is so popular is because of so many things you can do on the website. If you’re looking for non-stop entertainment, there are like countless number of videos on YouTube, many of which you are sure to love.

What is the power of YouTube?

– YouTube is a video-sharing community and one of the dominant social media platforms in the world that makes it easy for almost anyone to share and upload videos. Overnight, the video goes viral. That’s the power of YouTube because it hosts all kinds of videos irrespective of the genre.

What is podcasting on mobile?

Podcast, on the other hand, is an audio or video recording often focused on a specific theme or topic which users can download and listen to on their mobile devices. The main power of podcasts is audio.

How much does a podcast make?

On average you can earn about $25 per 1,000 listens for a mid-roll advertisement and $18 per 1,000 for a pre-roll advertisement.

How to be a podcaster?

With podcasting the following skills are required: 1 Interviewing guests and asking good questions 2 Knowing how to get the best sound out of a microphone 3 Editing your audio with software like Garageband 4 Marketing the show and episodes. Getting good guests

How long do podcast listeners stay?

According to my own podcasting statistics, listeners on average are staying around for the majority of a show, which is about 45 – 60 minutes long. That’s a very long attention span compared to YouTube.

Is YouTube a search engine?

SEO vs. Novelty. YouTube is a search engine. Every minute of every day, people are typing keywords into the YouTube search engine in order to discover content. Those searches could look like: “Funny cat videos” or “flirting with a hot chick.: However, they could also be more serious terms like:

When starting a YouTube channel, do you have to be careful?

When it comes to starting a Youtube channel, you still have to be careful about the types of videos that you are doing and what titles you are giving them.

Can podcasts coexist?

But at the end of the day, both platforms can co-exist with one another because they both serve a pretty similar purpose and that is to drive traffic to what you offer.

What is the difference between YouTube and podcast?

Podcast is an audio content which meant for audio only audience; whereas YouTube is a media (especially video) hosting platform. You simply cannot compare the two. However, on a positive note, if you have a genuine confusion regarding the two, just read along.

What is a YouTuber podcast?

A YouTuber creates videos based on topics of all kinds; Gaming, Reacting, Acting, Music & whatever else. A podcast, is essentially an online talk-show. Where presenters have guests and talk about a range of topics. Podcasts are usually audio only, but now more podcast’s live stream them via YouTube.

What is the difference between a podcast and an RSS feed?

The biggest major difference, besides being audio only, is that “true” podcasts have RSS feeds that allow them to be syndicated on services such as iTunes or gpodder.net. An RSS feed is a list that you can subscribe to using iTunes or a dedicated podcast app (if you’re on android I personally recommend AntennaPod).

Why are there no podcasts on YouTube?

That’s because podcasting is a distribution method not a content type. There are no podcasts on youtube for the same reason that there are no movies on the radio and there are no books on TV.

Why are YouTube videos so short?

YouTube videos are usually better to be short, like under 10 minutes because of shorter attention spans. But podcasts can be hours long and people will listen across sessions. Some YouTubers have to put pointless video on the screen for their dialog (like a lot of gamers do), and that can actually become distracting.

How many MB is an hour long YouTube video?

But an hour-long video from YouTube could be hundreds of MB or even a GB or more. Watching videos from YouTube (a kind of streaming) requires you to have a constant data connection. But a podcast can be downloaded over wifi automatically in the background before you open your podcast app. Related Answer.

How much does podcasting make?

On average you can earn about $25 per 1,000 listens for a mid-roll advertisement and $18 per 1,000 for a pre-roll advertisement. You can easily see how shows with a large number of downloads can rake in lots of advertising dollars.

Why is keyword research not important for podcasts?

This is because podcasts are mostly story-driven. Most new listeners are not finding shows via an algorithm. It’s also just not as competitive.

How long does Marko take to edit a video?

This has enabled him to cut a lot of time in the editing process. Marko said he can take a video from the idea to the finished product in 3-4 hours.

Is there less editing needed to make a podcast?

Podcast Content Production. It’s no secret that there is less editing needed to get a podcast ready than you’ll need for a highly-polished YouTube video. But this is largely dependent on what type of content you’re producing, especially on the YouTube side.


YouTube CPM vs. Podcast CPM

Without a doubt, Podcasting has a higher CPM than YouTube. On average you can earn about $25 per 1,000 listens for a mid-roll advertisement and $18 per 1,000for a pre-roll advertisement. This mean you’d be making about $43 per episode if you were getting 1,000 downloads per episode. This is for just one sponsor. You can …
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SEO vs. Novelty

  • YouTube is a search engine. Every minute of every day, people are typing keywords into the YouTube search engine in order to discover content. Those searches could look like: “Funny cat videos” or “flirting with a hot chick.: However, they could also be more serious terms like: “How to grow a business” or “Best microphones for YouTube” No matter what niche you start your busin…
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Attention Span and Consumption Habits

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Equipment and Skills Required

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Who Do You Want to Be in 10 years?

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