Podcast FAQ

what should my podcast be about

by Bailey Hessel Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

24 Podcast topic ideas to start with today
  • Speak about some cool countries or cities.
  • Tell biographical facts about famous people.
  • Do book or film reviews.
  • Make a coaching podcast and teach your audience something.
  • Start series of interviews with intriguing guests.
  • Tell about your daily chores.
Dec 26, 2021

What should I start a podcast about?

Your favorite topic The first podcast idea is also the most obvious. A podcast about something you find enjoyable. This could be your favorite book series, movie genre, professional industry, or music scene. Avoid topics you don't find interesting even if you think they would do well.

What should I talk about in my podcast?

Get your ideas flowing with these 101 topics to talk about on a podcast.Learning a new skill. ... Events/groups. ... Book reviews and summaries. ... Book recommendations. ... Sports. ... People who know nothing about sports. ... Location-based. ... Time-based.More items...•

What are podcast ideas?

100 Podcast Topic IdeasPodcast about specific places or people. ... Critique books or movies. ... Talk about podcasting. ... Time-specific podcasts. ... Board public buses and interview the drivers. ... Talk about a new skill or hobby that you are learning. ... A visual description of different locations. ... Tell different stories about your sponsors.More items...•

What should be the content of a podcast?

The most engaging podcast content helps readers explore further and gives them ways to learn more. For each episode, think about relevant resources you can direct listeners to later. Examples include relevant articles, YouTube videos, or books that dive deeper into the topic.

What should my first podcast say?

How to structure your intro episodeAddress your audience, welcome them to the show.Introduce yourself as the host of the show. Include your name. ... Mention what inspired you to start your podcast. ... Talk about the release schedule. ... Explain the podcast's structure. ... Say goodbye and share where people can find more:

Do podcasters make money?

Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn.

What makes a podcast successful?

A podcast with focus is going to be much easier for potential listeners to understand. You might think a wide appeal will get a wider audience but more often a narrow appeal means there's less likelihood others are doing the same thing. And the listeners you get will be very excited to find you.

How do I choose a podcast theme?

How to Choose an Idea for a Podcast in 10 Steps?Think About the Goal of Your Podcast.Be Aware of What Interests You When Choosing a Topic.Consider Future Monetization Strategies for Your Podcast.What User Problem Will Your Podcast Solve?Select a Niche and a Format for Your Podcast.Verify the Popularity of Your Niche.More items...•

How do I make a podcast topic?

So, what's your podcast going to be about?Identify your passions.Identify your expertise.Find where your passion and expertise intersect.Pick your top three podcast ideas and come up with content.Write a pros and cons list.Come up with your elevator pitch.Sit on your podcast idea so you know it's the right one.

What makes a bad podcast?

Bad audio quality. Too many ad reads or annoying/irrelevant ad reads. Lack of preparation or planning.

What are 3 reasons podcasts are so popular?

Why are podcasts so popular now?Podcasts allow for multitasking.Listening to a podcast is an easy way to catch up on the latest news and events.Podcast are entertaining.Podcast adaptations will grow in numbers.Smart speakers will push the boundaries of podcasting.More items...•

How do I make my podcast viral?

In SummaryBecome an early mover in a niche.Release frequent content.Use all distribution networks.Create a separate website that captures leads and makes the podcasts available.Grow your mailing lists.Interview guests and send them links to their episodes.Send guests links to their episodes.More items...

How do you introduce a topic in a podcast?

How to Start a Podcast: What Goes Into A Podcast Intro?Podcast name – Drop your show's name so people know what they're listening to.Episode title – Just like an article, your title should go at the beginning.More items...•

How do you introduce yourself in a podcast?

Here are five possibilities on how to introduce yourself on a podcast or panelist interview.Start with how long you have been doing something. ... Begin with your current title and area of expertise. ... Begin with prestige. ... Go for approachable or understated. ... Focus on the thing you're selling.

What do you say at the end of a podcast?

Thank your listeners 🤝 By sincerely thanking them for their engagement and active listening, you show that you value them and at the same time you make them feel like they are part of your community. > Example thank-you wording: “If you're hearing this message, you've listened to our new episode all the way to the end.

Should we be talking about this podcast?

Should We Be Talking About This? is a podcast talking about things we know nothing about such as true crime, conspiracies, and interesting stories.

Why do I keep podcasting?

(This is the truth for most people when they first start.) You keep going to your job because it pays the bills, but you go to your hobbies because you enjoy them.

Who are the characters in the podcast?

For this discussion, let's make up four characters who are each struggling with what their podcast should be. Alex is a businessman and fiction-writer. Betsy is a stay-at-home mom with two kids. Charles is an employee at a dead-end job. Donna is high-school student.

What is the audacity to podcast?

Having the audacity to podcast™ is more about your boldness than your actual skill. You should still have great content, the ability to present that content well, and the knowledge to produce it effectively. But you don't have to start as an expert in your field.

What is Alex passionate about?

Alex is most passionate about his book and the world of its genre. Betsy loves to brag about how she got the “you saved” amount so high on her receipts and she loves to tell stories. Charles enjoys video games, action movies, and collecting memorabilia for these interests; and he utterly hates his job.

Key takeaways: your first podcast episode

Today’s episode is a little bit unique because it’s the very first one, and I thought I’d use this opportunity to address a hot question I get asked regularly, which is, “What should I talk about in my first podcast episode?”


NOTE: This podcast was transcribed by a free AI transcription tool called Otter. Please forgive any typos or errors. Melissa Guller 0:00 What makes a great first episode? Should it be exactly like the rest of your show or should it be something unique that you create to set the tone for your brand new podcast.

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Why is podcast loud?

Really, the single most important factor in podcast loudness, is that the volume levels should be consistent throughout your episode. Your listener should never have to adjust the volume because some parts are quiet, whilst other parts are so loud that they blow out their eardrums.

Why do radio stations compress their audio?

Radio stations, too, often compress their audio to such a degree that their message and the music can be heard while driving, working and above other environmental distractions.

What is true peak?

In terms of listening, since a signal must be converted from digital to analog in order to be heard, true peak is typically the metric used when discussing dynamic range and loudness.

Is loudness good for podcasts?

Conclusions. Effective use of loudness can be a huge boon to your podcast in terms of overall audio intelligibility to your listening audience. Podcast audiences tend to be a community or people on-the-go, and loudness, carefully used, can compensate for the busy, high-traffic, high noise environments where podcast listeners tend to dwell. ...

Is podcasting loud?

Podcasting however, is much less regulated, and no standards really exist yet for loudness levels in podcasts. The folks at the Audio Engineering Society have provided us with some recommendations in a technical document titled Recommendation for Loudness of Audio Streaming and Network File Playback.

How many kbps is iTunes?

To give you a bit of context, iTunes (the music side) delivers its audio files at 256 kilobits per second, or kbps. The perfectionists at Apple have obviously decided that rate is the lowest they can go while still delivering great audio quality for any type of music.

Do you have to download podcasts in advance?

As 4G and 5G becomes more common, there’s less requirement to download in advance. Therefore, your listeners might care about the size of the file as they could be paying for it via their mobile plan.

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