Podcast FAQ

what to talk about in a podcast

by Sebastian Abbott DDS Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

25 Original Podcast Topics You Should Try

  1. Your favorite topic. The first podcast idea is also the most obvious. A podcast about something you find enjoyable.
  2. Your trial and errors. If you’re someone who loves to try new things and push yourself out of your comfort zone, why...
  3. Small town news. There are countless community newspapers around the US that are chock...

Get your ideas flowing with these 101 topics to talk about on a podcast.
  • Learning a new skill. ...
  • Events/groups. ...
  • Book reviews and summaries. ...
  • Book recommendations. ...
  • Sports. ...
  • People who know nothing about sports. ...
  • Location-based. ...
  • Time-based.
May 18, 2022

Full Answer

What to say at the beginning of a podcast?

What Should I Include in my Podcast Intro?

  • Your name. Doesn't need to be your full name, could even be a nickname. ...
  • What is the podcast called? You might assume they already know this, but they might be working through a huge playlist of new podcasts they're trying out.
  • Who is the podcast for? ...
  • What is the overall theme of the podcast? ...

What podcast should you listen to?

Podcasts have revolutionised the world of listening ... and hopes that her platform is a source of that. Definitely give it a listen if you want someone you can laugh and cry with as she talks in your ear. Read also: They Chose To Give Life A Second ...

How to go about starting a podcast?

  • Choose a topic you’re passionate about and you’ll stick to
  • Research your target audience to come up with a plan for your show
  • Decide on your podcast title, description, and artwork
  • Buy and setup your equipment
  • Prepare for recording your first episode
  • Record your first episode
  • Edit and publish the episode
  • Launch and promote your podcast to the world!

How to sound good on a podcast?

  • Audio files should transmit from both output speakers clearly.
  • Microphone recordings should not sound muffled and have a decent amount of volume.
  • Audio file should not include any distortive sounds like signal interference, clipping, crackling, wind noise, or that somewhat rubbing sound that happens when a person handles a live microphone.

More items...


What are some good podcast topics?

According to Statista's 2021 reports, the top 5 podcast topics include comedy, news, true crime, sport, and health/fitness.

What should I talk about on my first podcast?

How to structure your intro episodeAddress your audience, welcome them to the show.Introduce yourself as the host of the show. Include your name. ... Mention what inspired you to start your podcast. ... Talk about the release schedule. ... Explain the podcast's structure. ... Say goodbye and share where people can find more:

How do you find topics to talk about on a podcast?

Here are nine tips on how to pick podcast topics both you and your audience will love.See What's Trending. ... Join Groups on Social Media. ... Listen to Your Audience. ... Watch the News. ... Talk About Personal Experiences. ... Bring in Captivating Guests. ... Revisit Old Topics. ... Expand on Previous Topics.More items...•

What should I say on my podcast?

The easiest intro to script follows this basic setup: “Welcome to [podcast name], the show that [brief podcast pitch or tagline]. I'm [host name] and today we're talking about [episode topic] with [guest name]. We also have a surprise guest for you at the end of the show, so make sure you listen all the way through.”

How long should a podcast last?

If you know your listeners are listening in during their commute, keep your podcast to between 20 and 30 minutes. If your listeners do their housework while they listen, 15 to 60 minutes will keep them entertained.

How long is a good podcast?

If you launch podcast episodes on a daily basis, aim for about 10-15 minutes in length. If your podcast episodes come out weekly, try to hit somewhere between 15-60 minutes. And if you opt for a monthly schedule, you could do up to 90 minute episodes.

What makes a podcast successful?

Keep the topic simple. A podcast with focus is going to be much easier for potential listeners to understand. You might think a wide appeal will get a wider audience but more often a narrow appeal means there's less likelihood others are doing the same thing. And the listeners you get will be very excited to find you.

What is podcast example?

A radio program distributed exclusively over the Internet and listened to on people's iPods is an example of a podcast. (iPOD broadCAST) An audio broadcast for playback in the computer or mobile device.

How do I introduce my first podcast?

Podcast Intros: 10 Tips to Get Your Listeners HookedIntroduce Your Podcast.Start With a Question. ... Set the Tone for Your Podcast. ... Choose the Right Music. ... Create a Tagline. ... Write Your Intro Beforehand. ... Mention a Website or Call to Action. ... Include Disclaimers When Needed. ... More items...•

Should I script my podcast?

When you're new to podcasting it's natural to want to script everything because having words on paper can feel like a warm security blanket. But reading from a script on your podcast immediately distances you from your audience. Why? Because you're more focused on the page than you are on them.

101 Podcast Topic Ideas

Starting your process to think up podcast ideas can feel intimidating, but don’t worry; you have a lot of options. Get your ideas flowing with these 101 topics to talk about on a podcast.

How to Find Topics for a Podcast

Ultimately, your content ideas won't get far without a solid understanding of your target audience and what they want to hear. And how well your ideas land once you choose them is heavily dependent on getting this step right.

Keep the Podcast Episode Ideas Coming

Now you have a ton of podcast ideas to get you started and the steps you need to keep the good ideas flowing.

What is a podcast about your neighbors?

A podcast where you talk about your experiences with your neighbors. You could include events you’ve attended with them and how the neighborhood has changed in your time living there.

What is a preparation podcast?

A preparation podcast. A preparation podcast describing how you or people, in general, prepare for any type of event. It could be preparing for dinner, a big business meeting, an event, a birthday, or any of your daily activities. 12. A point of view podcast.

What is a podcast show?

Podcast for specific places or people. This could be a podcast show designed for specific places like the gym, the salon, or an eatery. You can also make a podcast for particular groups like parents or teachers to talk about their challenges. 2. Talk about books and movies as a critic.

Why do people start podcasts?

Podcasting is not about what you like but what your audience likes. The reason you want to start a podcast is to get people to listen to you, either by solving their problems, helping them overcome a challenge, appealing to one of their passions or improving their knowledge and skill base.

How to talk about movies and books?

You can add a twist by talking about movies and books before watching and reading them, talk about your expectations. 3. Talk about podcasting.

What is an AMA on Reddit?

You could host a Reddit style AMA (Ask Me Anything) where people message you with specific questions. It could be a call-in podcast or one where they ask questions on social media .

Why do people rarely go outside?

Some people rarely go outside. It could be due to their job, a disability, or a variety of circumstances that leave them unable to experience the outside world. You could make a podcast about everything happening outside and target these people as your audience.

How to make a podcast?

1. Behind the scenes of an industry. Try making a podcast that explores the unknown side of something you’re familiar with, whether it’s the movie industry (or even the making of a particular TV show), the publishing industry, or the goings-on at a particular Silicon Valley startup. 2. Take your listeners on a journey.

What to do when you're a budding standup comedian?

People love to laugh! If you’re a budding standup, put your comedy chops to use with a new podcast. Invite different guests to try your jokes on, or discuss current events with a comedic twist.

What is Ringer's Binge Mode?

For example, the Ringer’s Binge Mode is beloved by fans for being an intensely-researched and deep exploration of the creators’ favorite franchises and book series, from Game of Thrones to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Who is the host of the Rideshare Guy podcast?

Create a podcast specifically designed to entertain Uber drivers. Take a leaf out of The Rideshare Guy Podcast host Harry Campbell ’s book and interview delivery drivers and ask them for their best industry tips.

How to make a podcast on iTunes?

1. Go To iTunes Apple Podcast and search for a podcast topic idea you have. 2. If there are no other podcasts on the podcast topic you’re interested in, it’s not a good topic. 3. Make sure there isn’t too much competition for your podcast topic idea.

What is a podcast?

A podcast is a way to build a loyal audience and lead that audience to something you have to offer. For example, we have a relationship podcast Lasting Love Connection. We started that podcast because we love talking to relationship experts. However, The Lasting Love Connection podcast is not just something we love doing.

What to do if you are a poker player?

If you’re a poker player for fun, and you have a business as a health coach, then start a show that uses gambling metaphors for how to live a healthy lifestyle. If you’re a dancer, and you have a business about teaching graphic design – Start a show about how to dance your way to discover your brand.

What is podcasting on a phone?

Simply put: a podcast is an audio programme, just like Talk Radio, but you subscribe to it on your smartphone and listen to it whenever you like. How do they work and how do you listen to them, though?

What is a podcast?

In a little more detail, a podcast is a series of spoken word, audio episodes, all focused on a particular topic or theme, like cycling or startups. You can subscribe to the show with an app on your phone and listen to episodes whenever you like on your headphones, in the car or through speakers. Or some shortcuts, if you know what you're looking ...

What is a podcast episode?

A podcast is a series of episodes, and refers to the programme as a whole. Then, a podcast episode is just one recording from that entire Podcast. It's just like TV, really. A TV show is made up of a whole series of episodes. So, think of ‘Friends’ as the series and ‘The One where they Got Married’ as the episode.

What is podcasting background content?

That means something that can entertain you, educate you or inspire you in the background of other boring or rote activities. For example, one of the most common ways people listen is in the car.

Is a podcast the same as an audio file?

The most simple explanation is that an audio file and a podcast episode are technically the same . If you've downloaded a Podcast episode from a Podcast site, you've already discovered the fact that you're just downloading an audio file. The difference comes when you add the option to subscribe to that series of audio files.

Does Spotify keep track of podcasts?

So, when you use Apple Podcasts (an app built into every iPhone), Google Podcasts (built into Android Phones), Spotify, or any other good podcast listening app, it'll keep track of all of your subscriptions via each Podcasts' RSS feed, and it'll automatically download new episodes as they're available.

How to make a podcast on Apple?

Step 2: Log in to Apple Podcasts Connect. Using your Apple ID, log in at podcastsconnect.apple.com.

How often do podcasts post?

Forty percent of the Top 25 podcasts with a regular posting schedule publish once per week. The next most common frequency is twice per week. Of the Top 25, only three podcasts did not have a discernible schedule to their posting. It seems that some publishing rhythm is preferred over no rhythm.

What is audio used for?

Audio is being used in clever ways to fit into the content plans of some of the top forward-thinking websites and blogs. Tim Ferris—author of The Four-Hour Work Week — started a very popular podcast from his blog. Copyblogger runs their Lede podcast amid their traditional awesome marketing posts.

How long does it take to get approved for a podcast?

Apple will give you a confirmation message, letting you know that there may be a review process for your podcast. This is typically within 24 to 48 hours but can take up to five days. You will receive an email letting you know if you’re approved. Three to five days after that, people can begin searching and finding your podcast in the Apple Podcasts app.

How to sync podcast with blog?

Embedding audio is perhaps the best way to sync your podcast with your blog content. Many top blogs use their podcast as an additional blog post, adding the audio directly into the body of the post and providing either a full transcript of the podcast or a list of topics and resources covered in the podcast.

How many hosts should I have on a podcast?

I listen to a lot of podcasts and the most typical format is 2 or 3 hosts and sometimes one guest.

Is podcasting more crowded than blogging?

Michael Wolf, chief analyst of NextMarket Insights (and a notable podcaster), sees podcasting as a less crowded content channel than blogging. It has deeper engagement, as listeners tend to stay tuned in longer than with blog content.

How many people listen to podcasts a week?

Podcasting requires a lot of effort. According to Edison Research and Triton Digital, every week are 62 million Americans who listen to podcasts. This number will shortly surpass 70 million listeners.

What is a podcast listener?

Podcasts listeners are an attractive segment for sellers of goods and services. Podcasts listeners tend to be a loyal audience, unlike people who are scrolling down Facebook feed. If you make a sales pitch to your listeners on our podcast, they are likely to trust you.

How to do a podcast?

You need to plan the value and effort podcasting will require of you. Do primary research and know about the preferences or concerns of your target audience. Talk to your business team or people that know your niche. You will be able to come up with podcast topic ideas that people will take an interest in. 2.

Why is it important to pick a topic for a podcast?

Selecting a topic for a podcast is very important. A good idea for a podcast will be attractive for your audience but also will be interesting for you and allow you to work on your show with passion and enthusiasm.

How much does a podcast commercial cost?

They are selling commercials at the rate of $25 to $50 for every thousand downloads. Podcasts’ ad revenue is estimated to be $679 million in 2019 and is expected to rise to $863 million in 2020 and over $1 billion by 2021, according to the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) and PWC.

Why do you want to make a podcast?

You need to be clear on why you want to make a Podcast. A Podcast might be a platform to express your creativity or support a cause. It can also be a medium to generate business leads.

When people bring home a puppy, do they need to train it?

When people bring home a puppy, they need to train it. They need to train their dogs for discipline and obedience. If you are passionate about dogs and you can create a relevant podcast about training a dog, and dog lovers will take note of you.

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