Podcast FAQ

when did podcast become popular

by Chadd Ebert Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

On October 1, 2004, there were 2,750 hits on Google's search engine for the word "podcasts". This number continued to double every few days. By October 11, 2004, capturing the early distribution and variety of podcasts was more difficult than counting Google hits.

What to do when your podcast Make Money?

How Do Podcasts Make Money?: 10 Ways to Monetize

  1. Offer Courses. Offering educational courses or something to do with your passion and hobby is one of the best and topmost ways to make money from podcasts.
  2. Provide Services. Providing various services is also possible through podcasts. ...
  3. Sponsors and Advertising. ...
  4. Consulting. ...
  5. Crowdfunding. ...
  6. Premium Content. ...
  7. Events. ...
  8. Merchandise. ...
  9. Books. ...
  10. Public Speaking. ...

Why are podcasts so popular?

  • What Is a Podcast?
  • Podcast Types
  • History Of Podcasts
  • Why Are Podcasts Becoming So Popular?
  • Podcasts Allow Multitasking & Podcasting For Everyone
  • They Are Easy To Access
  • They Build Intimacy
  • Podcasts Are Time Savers
  • Provide An Instant Community
  • Easy To Monetizing A Podcast

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Which of the best podcasts should you listen to?

So, once again, if tactical nuances, xG and PPDA are what you live for, this podcast is essential listening. 7) Greatest Game Podcast with Jamie Carragher One of Britain’s best-loved pundits, Jamie Carragher, has made the transition from player to ...

What is the most downloaded podcast ever?

The Top 10 Most Popular Podcasts:

  1. THE JOE ROGAN EXPERIENCE Hosted by Joe Rogan
  2. TED TALKS DAILY Hosted by Elise Hu
  3. THE DAILY Hosted by Michael Barbaro
  4. THE MICHELLE OBAMA PODCAST Hosted by Michelle Obama
  5. CALL HER DADDY Hosted by Alexandra Cooper
  6. CRIME JUNKIE Hosted by Ashley Flowers & Brit Prawat
  7. STUFF YOU SHOULD KNOW Hosted by Charles Bryant & Josh Clark

More items...


How did podcasts become so popular?

The first clue to the popularity of podcasts is that many of them (certainly the most popular ones) focus on storytelling. And we are innately connected to the power of a good story. The one genre of podcast that has been the most popular are the true crime series.

Who popularized podcasting?

Adam Curry and Dave Winer are credited with the invention of podcasting. Who exactly did what is up for dispute, but in the end these are the two guys who got it rolling. The term podcasting was mentioned by Ben Hammersley in The Guardian newspaper article.

When was a podcast invented?

February 2004"Podcast" is a portmanteau of "iPod" and "broadcast". The earliest use of "podcasting" was traced to The Guardian columnist and BBC journalist Ben Hammersley, who coined it in early February 2004 while writing an article for The Guardian newspaper.

What is the #1 podcast in the world?

Top podcastsPodcast Industry RankingTop 20 PodcastsRankPodcastPublisher1The DailyThe New York Times2MorbidWondery20 more rows

What does podcast stand for?

Definition. PODCAST. Personal on Demand Broadcast. Copyright 1988-2018 AcronymFinder.com, All rights reserved.

When did Joe Rogan start his podcast?

December 24, 2009The Joe Rogan Experience is a podcast hosted by American comedian, presenter, and UFC color commentator Joe Rogan. It launched on December 24, 2009, on YouTube by Rogan and comedian Brian Redban, who was its co-host and producer until 2013 when he was replaced by Jamie Vernon.

Who has the longest running podcast?

8. The Tech Guy/This Week in Tech. The Tech Guy is often noted as the longest-running podcast. In fact, Leo Laporte now hosts several shows, including This Week in Tech (which won the first-ever People's Choice award for podcasts).

How do podcasts make money?

Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn.

Who invented podcasting?

Adam Curry and Dave Winer are credited with the invention of podcasting. Who exactly did what is up for dispute, but in the end these are the two guys who got it rolling.

How much audio is consumed on podcasts?

Edison Research reports Americans who have “heard of” podcasting is 43% and 25% have consumed “downloadable media.” 32% of audio is consumed on portable media. ESPN Fantasy Focus Football wins People’s Choice Award at the Podcast Award. After his terrestrial radio show is cancelled Marc Maron launches the WTF podcast.

Who created the podshow?

Podshow is created by Adam Curry and Ron Bloom. The phrase “Quit your day job” is batted around. Some producers are able to quit their day job. Many are not.

What is the history of podcasts?

The history of podcasts unfolds along a timeline marked by technological breakthroughs and shifting consumption habits in the 21st century. At the onset of the new millennium, the term podcasting didn’t even exist. But with the arrival of various technologies—such as the affordability of home recording equipment and software, ...

When did Yahoo start podcasting?

Yahoo! unveiled a podcast search site in 2005, and the medium’s first six-figure deal took place: Mommycast, a podcast hosted by two Northern Virginia moms discussing topics like health and nutrition, signed with tableware brand Dixie Consumer Products.

How many percentage points did listenership grow between 2008 and 2010?

In Vulture, writer Nicholas Quah notes that “ listenership kept growing slightly through the latter half of the aughts — two percentage points between 2008 and 2010 — even as what little investment money there was dried up and some podcast creators began to pull back.”.

Why are podcasts associated with Apple?

For the next decade and beyond, podcasts would largely be associated with Apple, especially because iTunes and the Podcasts app (released in 2012) were the main destinations where most listeners could find, download, and subscribe to podcasts.

How many people have heard of podcasts?

After only five years into their existence, podcasts reached another milestone: Edison Research reported that 43% of Americans had heard of podcasting . In the years to come, it started to look like podcasts had reached something of a plateau.

What is serial podcast?

Well, in 2014, This American Life published a new show that you just may have heard of. Serial, an investigative journalism podcast, followed host Sarah Koenig as she reopened the case of a 1999 murder and built a rapport, over a series of telephone conversations, with the man who may or may not have been falsely imprisoned for it.

When did the iPod come out?

The first iPod debuted in 2001. A few years later, in 2004, former MTV VJ Adam Curry and software developer Dave Winer devised a plan that would enable them to download online radio broadcasts from the internet directly to Apple’s revolutionary device.

Who invented podcasting?

Most accounts suggest podcasting was invented by Dave Winer. Winer, a software developer helped create Really Simple Syndicating (popularly known as RSS), which he used to deliver his program, Morning Coffee Notes.

How long are podcasts?

Podcasts can be quite long — it’s hardly uncommon to find episodes running for close to or over one hour. They often have highly engaged audiences, who are deeply interested in a topic, and so are willing to listen for a long time. As a result, there’s time to work through stories, and to really probe at a deeper level.

How much has the podcast audience grown?

The podcast audience has consistently grown at a rate of 10 to 20% per year, a trend which seems likely to continue into at least the near future. Podcasts are amongst the most prominent cultural phenomenona in the United States, over the past decade or so.

What is a Freakonomics podcast?

Even podcasts which focus on more abstract topics, or applied knowledge, use storytelling to bring subjects to life. Freakonomics makes challenging concepts in applied economics a little easier to understand, by weaving together ideas, their practical implications, and the perspectives of those who pioneered innovations in the field.

Is podcasting a good companion?

And yes, podcasts are a great companion when commuting, whether you are driving down the 405, stuck on a 4 train in Manhattan, or are moving from Point A to Point B, anywhere else on the planet.

Is it better to have a shorter podcast or longer?

But longer is sometimes better, in that it allows for better development of a story.

Do podcast hosts have biases?

This isn’t to suggest that podcast hosts don’t have biases ( they are human, after all). It is possible for a podcast host to lie, or share only part of the truth. However, the chances of a podcast consistently lying, while continuing to build an audience, and garnering strong listener ratings, isn’t high.

Why are podcasts so popular?

One reason that podcasts are becoming more popular is their convenience. Users can listen to audio episodes while running, cooking, and cleaning, along with numerous other scenarios. As such, they offer an easy way to absorb information while doing something else.

How many people will listen to one podcast a month by 2022?

According to an article published in February 2021 by Forbes, 125 million people are expected to listen to one each month by 2022. If that happens, it will demonstrate 25% growth since 2020.

How much did Spotify increase in subscriber growth in 2020?

As reported by The Guardian, Spotify did credit its 24% subscriber growth and 29% rise in ad income during Q4 2020 largely to podcasts. In the final three months of that year, listening hours doubled on the platform.

Is Spotify a podcast?

Streaming services are picking up on the demand and adapting accordingly. Both Apple Music and Spotify have introduced new subscription-based podcast services, while Spotify has also made considerable changes to search capabilities on its desktop and mobile apps.

Where is Danny from podcasts?

Danny is a freelance technology writer based in Copenhagen, Denmark , having moved there from his native Britain in 2020.

Is podcasting a form of entertainment?

But podcasts aren’t only for learning. To many listeners, they are also a form of entertainment. This isn’t too different from radio programs, such as the BBC’s popular “The Archers”. Away from the shows themselves, podcasts also offer listeners access to a like-minded community.

Will Apple Podcasts be available in 2021?

As of May 2021, Apple Podcast Subscriptions customers can access premium content, listen ad-free, and more. Spotify has also launched a podcast subscription service.

Can I listen to a podcast?

According to me, you can listen to a podcast anytime and anywhere you want to just as you listen to music. But spending your few minutes of your time listening to something insightful, knowledgeable can help you grow your wisdom. Hence, people prefer at times tend to listen to a podcast ( and gain some insights) instead of listening to that one song that they have heard for 100 odd times.

Can you listen to podcasts while driving?

Nowadays, digital recordings are requested by most individuals. Prior there was a rage for youtube recordings and people didn't favor tuning in to webcasts. However, Listening to web recordings may help individuals in different manners like it will improve your listening aptitudes and furthermore it will shield you from eye strains. Podcasts can be heard while driving, jogging, or walking, and it additionally fills in as a stress buster.




In September 2000, the first system that enabled the selection, automatic downloading and storage of serial episodic audio content on PCs and portable devices was launched from early MP3 player manufacturer, i2Go. To supply content for its portable MP3 players, i2Go introduced a digital audio news and entertainment service called MyAudio2Go.com that enabled users to download episodic news, sports, entertainment, weather, and music in audio format for listenin…


The Illusion of Independent Radio is a Russian samizdat "radio program" created in 1989 in Rostov-on-Don and distributed on magnetic tape and cassettes. It was the first Soviet Russian prototype of the media phenomenon that was widely developed in the 2000s as podcasting.
Before the advent of the internet, in the 1980s, RCS (Radio Computing Services), …

Download records

Due to the fragmented delivery mechanisms and various other factors, it is difficult to externally nail down a precise listenership figure for any one podcast (although podcasters themselves can generally get fairly accurate data if they so please, which is especially useful for securing advertising contracts). As of December 2018, Serial was believed by some sources to be the most downloaded podcast of all time, with 420 million total downloads, surpassing Gervais's 300 milli…

Video podcasting

A video podcast or vodcast is a podcast that contains video content. Web television series are often distributed as video podcasts. Dead End Days, a serialized dark comedy about zombies released from October 31, 2003, through 2004, is commonly believed to be the first video podcast. Never Not Funny was a pioneer in providing video content in the form of a podcast. H3H3's H3 podcast and the Joe Rogan Experience are two examples of a litany of video podcasts, with ma…


Classes of MBA students have been commissioned to research podcasting and compare possible business models, and venture capital flowing to influential content providers.
As is often the case with new technologies, pornography has become a part of the scene, producing what is sometimes called podnography.
The growing popularity of podcasting introduced a demand for music available for use on the sh…

Coping with growth

While podcasting's innovators took advantage of the sound-file synchronization feature of Apple Inc.'s iPod and iTunes software—and included "pod" in the name—the technology was always compatible with other players and programs. Apple was not actively involved until mid-2005, when it joined the market on three fronts: as a source of "podcatcher" software, as publisher of a podcast directory, and as provider of tutorials on how to create podcasts with Apple products G…

See also

• List of podcast clients
• Uses of podcasting
• Enhanced podcast

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