Podcast FAQ

why do i need a podcast host

by Dr. Axel Greenholt Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What Are the Benefits of Podcast Hosts and Why Do You Need One?

  1. No Compromise in Quality. Usually, personal servers have limited space to spare. ...
  2. Podcast Hosting Sites Can Handle Data Transfers. Podcasts are delivered via RSS (rich summary site) feeds. ...
  3. You Save Money on Storage. Deciding to host your podcast files yourself can be costly. ...
  4. Faster Speed. ...
  5. Robust Analytics. ...
  6. Additional Security. ...

Just like you need a website host to store content, like pictures, written content, forms, etc., you need a podcast hosting platform to host and store the media files for your show. Podcast hosting sites use servers for storage, designed specifically to store large media files for download and distribution.Jul 10, 2022

Full Answer

What is a podcast hosting account?

When it comes to getting your podcast out there for everyone to hear, you’ll need a podcast hosting account, sometimes called a media host. Media or Podcast hosts are services that store your audio and allow your listeners to listen, download, and subscribe to your podcast.

Do I need a podcast host?

The quick answer to the question “Do I need a podcast host?” is YES! Unless you know how to whittle your own RSS feed, which most of us don’t, you’re going to need a podcast host to make sure every episode gets from your computer into people’s ears. What is a podcast host? A podcast host is the middle man between you and your listeners.

What is podcasting and how does it work?

Part of podcasting is that you deliver or serve up your media files via RSS feed. What this means is that when someone subscribes to your podcast, as they would subscribe to your blog, they receive your podcast (your audio or video files) automatically into their media consumption device of choice.

What are the benefits of running a podcast?

You'll become a better communicator, which can help in job interviews and presentations. You'll also acquire numerous direct skills from podcasting. Running your own show will help you get better at recording audio, and could also increase your proficiency in editing software.


Is a podcast host necessary?

The quick answer to the question “Do I need a podcast host?” is YES! Unless you know how to whittle your own RSS feed, which most of us don't, you're going to need a podcast host to make sure every episode gets from your computer into people's ears.

What is the purpose of a podcast host service?

Podcast hosting is a specialized service which offers to store and deliver media files associated with a podcast. Just like you need a website hosting service to store all your website files, a podcast hosting offers the same service but for your podcast's media files.

Does podcast host matter?

Your podcast host is the central place that pushes your show out to all the other listening platforms, including Apple/iTunes and Spotify. So, we know that your podcast host is hugely important. The good news too is that there's a lot of excellent podcast hosts out there these days.

Is it better to have a co host on a podcast?

A co-host is a person who hosts with you on your podcast and helps keep the show going. Planning for a potential co-host is essential. Co-hosts can help take the strain off of your life as you handle other responsibilities.

Do you have to pay for a podcast host?

On average, pricing for podcast hosting ranges from $5/month to $50/month. Pricing varies depending on which company you go with, how many episodes you produce, and how many downloads you get.

Does Spotify pay you for podcasts?

Streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcasts pay out for streams, but the payout tends to be very low. Podcast sponsorships are one way, but for new podcasts, the likelihood of finding a high-paying sponsorship is slim unless you're already a well-established figure.

What makes a great podcast host?

A good host knows when they're heading toward the right direction, largely thanks to their audience. If your listener base cares a jot about you, they will gladly chime in if you ask them for feedback. Feedback is crucial for evolving your podcast, so if something isn't working and your audience is telling you, LISTEN.

How do you pick a podcast host?

How to Choose a Podcast Hosting? Best Choices in 2022Detailed Comparison of Podcast Hostings.Understand and Define Your Requirements.How much content will you produce? ... How fast will your audience grow? ... Do you want to monetize with the help of your podcast hosting?How many analytics features do you need for your show?More items...•

How many hosts should a podcast have?

Podcasts can take many forms: one-man shows, cohosts, guests, call-in, etc. Metafilter founder Matt Haughey, who has put in hundreds of hours on podcasting, recommends that your show involve two or three hosts. I listen to a lot of podcasts and the most typical format is 2 or 3 hosts and sometimes one guest.

How do you do a podcast for one person?

To make a successful solo podcast episode, consider these 6 key ideas:Come up with a list of potential topics.Create an episode outline.Begin the episode with a hook.Share a unique POV (point-of-view).Recap the episode.Use the right tools.

How much do podcast co hosts make?

The salaries of Podcast Co-Hosts in the US range from $16,710 to $27,180 , with a median salary of $19,180 . The middle 60% of Podcast Co-Hosts makes $19,180, with the top 80% making $27,180.

How many people work on a podcast?

Many shows start with just two or three people filling all of those positions. Sometimes a single person will start a show and do everything themselves. As you grow, you can add people to your podcast team based on your needs.

Can I host my own podcasts?

By buying or renting a server, you can easily and cost-effectively create a custom solution to host your own podcast. You will need somewhere to store all of your media files, along with any other files such as your website and artwork.

Should you have a separate website for your podcast?

The success of your podcast will be measured by how many listeners you attract. And a website is a powerful tool in helping you spread the word. Here are some reasons why a website is a must for your new podcast: Listeners can find you through Google.

Is Buzzsprout better than anchor?

In terms of promotion tools, Buzzsprout provides a wider range of tools to better promote a podcast, but there is no Social Media management or newsletter tool to save time in your marketing strategy. Lastly, while Anchor platform offers basic analytics, Buzzsprout stands out with advanced analytics.

Does GoDaddy host podcasts?

Note: GoDaddy now offers Podcast Hosting and we can better support your podcast with WordPress.

Examples of a podcast host

There are many podcast hosts out there which you can use to host your media files. The hosting companies provide many other services such as back up , security , analytics etc for your podcast.

Can you host your podcast on your blog ?

Theoretically you can host your podcast on your blog and use the same hosting service to host your podcast. But that is less than optimum and can cause a lot of problems.

Podcasting websites

There are some hosting companies which provide an all in one solution which includes website hosting , podcast hosting , email service etc.


A podcast host is a place where you can keep all your media files and provide a feed to the pod-catching software.

Welcome to your podcasting journey with quickstartpodcast team

Below paragraphs have links to all our posts in a logical manner starting from being a podcast listener to being a podcast creator.

The podcast Listener phase

The podcasting journey generally begins with various questions such as what is a podcast , what a podcast is used for ? how to listen to a podcast , what are the best android and iOS apps to listen to podcast .

Podcast creator Phase

How to start your podcast ? is the main question they are faced with . Once that you have decided to start a podcast , what should be the name of the podcast , what should be the podcast format , which podcasting niche should you chose , what should be episode titles , what are popular podcast formats and what should be mine and so on ..

What's an RSS feed, and why do I need it to make a podcast?

RSS originally stood for "Rich Site Summary," however, it's now more popularly known as "Really Simple Syndication."

Why can't I just upload my podcast to Apple Podcasts?

Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts don't host audio files for podcasters.

Which podcast hosting company should I choose?

If you want to create a podcast, there are many podcast hosting companies to choose from.

Why do I need a podcast hosting

Generally, a podcast is an audio file. MP3’s are the most known and used and a podcast is nothing else than a series of MP3 files that are published on the internet.

Free podcast hosting services

Some of the podcasting services are free and for some you need to pay. Most of them have a, what we call, a fremium model. This means that you can use the service for free until you hit a specific limit. And then you have to start paying.

Paid podcast hosting

As mentioned, there are several different paid podcast hostings out there and you can go and read all about them in my article.

Why do podcasts have a single host?

If your topic is, for example, the history of old, rare stamps, your podcast can flourish with a single host because that one person can keep the podcast interesting with a revolving door of factual information on the topic. If, however, your podcast is political in nature or a pop culture – books, movies, TV, music – review show, ...

What is the job of a co-host?

It’s your podcast and that person is the co-host. Their job is to make the podcast more spontaneous, more effortless and more interesting. You don’t need a co-host – no matter how engaging, insightful or funny – who talks over you and cuts you off mid-sentence.

Do you need a cohost for a podcast?

If, however, your podcast is political in nature or a pop culture – books, movies, TV, music – review show, you’ll definitely need at least one co-host because these topics, by definition, require disagreement, insight, even vitriol to make the podcast interesting for listeners. It would be difficult, for example, ...

Does unease go away with podcasts?

Sometimes, that sense of unease never goes away despite the passion you have for your podcast. If that is the case, a co-host can loosen you up and your back-and-forth banter can instill new life into your pride and joy.

Is a single host podcast successful?

This dilemma goes often unresolved by new podcasters who become paralyzed by conflicting information. Sometimes, single-host podcasts are highly successful . At other times, co-hosted podcasts are wildly popular. So how does a new podcaster make that critical decision?

Why are podcasts so popular?

Not only can podcasts provide you with a creative outlet, but they can also help you meet new and interesting people. Podcasts' rising popularity isn't surprising. They're a great way to consume information without requiring much effort. You can listen to them while running, commuting, or studying. But have you ever thought about starting your own ...

Why is it important to pick up new hobbies?

One benefit of picking up new hobbies is that we also learn new skills. While podcasting will, of course, teach you how to create and run a show, you'll also indirectly pick up other handy skills. You'll become a better communicator, which can help in job interviews and presentations.

Is podcasting popular on Spotify?

The popularity of podcasting is evident in how seriously both Spotify and Apple are taking the medium. There plenty of reasons to jump on the bandwagon and start creating your own unique content. Hosting a podcast show could open the door to multiple opportunities.

Is podcasting a hobby?

Beyond making it your full-time job one day, you could also meet exciting people. At the very least, podcasting can serve as a hobby that gives you a creative outlet. Or, if you don't like it, you can move on and find something else that interests you instead.

What is a podcast host?

Media or Podcast hosts are services that store your audio and allow your listeners to listen, download, and subscribe to your podcast. One common misconception when learning how to start a podcast is that you upload your podcast to places like iTunes. This actually isn’t the case.

What is the point of a podcast?

The whole point of a podcast is that people listen to it, so give them a reason to click on one of your episodes. Make it clear to people what they will get from listening to your show. If you look on any podcast directory you will see shows with titles like “How To…”, “Five Tips For…” etc.

How many episodes of a season of podcast?

When you start a seasonal podcast, each season will usually have a theme. You might create episodes based on that theme or topic for 6-12 episodes, then have a break. After a month or two, you’ll launch a new season (with another theme/topic) and repeat the process.

What does IP address mean on podcasts?

Every time someone downloads your podcast, their network attaches an Internet Protocol, or IP address, to it. An IP address is attached to a location, not a user. Additionally, malicious users block or change their IP address to cover their tracks, when they're trying to commit ad fraud. So, if:

What is podcasting RSS?

Part of podcasting is that you deliver or serve up your media files via RSS feed. What this means is that when someone subscribes to your podcast, as they would subscribe to your blog, they receive your podcast (your audio or video files) automatically into their media consumption device of choice.

What is bandwidth in podcasting?

The amount of data transferred is often referred to as bandwidth. Podcasting has the potential to grow exponentially. There is a possibility that your media files could be downloaded thousands of times a day. All that data transfer, if delivered from your account alone, would make your website host very unhappy.

Is podcasting free?

The free podcasting hosts might appear to offer a ‘no cost’ service, but know that even they have to make their money. Free is never really free; you might not pay a monthly price, but you will pay the price somehow. Most often, this takes the form of advertising plastered all over your site.

Can a web host deliver a podcast?

No matter what web hosting plan you have and how lenient your web host is, your web host cannot deliver your podcast file at the speed that a podcast host can. And slow delivery of your media will kill your podcast. What you save in money, you will lose in subscribers.

Do podcast hosts stay in business?

On top of that, it's reassuring to know that your podcast host will actually stay in business. If you are really serious about making a podcast part of your business, you’re not going to want to work with limited resources. After all, you wouldn’t write a book with WordPad.

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