Podcast FAQ

why does everyone have a podcast

by Haskell Dare IV Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

5 Reasons Why People Love Pods

  • 1. They’re Easy to Access If you have a smartphone, tablet or computer you can access a podcast with next-to-no effort. ...
  • 2. You Can Listen to What You Want There are over 45-millon * podcast episodes available (*an actual reported number) for listeners to choose from. ...
  • 3. ...
  • 5. ...

One of the biggest reasons is the content. People like to be entertained or educated – and in a recent survey, Riverside FM discovered that 74% of podcast listeners tune in specifically to learn new things. What are they learning? Whatever they want to.Dec 10, 2021

Full Answer

Why are podcasts so popular?

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What are the benefits of listening to podcasts?

  • More in-depth and nuanced discussions
  • Some are ad-free or ads can be skipped
  • Expert commentary from horses mouth
  • Keeping up with the time and culture

Why are podcasts so important?

How to Use Podcasting as a Local Business

  • Be a Guest on Another Podcast. Take advantage of other people’s hard work, and not in the sense of exploiting them. ...
  • Listen to Other Podcasts in Your Niche. ...
  • Share What You Learn from Podcasts. ...
  • Start Your Own Podcast (Maybe) As we mentioned earlier, starting your own podcast is not for everyone. ...

What is a podcast and how do they work?

What is the Purpose of a Podcast?

  1. Convenient and Easy Way to Deliver Information. Just like a radio show, you can listen to podcasts anywhere and at any time you want. ...
  2. Deliver Personal Information. Since podcasts help you deliver content verbally to your audience and in a somewhat informal setting, the information becomes more intimate than reading it from a ...
  3. Build Relationships. ...

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Why are podcasts so popular?

As the world becomes busier, the podcast format has become incredibly popular. Audio content allows the listener to multitask. A recent study showed that while 49% of podcast listening happens at home, 22% happens while driving, 11% at work, and 8% while exercising. The length of a podcast typically allows a deep dive on topics or an extended conversation between two people.

What is the advantage of podcasting?

A Podcast For Everyone. The advantage of the podcasting format is that it offers endless variety and options. Any topic a person may be interested in can usually be found online in podcast format. From a true crime podcast, comedy podcast, pop culture, news, opinions, there is something for everyone.

How many podcasts are there in the US?

Here are some of the current statistics for podcasting in 2021: 1 Over 55% of the US population have listened to a podcast 2 In 2020 over 155 million people listen to a podcast every week 3 Around 24% of the US population (68 million) listen to multiple podcasts weekly 4 Podcast listeners consume an average of seven different shows per week 5 There are over 700,000 active podcasts and 29 million podcast episodes available 6 The most popular age group for podcasts listeners is 25-44 which make up 49% of total listeners 7 Spotify is now the worlds most popular podcast app, closely followed by the Apple podcast app

How much money did Joe Rogan get from Spotify?

In early 2020, Joe Rogan signed a record $100 Million deal with Spotify to exclusively host his Joe Rogan Experience podcast for three years on their network. To date, this is the largest sum paid to a podcaster for distribution rights for their podcast show.

What is the most popular age group for podcasts?

The most popular age group for podcasts listeners is 25-44 which make up 49% of total listeners. Spotify is now the worlds most popular podcast app, closely followed by the Apple podcast app. Spotify has overtaken Apple as the number one podcast host platform ( Source)

Why is podcasting important for interviews?

Especially if listening to an interview podcast it is much easier to choose your own pace and to be able to rewind and fast forward. Podcast audio content gives listeners the ability to dive into topics without having to set aside time to read or watch a video.

What are the top 5 podcast categories in 2021?

In 2021, the top five categories for podcasts are society & culture, business, comedy, health, news & politics. Podcasts offer deep dives into the minds of industry thought leaders through interviews. In less than an hour per day, listeners can become industry experts on their favorite topics.

Why are podcasts so popular?

The popularity of podcasts can, at least in part, be attributed to the fact that it’s listener’s choice. You can pick and choose exactly what you want.

What is it like to listen to a podcast?

Listening to a podcast is like hanging out with friends and enjoying a discussion on a topic that you’re interested in. That relationship that’s established helps listeners keep coming back.

How many podcasts are there?

There are over 45-millon * podcast episodes available (*an actual reported number) for listeners to choose from. Chances are whatever you want to listen to can be found in podcast form with a few clicks and maybe a search.

Why do podcasters build communities?

Podcasters built communities to engage and grow their listenership. But this does more than simply increase download numbers and help engage sponsors, it attracts listeners who are looking for a community.

What is the community around podcasts?

The communities that surround podcasts is one of the assets that make it unique and apart from other entertainment-based mediums. The communities are closer to those that you might experience with a blog than a film or television show—private spaces to interact with hosts, a look into the behind the scenes world and lots of interaction with other members of the community.

Is the popularity of podcasts increasing?

The Popularity of Podcasts Is Only Increasing. With more time being spent at home and the television (or laptop screen) becoming less of a treat and more of a distraction, the popularity of podcasts is increasing. Consumers (listeners in the case of podcasts) are looking for more connection and choice.

Is there a better time to be a podcaster than today?

We’ve seen an increase in podcast consumption, but it has a ways to go before it starts to level out. There’s truly never been a better time to be a podcaster than today.

1. Accessibility

I was giving a presentation in Austin, Texas, and I asked everyone in the room to raise their hand if they had an iPhone or smartphone of any other brand. Not surprisingly, hands shot up across the room.

2. Visibility

We live in a content-rich world. Social media is filled with a never-ending stream of products and services to click on, read, buy and sell—virtual shelf space is a hot commodity. Capitalize on the billions of Facebook and Twitter users to display your podcast in the digital world.

3. Authority

People want to have access to information that puts them ahead in their industry. By making yourself an authority in your field, you’ll position yourself to be the go-to resource for people looking for that information.

4. Loyalty

A few weeks ago, I bumped into Dave Ramsey at a party. Whether you agree with his financial advice or not, Ramsey is a prime example of someone who has tapped into accessibility and visibility to build authority. And his followers will defend him as if he’s a blood relative. Why? Because he’s developed something most entrepreneurs dream of—loyalty.

5. Profitability

New podcasters think the podcast is the business model, and once they turn on the microphone, the money will follow.

How many podcasts are there?

(Who doesn’t want branded content by Home Depot and Goldman Sachs piped into their ears on the morning commute?) There are now upward of 700,000 podcasts, according to the podcast production and hosting service Blubrry, with between 2,000 and 3,000 new shows launching each month. In August William Morrow will publish a book by Kristen Meinzer, a co-host of the popular “By the Book” podcast. Its title: “So You Want to Start a Podcast.”

What is the book "So You Want to Start a Podcast"?

Its title: “So You Want to Start a Podcast.”. There are dozens of books like Ms. Meinzer’s ( with names like “Podcasting Hacks” and “Podcasting for Profit”). There is also a compendium, published by Podcast Junkies, titled “The Incredibly Exhaustive List of Podcasts about Podcasting.”.

What is the book called that talks about podcasting?

There are dozens of books like Ms. Meinzer’s (with names like “Podcasting Hacks” and “Podcasting for Profit”). There is also a compendium, published by Podcast Junkies, titled “The Incredibly Exhaustive List of Podcasts about Podcasting.”

Who is Steve Pratt?

Steve Pratt, a veteran CBC producer who now runs a podcasting company called Pacific Content, actively discourages his clients from starting interview shows. “People assume that’s all a podcast is: two people talking unedited for two hours, three hours,” he said.

Is there any data on podcasts?

There’s no available data comparing podcast formats, such as how many interview shows exist and how many are news programs or narrative journalism. But industry analysts and production companies say that so-called “bantercasts,” in which the host and guests chitchat for an hour or more, likely comprise the bulk of new productions.

Why are podcasts so popular?

Not only can podcasts provide you with a creative outlet, but they can also help you meet new and interesting people. Podcasts' rising popularity isn't surprising. They're a great way to consume information without requiring much effort. You can listen to them while running, commuting, or studying. But have you ever thought about starting your own ...

What is it like to feel like nobody can relate to you?

This is especially true if you live in a small town or far away from where the hub of your interests is.

Why is it important to pick up new hobbies?

One benefit of picking up new hobbies is that we also learn new skills. While podcasting will, of course, teach you how to create and run a show, you'll also indirectly pick up other handy skills. You'll become a better communicator, which can help in job interviews and presentations.

Is podcasting popular on Spotify?

The popularity of podcasting is evident in how seriously both Spotify and Apple are taking the medium. There plenty of reasons to jump on the bandwagon and start creating your own unique content. Hosting a podcast show could open the door to multiple opportunities.

Is podcasting a hobby?

Beyond making it your full-time job one day, you could also meet exciting people. At the very least, podcasting can serve as a hobby that gives you a creative outlet. Or, if you don't like it, you can move on and find something else that interests you instead.

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