Podcast FAQ

why start a podcast

by Lucinda Moen Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

5 Reasons You Should Start a Podcast

  1. It's easy. Let's get this point out of the way early. ...
  2. It allows you to produce long-form content. In a world of information overload, we are bombarded with short-form content. ...
  3. You're supporting your partners. ...
  4. You build personal connection with your audience. ...
  5. It provides a repeat touch point for your audience.

Podcasting is one of the best methods to talk about something you enjoy or are passionate about. You are able to talk freely and engage with your audience on a personal level. Not only is this an effective way to teach your audience or share your understanding, but it also makes the experience more enjoyable for you.

Why now is the right time to start a podcast?

There’s no time like the present to start a podcast, whether you want to use it to build your speaker profile, create relationships with influencers, or sell your products and services.

Why I started a podcast, and why you should too?

You are fascinated by the outcome, but don’t know the grind it involves.

  • Choosing an idea (it’s not as easy as it sounds),
  • Deciding the episode topics and duration,
  • Researching and writing a script,
  • Interviewing people to corroborate facts, or to be a part of your show,
  • Rehearsing for the recording,
  • Setting up quality podcast equipment (also, buying it!),
  • Sound editing,

More items...

Why we are starting a podcast?

“There’s just something supernatural to tap into with that fanbase, because you have to really, really, really care about something to stick with them for this long,” Raven said. He noted that in Week 16 of last year’s lost season, with the Lions stuck at four wins, fans were still writing him critiquing the team’s offensive line play.

Why do you need to start a podcast?

Why start a podcast?

  • You have a story to tell, and audio is an intimate, relatable way to tell it.
  • Listeners feel connected to the podcasts they listen to, and to the people on them.
  • It’s really fun - and so rewarding to hear that people love listening to your podcast.
  • Nearly 70 million Americans listen to podcasts every month, and that number is going up.


Why you should not start a podcast?

You think it needs little time. Many people think that podcasting needs a bit of reading and a little bit of speaking, and anyone can record an episode quickly. And such people shouldn't start a podcast, because it is going to demand a lot more of your time.

Is it profitable to make a podcast?

Do podcasts make money? Of course they do! Big names are getting large amounts of listeners and large amounts of ad revenue in return. According to AdvertiseCast, average 30-second CPM (cost per 1K listeners) rates are $18, while 60-second CPMs are $25.

Does Spotify pay you for podcasts?

Streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcasts pay out for streams, but the payout tends to be very low. Podcast sponsorships are one way, but for new podcasts, the likelihood of finding a high-paying sponsorship is slim unless you're already a well-established figure.

How much do beginner podcasters make?

So how much money can podcasters make? To be frank, most make $0. In fact, many podcasts have negative cash flow because they spend money buying equipment and paying hosting fees before they earn a single dollar. Creative work like podcasting doesn't make any money until people choose to watch you.

Why are podcasts so popular?

Not only can podcasts provide you with a creative outlet, but they can also help you meet new and interesting people. Podcasts' rising popularity isn't surprising. They're a great way to consume information without requiring much effort. You can listen to them while running, commuting, or studying. But have you ever thought about starting your own ...

Why is it important to pick up new hobbies?

One benefit of picking up new hobbies is that we also learn new skills. While podcasting will, of course, teach you how to create and run a show, you'll also indirectly pick up other handy skills. You'll become a better communicator, which can help in job interviews and presentations.

Is podcasting popular on Spotify?

The popularity of podcasting is evident in how seriously both Spotify and Apple are taking the medium. There plenty of reasons to jump on the bandwagon and start creating your own unique content. Hosting a podcast show could open the door to multiple opportunities.

Is podcasting a hobby?

Beyond making it your full-time job one day, you could also meet exciting people. At the very least, podcasting can serve as a hobby that gives you a creative outlet. Or, if you don't like it, you can move on and find something else that interests you instead.

How can podcasts help you?

However, many experts attest to how a podcast can help you get noticed by others in your industry. Much like using LinkedIn, networking can expand your reach to other people of interest. One person’s fan base might find value in your content after an interview.

Can a podcast play through a car speaker?

Thanks to Bluetooth technology in vehicles nowadays, a podcast can even play through your car or truck speakers. So, it’s exactly like a radio show only based on the Internet instead of airwaves. In fact, podcasts have become so integrated with society nowadays that many brands are starting to host their own.

Is podcasting a new platform?

Currently, the podcasting platform is relatively new. This means there is less competition to reach your audience than with something like a blog or YouTube channel. This means you can generate an interested and dedicated audience relatively quickly. However, this lack of competition is quickly dissolving.

Is it cheaper to start a podcast or a blog?

When it comes to cost, it’s much cheaper to start a podcast than it is with a blog. And depending on your ideas for quality, it may also be cheaper than starting a YouTube channel. As I said before, all you really need is a recording device.

Is a podcast audio only?

Podcasts are strictly audio-only. This means that you don’t have to put a lot of effort into header images, thumbnails, server speed, optimization, SEO, and a lot of other elements you’d find in other content mediums.

Can I add a podcast to my blog?

You can also easily add a podcast to your blog, especially if you use WordPress. There are a ton of podcast plugins available that will let you share episodes with your visitors. Essentially, we have created an intricate web of content spanning across all three platforms that I plan to continue promoting.

Why are podcasts so successful?

Successful podcasts are rarely scripted and only lightly edited. As such, the host's personality has a chance to shine through in a seemingly unfiltered way. Much like video, podcasts are one of the quickest ways to build personal connections and trust between a host and an audience. At a time when we have endless options for all of our purchasing decisions, trust is essential to building brand loyalty, and giving people a voice and a personality to connect to your brand helps to foster that trust.

How many people listen to podcasts?

According to Edison Research, 24% of Americans have listened to a podcast in the last month. Not only that, the popularity of podcasts continues to rise. To say that podcasts are having a moment would be an understatement.

Why do you ask someone to be a guest on your show?

By asking someone to be a guest on your show, you're giving them access to your audience, potentially helping your guest grow their reach. Likewise, if your guests promote the episode to their followers, you also tap into their audience.

How many characters are in a podcast?

But where blog posts and social media are limited to a few hundred words, or 140 characters, a podcast allows you to go deeper into your content. According to Salesforce, "Three percent of monthly podcast consumers listen to the beginning of a podcast only.

What is the format of a podcast?

The most common format for a podcast is an interview. As the host of your own show, bringing guests on to interview allows you not only to expand the information you're providing to your audience by tapping into your guest's expertise but also to support industry partners. By asking someone to be a guest on your show, you're giving them access to your audience, potentially helping your guest grow their reach. Likewise, if your guests promote the episode to their followers, you also tap into their audience. Both you and your guests can benefit from the added exposure, and by thinking of them as a guest you may also deepen your professional relationship with them as well.

Why is trust important?

At a time when we have endless options for all of our purchasing decisions, trust is essential to building brand loyalty, and giving people a voice and a personality to connect to your brand helps to foster that trust. 5. It provides a repeat touch point for your audience.

Is starting a podcast in 2021 a good idea?

The pandemic affected businesses around the world, some positively, most negatively. Podcasting is one of the industries that thrived. Not that surprising considering so many people found themselves at home with a lot more time than usual and deprived of being able to carry out their usual routine, they formed new habits.

Why start a podcast rather than a blog, youtube channel, etc.?

Podcasting is a relatively new and exciting medium for both listeners and creators and gains increasing interest in the world of marketing. Verbal storytelling has historically intrigued and entertained us. The popularity of podcasting proves that this is still true today. You may say podcasting is to radio, what Netflix is to Television.

Can anyone start a podcast?

Starting a podcast is surprisingly easy. Of course having experience in recording and editing audio is handy, but by no means necessary. All skills required for podcasting can be learned on the way, which makes it an even more exciting project if you enjoy learning new skills.

Can you make money from a podcast?

Absolutely! Depending on the popularity of your show it is easier or harder to find ways of generating revenue, but there are a multitude of options even for podcasts under 1000 downloads. Selling advertisements, participating in affiliate programs, offering subscriptions, or crowdfunding are the primary ways of monetising a podcast.

Do I need a website to start a podcast?

While having a website is not required to launch a podcast it is an immensely useful asset to have. A website will help new listeners to find your podcast through search engines, help you to promote your show and act as a center for everything related to your podcast.

How long does it take to start a podcast?

That depends entirely on you and how much time you have to invest in creating a podcast. We recommend to register and start promoting your podcast 2 weeks before the launch date. To do so you need to have your podcast planned out, including name, artwork, description, trailer episode and social media posts.

Why do people start podcasts?

Produce podcasts for marketing purposes: to demonstrate knowledge, showcase your expertise, and build your brand. Podcasts can support internal education as a way to deliver e-learning content.

What happens when you have a guest on a show?

When you have a guest on your show (and they should be your ideal client in your industry) you are spending maybe an hour in conversation. That creates a relationship. And in business, relationships and trust are everything. From relationships comes trust, credibility, and opportunity.

How much did Spotify pay for Joe Rogan?

Joe Rogan Experience – Spotify paid $100 million for a multi-year license to acquire the rights to his podcast in 2020 including the YouTube channel with 2 billion views. Spotify has $500 million set aside for acquisitions and investments in podcasting including tech and content.

How much does it cost to make a podcast?

And you can’t get this for free. You don’t have to set up an entire professional studio. But to produce a podcast with rich sound, you need to spend a minimum of $200 on basic hardware and software. If you want top-notch podcasting equipment, the costs can go up to $1.500.

Where are podcasts played?

Podcasts are everywhere. They are being played in the subway, in the cafes, in the gymnasium, wherever you go. More people than ever are starting a podcast, but before you do and invest time and resources in, perhaps the wrong medium for you, analyze why you shouldn’t start a podcast. According to survey findings shared by Edison Research, ...

How many people are fans of podcasts?

According to survey findings shared by Edison Research, as many as 50% of US households are fans of podcasts . They are listening to podcasts of different genres, with comedy, education, and news being the most popular ones.

What is ImprovePodcast?

I'm the owner and creator of ImprovePodcast.com, the site dedicated to providing actionable solutions for podcast creators. My goal is helping people to develop their podcasts into effective marketing and sales tools.

Is podcasting as saturated as blogging?

I agree that the podcasting space is not as saturated as blogs or videos. But still, there is a competition to beat. It’s not going to be an empty space that you can just step in and fill. If you are a person who is not ready to take on some challenges, then you shouldn’t start a podcast for any reason.

Is podcasting a passion?

Regardless of the purpose, podcasting is a passion. And someone who is not passionate about it shouldn’t start a podcast. The kind of involvement it requires when it comes to the time and effort, and the patience it demands to keep going is not possible for someone who is not into it.

Is podcasting free?

First of all, podcasting is not free, unlike your social media account. Even if you want to keep things simple, you will have to shell out at least $200 for essential equipment set up. And making a podcast consumes way more time than an Instagram post. You won’t get the luxury to skip a day on your posting schedule.


How Podcasts Trump Videos and Text

  • Contrast the power of podcasting with videos, which can also connect. But videos have the most demanding egos of any content medium out there. They want all of you. Videos shout, “Stop whatever you’re doing and focus solely on us! Eyes and ears over here!”Prideful bastards. Podca…
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The Power of Connection

  • I cannot tell you how many times my mind has been blown by a connection I’ve made thanks to podcasting. I could share so many stories. Here’s one … Sitting at my home in Dallas, Texas, where I podcast about a sports team based in Bloomington, Indiana, I’ve received emails from Romania and Brazil over the past few months from people who feel intimately connected to the …
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Podcasting Makes It Possible

  • All of us who create content online sell something. And no matter what you sell — a product, a service, an experience, information, an idea, yourself, something else — you need your target audience to know you, like you, and trust you before they’ll buy it. Podcasting is the best way I have found to build the know, like, and trust factorsonline across a broad audience. What better …
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