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why theory podcast

by Jaylon Sporer V Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Why Theory is a philosophy podcast that seeks to bring continental philosophy and psychoanalytic theory together to examine cultural phenomena. The program is hosted by Ryan Engley and Todd McGowan who discuss theories, philosophers, and popular culture.

What do Ryan and Todd discuss in Freud's Civilization?

They discuss the oceanic feeling, Freud's critique of religion, the relationship between death drive and aggression, and other subjects that Freud engages .

What does Ryan and Todd discuss in Screen Memories?

In this episode, Ryan and Todd analyze the theoretical riches of Freud's early text on "Screen Memories." They relate this work to the relationship between fantasy and truth, as well as considering its relevance for contemporary politics.

What is the theme of Seminar 2?

They discuss Lacan's early conception of death drive , his reading of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Purloined Letter," and the game of odds and evens, as well as other aspects of the seminar.

What does Ryan and Todd discuss in this special episode?

In this special episode, Ryan and Todd analyze the recent US presidential election. They note that Joe Biden's victory covers over several problems inherent in the moderate politics of the Democratic Party. They also discuss the appeal of Donald Trump to those who do not benefit from his policies.

What is the theme of Seminar 2?

They discuss Lacan's early conception of death drive , his reading of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Purloined Letter," and the game of odds and evens, as well as other aspects of the seminar.

What do Ryan and Todd discuss in Freud's Civilization?

They discuss the oceanic feeling, Freud's critique of religion, the relationship between death drive and aggression, and other subjects that Freud engages .

What does Ryan and Todd discuss in Screen Memories?

In this episode, Ryan and Todd analyze the theoretical riches of Freud's early text on "Screen Memories." They relate this work to the relationship between fantasy and truth, as well as considering its relevance for contemporary politics.

What is the book that Ryan and Todd read?

Ryan and Todd devote this episode to unpacking Joan Copjec's groundbreaking first book, Read My Desire. In this first part of a two part series, they focus on the first four chapters of the book, devoting most of the episode to an explication of "The Orthopsychic Subject," which is Copjec's critique of apparatus theory in film studies. In so doing, they work through Copjec's understanding of the gaze.

Who are the four main figures in the episode "The German Idea"?

In this episode, Ryan and Todd discuss the phenomenon of German Idealism through its four primary figures--Kant, Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel. Rather than focusing solely on these figures as thinkers, they delve into the gossip surrounding each of them as well. Focusing on a significant contribution of each, they look to each of them as theorists of the simple and everyday.

Who was the most influential thinker of the 20th century?

In this episode, Ryan and Todd delve into the life and thought of relatively unknown theorist Alexandre Kojeve, who they claim may be the most influential thinker--for better or worse--of the 20th century. Kojeve basically directed the reading of Hegel for almost 75 years and shaped thinkers such as Jacques Lacan, Jean-Paul Sartre, Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, and Georges Bataille. This episode tries to account for his incredible influence while doing just to his thought.

What is a podcast about comedians?

A podcast by comedians on why and how ANYTHING can be funny when approached with the right intent, perspective, and delivery - no matter how irreverent, offensive, or taboo it is.

What is acid horizon?

Acid Horizon is a theory podcast which confronts global crisis and the specter of a world that could be free. One of the many goals of Acid Horizon is to enrich discourses of liberation through a non-sectarian approach to reading theory. In the spirit of thinkers like Deleuze and Guattari, we endeavor to provide a space which values theory as a creative force, not just as the topic of debate. We also connect theory to the pervasive political challenges faced by global citizens. On the podcas ...

What is Corbett Report podcast?

Questions For Corbett is a regular podcast series from CorbettReport.com. Send your question in via CorbettReport.com and have James Corbett answer them live on the air. Questions are encouraged on all Corbett Report topics, from 9/11 truth to central banking, police state issues to geopolitics, history, science, or anything else.

When did Generation Why podcast come out?

The Generation Why Podcast released its first episode in 2012 and pioneered the true crime genre in the podcasting world. Two friends, Aaron & Justin, break down theories and give their opinions on unsolved murders, controversies, mysteries and conspiracies.

Who is the host of Women of Impact?

Hosted by Lisa Bilyeu, co-founder of the billion dollar company Quest Nutrition and President of Impact Theory, this show features women who have overcome incredible hardship to achieve massive success. Our mission is to empower you and all women to recognize that you really can become the hero of your own life. Welcome to Women of Impact.

Who is Sam Vecenie?

Sam Vecenie, a Senior NBA Writer at The Athletic, talks all about basketball. From the NBA, to the NBA Draft, to college hoops and even some high school, Vecenie is has you covered in this show. And some thoughts on movies, too.

Who is the host of Impact Theory?

Impact Theory is a business and mindset-focused interview show that will teach anyone aspiring to greatness the secrets to success. The show is hosted by Tom Bilyeu - a serial entrepreneur and co-founder of the #2 Inc. 500 company Quest Nutrition and former host of the viral hit Youtube series Inside Quest (viewed over 100,000,000 times). Bilyeu is known for his passion and preparation. Always eager to truly learn from his guests, Bilyeu digs deep and brings the urgency of someone hungry to ...

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