Podcast FAQ

writing a podcast description

by Miss Leann Lang Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

  • Set the expectations for what your show will be like. The whole point of writing a great podcast description is to tell potential listeners what to expect from your show!
  • Introduce the podcast host or hosts. Who will be the podcast host of your show? ...
  • Share your release schedule. Do you post a new episode weekly, biweekly, daily, or monthly? Make sure you share that info in your podcast description.
  • Make the podcast description engaging to potential listeners. It’s all about making potential listeners engaged with your show description. How can you do this? Through questions and context words!
  • Use keywords for better SEO. SEO refers to Search Engine optimization, AKA the process that makes any online content rank better on Google.
  • Be relatable to your target audience. Potential listeners want to listen to shows they find relatable to their current circumstances, interests, or future ambitions.
  • Find the sweet spot in terms of description length. Here’s the deal. Apple Podcasts allows for 4,000 characters for any podcast description. ...
  • Finish off with a call to action. Call to actions are key when you want to motivate your target audience to hit play! ...
  • For more inspiration, take a look at all of these podcast description examples: If you’re loving these tips but want to get a few examples to help you feel more ...

What Makes A Podcast Description Good?
  1. Explain your podcast clearly. ...
  2. Make your podcast summary easily searchable. ...
  3. Be concise. ...
  4. First Sentence - Start by relating to your audience! ...
  5. Second Sentence - Your second sentence should introduce the hosts, the format of your show, and how often you release content.
Apr 13, 2022

Full Answer

How to write an amazing description for your new podcast?

  • 10:52 Cory: There are two aspects you’re talking about that are really important to pull out. ...
  • 11:38 You want to write your description in a way that brings agreement from your intended audience. ...
  • 12:38 That’s what you’re aiming for: you want something they can quickly tell their friend about without looking at the description. ...

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How to create a simple podcast?

Tips on Creating Podcast Content

  • Understand your audience – what are their needs, wants and preferences?
  • Ask – reach out prior to creating your first piece of content
  • Tell a story – has something happened recently in your business that you can use?
  • Collaborate – engage with multiple people for different perspectives and to add depth

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How to introduce your podcast like a pro?

  • Subscribe to the podcast
  • Share the podcast, or tell a friend about it
  • Rate/review the podcast
  • Sign up to your email list, or download your ebook
  • Buy tickets for your event or conference
  • Support you on Patreon, or pledge to your crowdfunding project

How do I build a podcast?

Step 1: Develop a podcast concept

  • Identify your podcast goals. So, "why are you starting a podcast?" To phrase it another way, "what's your goal or purpose for your podcast?"
  • Pick a podcast theme or topic. Now it's time to figure out your show's topic. ...
  • Name your podcast. ...
  • Use keywords, without stuffing. ...
  • Don't create podcast artwork, yet. ...


What is a good podcast description?

The best podcast descriptions are written for humans. They are clear, succinct, self-explanatory, and they avoid unnecessary repetition. While there's no maximum podcast description length (Apple allows up to 4,000 characters), they won't display everything you pack in there.

How do you write a good show description?

Why should people listen to your show?Your show description. This is the blurb that explains what your show, as a whole, is about. ... Your episode description. ... Use questions. ... Don't forget to get tone into your writing. ... Make use of keywords. ... Share your episode highlights.

How long should a podcast episode description be?

You may only have a few seconds to grab someone's attention when they're scrolling through podcast episodes. That means you have to pack a lot of value into a small space. Jared Silverman, a copywriter at Spotify, recommends limiting your podcast descriptions to two or three sentences.

How do you write a podcast bio?

The Perfect Podcast Bio Template.The Intro. Sentence number one, the intro. ... The Social Proof. The second sentence is all about your social proof, or in other words, what makes you an authority on the topic you're going to be interviewed on. ... The Promise.

How many words should a podcast description be?

You should keep your podcast description between 600 and 900 characters, or 120-170 words. Some hosting services allow 4,000 character-long show descriptions, but that's much too long for an effective podcast description.

How do you introduce yourself in a podcast?

Here are five possibilities on how to introduce yourself on a podcast or panelist interview.Start with how long you have been doing something. ... Begin with your current title and area of expertise. ... Begin with prestige. ... Go for approachable or understated. ... Focus on the thing you're selling.

What makes a good podcast cover?

Make it eye-catching Make your image eye-catching through the use of colors, graphic elements, or pictures. But make sure that it isn't too crowded with complex images or text. And it goes without saying that if the artwork isn't attention-grabbing enough, Apple Podcasts won't feature it.

How do you write a description in a story?

Here's how to write a book description that attracts readers:Start with a hook sentence.Write in 3rd person point-of-view.Use words that evoke emotion.Offer hints about the plot, without revealing too much.Focus on the book's contents, not the author.Don't give away the ending.More items...•

How do you write descriptions and create a sense of place?

How To Write Descriptions And Create A Sense Of PlaceStart Early. ... Be Specific. ... Be Selective With Your Descriptive Details. ... Write For All The Senses. ... Get Place And Action Working Together. ... Use Unfamiliar Locations. ... Use Place To Create Foreshadowing. ... Think About Your Words – Nouns And Adjectives.

How do you show instead of tell in writing?

Here's how to show don't tell in writing:Understand what show don't tell means.Learn from examples of showing versus telling.Cut the “sensing” words to show don't tell.Avoid emotional explaining when showing not telling.Describe body language.Use strong verbs to show don't tell.Focus on describing senses.More items...•

How do you describe a place in creative writing?

Describe place through characters' senses. Include time period in description. Include small-scale changes in time. Show how characters feel about your setting.

What is a podcast description?

A podcast description is a brief blurb of text that describes your show. You can use it to tell listeners anything you want, which makes it a powerful tool to convince people to listen. Think of your podcast description like the synopsis on the back of a book or inside the jacket. It’s the second thing people read after the title.

Where is the podcast description on Google Podcasts?

On Google Podcasts, the podcast description is beneath the title and “subscribe” button, above the episode list. Notice how it cuts off at 100 characters, so make sure to front-load your important information.

How long does it take for Castos to update podcasts?

The podcast directories will update within 24 to 48 hours. So if you haven’t given your podcast description the consideration it deserves, you still can! Adding or updating a description in Castos is as simple as it gets! Once you log into your dashboard, click the “Settings” link under the show you want to edit.

How to edit a podcast on Castos?

Once you log into your dashboard, click the “Settings” link under the show you want to edit. (With Castos, you can create unlimited shows .) Click “Settings” to edit the podcast description. In the settings, expand the “Feed Details” tab. The second field, just below the podcast tile field, is for your podcast description.

What to say in a sentence?

1st sentence: Something your listeners already believe is true and/or agree with 1 “Motherhood is the greatest experience of a woman’s life, but it comes with plenty of emotionally draining challenges.” 2 “It’s easy to waste a lot of money learning Facebook ads on your own, especially if you find it complex and confusing.” 3 “Do you struggle to understand the intricacies of Game of Thrones?”

Where is the podcast description on Stitcher?

A podcast description on Stitcher appears in the sidebar beneath the “About This Show” heading. On the mobile app, users must click the information icon to pull up a window with the description.

Do podcasts publish their description?

Anyone who displays your podcast (like the big podcast directories) will publish your description as well. Sadly, many podcasters write their description as an afterthought. They only think about it when they come across a big empty text field that requires something.

What is a Podcast Description?

A podcast show description or show summary describes your podcast to a potential audience member. Simply put, it explains the topic of your show and what a listener can expect to hear when they press play on one of your episodes.

Why A Great Podcast Description Is Important

Any movie lover knows how much the text on a Netflix blurb matters when trying to choose something new to watch. A podcast description works in a similar way - it gives potential listeners a peek at what to expect from your podcast before tuning in.

Where Does a Podcast Description Appear?

The description for your podcast will be created inside the media host you use for your show. Once you've written the description for your show, that description will show up in your podcast RSS feed for directories (think Spotify or Stitcher) to pick up your show for wider distribution.

What Makes A Podcast Description Good?

What’s the secret to a good podcast description? Short, catchy, and to the point. When writing the description for your podcast, you should aim to achieve these three things:

What Goes in a Podcast Description?

Keep the following ideas in mind when writing the description for your show, so you write a great podcast description that'll help you gain new listeners:

How To Write A Podcast Show Summary with Examples

Now that we've gone over what you should include in your podcast summary, we'll explain how you should put it all together to create a description that is brief, engaging, and informative. It's simple to write a great podcast description when you break it down into three sentences with each sentence having a clear goal:

Why is it Important to Get the Podcast Description Right?

It’s important to nail your podcast description because it plays a big role in whether or not someone listens to your show. In fact, you can see how much it matters to people when they’re deciding what to listen to.

Where Do I Post My Podcast Description?

As you start to record episodes and create your show’s branding, you’ll probably have a podcast hosting service in mind.

Where Does My Podcast Description Show Up?

Your podcast description shows up on whichever podcast directories you syndicate to. Here’s how the major podcast directories display podcast descriptions:

How Long Should My Podcast Description Be?

You should keep your podcast description between 600 and 900 characters, or 120-170 words. Some hosting services allow 4,000 character-long show descriptions, but that’s much too long for an effective podcast description.

How Do You Write a Podcast Description?

Writing a podcast description can be tricky, even if it’s for your own show. You want to say enough to get people interested but not so much that you overwhelm them — it’s a balance.

Podcast Show Description Template

Now you know all of the elements that go into a good podcast description. If you’re still struggling to get started, try out this template:

Podcast Show Description vs. Show Notes

It’s easy for new podcasters to get the podcast show description and show notes confused. (That’s why Sweet Fish has started calling show notes “episode previews” instead.)

How to Write the Ultimate Podcast Description (Two Templates Included!)

Don't know how to write a GREAT description for your podcast episode? This post will show you how...

What Is A Podcast Description?

To understand what podcast description is, you need first to answer the question, what is a podcast? A podcast cannot be defined with a single podcast episode but the podcast show as a whole. Podcast description is often confused as podcast show notes, but show notes are just the text that subtitles each podcast episode.

Why Do You Need A Podcast Description?

Podcast description is an integral part of a podcast show as it gives a little insight into what potential listeners should expect from your show. However, it is not essential for search engine optimization as it will just stuff your podcast summary with unnecessary keywords.

Where Does Your Podcast Description Go?

Podcast shows are usually situated in the media host, ready before you submit them to the podcast directories where people will find and listen to them. Not many people put many thoughts into podcast descriptions; most write it as an afterthought to have something in the empty box.

How To Write A Podcast Description

We already know what podcast description is and why it is crucial to have it on your podcast show. Here we talk about tips for writing an excellent podcast description.

Podcast Description Templates

There are several templates you can use for your podcast description. We have seen the creation of thousands of podcast episodes and have come to determine what we believe to be the best possible structure for these.

Examples Of Podcast Description Templates For Your Podcast

Now we can put these pieces together to see how a podcast description looks. You can change the details of the below template and use the structure to build the best podcast description for your podcast show.

Set the expectations for what your show will be like

The whole point of writing a great podcast description is to tell potential listeners what to expect from your show! Your target audience needs to know what your show will be like and what topics you will be diving into.

Introduce the podcast host or hosts

Who will be the podcast host of your show? That’s quite an important question since the hosts can determine a good chunk of the show’s success. Potential listeners want to know who’s voice they will be tuning into each week.

Share your release schedule

Do you post a new episode weekly, biweekly, daily, or monthly? Make sure you share that info in your podcast description. This lets potential listeners know how often they can expect a new episode from you. If you post weekly or biweekly, let them know which days of the week to check back for new episodes.

Make the podcast description engaging to potential listeners

It’s all about making potential listeners engaged with your show description. How can you do this? Through questions and context words! First things first, questions are enticing and allow a potential listener to imagine receiving the answer or benefit you’re asking in the question.

Use keywords for better SEO

SEO refers to Search Engine optimization, AKA the process that makes any online content rank better on Google. But for the podcasting industry, it also applies to podcast directories like Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

Be relatable to your target audience

Potential listeners want to listen to shows they find relatable to their current circumstances, interests, or future ambitions. A true crime podcast’s show description will have a radically different tone from a comedy or a lifestyle show.

Find the sweet spot in terms of description length

Here’s the deal. Apple Podcasts allows for 4,000 characters for any podcast description. But that doesn’t mean you should write a blog post instead of your show description! Forget about that character limit and use common sense to write a good podcast description. Make it a single paragraph or two.

Why Should I Put That Much Effort into Podcast Descriptions?

When you first start a podcast, the first views you get come from friends and family members, which are people who were loyal to you even before you started the podcast.

How Can I Write a Good Podcast Description?

Now that you got to this part of the post, it’s time to know how to write the best podcast descriptions for your episodes. Follow these steps to do it:

Bottom Line

Starting a podcast is difficult, but seeing how everything flourishes at the end of the day is priceless. Invest some time in your podcast and practice your writing before writing podcast descriptions!

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