Podcast FAQ

you want to do what podcast

by Lionel Monahan PhD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

YOU WANNA DO WHAT?! on Apple Podcasts. After spending 15 years in Corporate America, host Monica Rivera realized she was drifting away from her personal bucket list goals. She realized there's more to life than just the 9-5, and she believes in living multi-passionate life.

What is the point of a podcast?

The whole point of a podcast is that people listen to it, so give them a reason to click on one of your episodes. Make it clear to people what they will get from listening to your show. If you look on any podcast directory you will see shows with titles like “How To…”, “Five Tips For…” etc. These are popular because they work.

How to make a podcast?

Here are the five main steps required to make a podcast: Planning your Podcast name, topic & aims; Planning your Podcast Episode format; Recording your Podcast with the right gear and software; Editing Your Podcast with the right tools; Publishing to a Podcast Host & the best directories; How to Start a Podcast in 20 Steps

What is the best site to start a podcast?

Buzzsprout, Captivate, and Transistor all give you a simple but decent-looking site for your podcast. If you’re running a hobby show, this is a good option to keep things nice and easy. You might also fancy taking a look at Podpage which can build a great looking podcast website for you in minutes.

What should I Call my new podcast?

The searchable (but some might say boring) choice is to simply call your podcast what your target audience is searching for. If our personal trainer called her show The Fitness Podcast then there’s absolutely no doubt as to what it's about. It’s a good idea, although possibly reduces how memorable it is, just a bit.


What is the point of a podcast?

The whole point of a podcast is that people listen to it, so give them a reason to click on one of your episodes. Make it clear to people what they will get from listening to your show. If you look on any podcast directory you will see shows with titles like “How To…”, “Five Tips For…” etc.

What is a podcast host?

Media or Podcast hosts are services that store your audio and allow your listeners to listen, download, and subscribe to your podcast. One common misconception when learning how to start a podcast is that you upload your podcast to places like iTunes. This actually isn’t the case.

How many episodes of a season of podcast?

When you start a seasonal podcast, each season will usually have a theme. You might create episodes based on that theme or topic for 6-12 episodes, then have a break. After a month or two, you’ll launch a new season (with another theme/topic) and repeat the process.

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