Podcast FAQ

young house love has a podcast

by Lolita Gibson Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What neighborhood do Young House Love live in?

We actually have our old beach house in Virginia to thank, because that house was smaller (and on a much smaller lot) than our big suburban Richmond home… and it taught us how much we all loved a walkable beach community and a smaller house to maintain and enjoy.

How much did Young House Love sell their house for?

$587,500They'd purchased the home in 2012 for $350,000. On March 5, they listed it for $550,000, and it was sold on March 23 for $587,500.

What is Young House?

Young House Family Services strives to help clients find help, hope, and healing. We remain firm in our commitment to helping adults, youth and families overcome obstacles and trials they are faced with. We are passionate about helping the most vulnerable individuals in our community.

How to subscribe to Young House Love has a podcast?

To subscribe to Young House Love Has A Podcast on an iPhone using the Podcasts app: Step 1. Click the Podcasts app and then click the magnifying glass in the bottom-right corner to Search. Step 2. Type “Young House Love Has A Podcast” in the search bar at the top. Step 3.

What is podcasting?

Podcasts are kinda like free, on-demand talk radio. Just like on-demand TV has become popular (you know, so you can play your favorite show whenever you want), podcasts allow you to play an audio program whenever you’re ready and even pause it if you get interrupted. So rather than being stuck with whatever’s on the radio, you can cue up any episode while you’re sitting in traffic, doing the dishes, mowing the lawn, exercising, painting a room, ironing your dog’s extensive wardrobe, etc.

Where is the Unplayed section on Purple Podcasts?

Each Monday, as long as you have subscribed, you can just click the purple Podcasts app on your phone, click into the Unplayed section on the bottom left, and a new episode should be waiting for you (already downloaded and ready to play without using any data).

Do podcasts waste data?

You also don’t have to waste data on podcasts! If you subscribe, which we’ll teach you about below, each episode will automatically download when you’re connected via wifi, and then it’s ready to play on your phone anywhere at any time (so you don’t have to stream any episodes or download them on the go). Seriously, even if you don’t have service or want to use a stitch of data, if they’re already downloaded, they just play like audio clips without needing the internet at all.

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