Podcast FAQ

your welcome podcast

by Mr. Terrell Bashirian Jr. Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Who is the host of “Your Welcome”?

“YOUR WELCOME” with your host Michael Malice Michael Malice brings his unique perspective–and plenty of sick burns–as he discusses everything from north Korea to American politics and culture with a bevy of guests. It’s better with High Octane! Enjoy episodes with HD Video and join the show with Live Chat.

What is the Chael Sonnen podcast?

With Chael Sonnen on Apple Podcasts Chael Sonnen, MMA superstar, American gangster...and bad guy...speaks his mind, drops knowledge and sounds off as the absolute authoritative voice in the world of combat sports. Join Chael as he runs life inside and out of the Octagon, with inside knowledge and unrivaled perspective.

What are some good wrestling podcasts to listen to?

Believe You Me Bi Guys Broad Topix Can’t Get Right Catalyst Wrestling Disgusting Hawk GaS Journal Gomez Watches Seinfeld High Society Radio House of Hardcore In Godfrey We Trust The Jasta Show Legion of Skanks Mike Vecchione Investigates N to Z No Fuckin’ Regrets No Need For Apologies Part Of The Problem Real Ass Podcast

What are the best tough podcasts to listen to?

One Tough Podcast Roastmasters Say It Ain’t Snow Stay Greek Baby with My Panos Subway Creatures The Lisa Ann Experience The Rigorous Podcast with Maurica Rodriguez The Think Tank "Your Welcome" All Shows Why High Octane? Forums Sponsors Shop Search "YOUR WELCOME"Are You Garbage?


Is Michael Malice conservative?

Malice describes himself as an anarchist or anarchist without adjectives. Reason described his politics as a combination of anarchism, Objectivism, and libertarianism in 2006. In 2014, he wrote an opinion piece for The Guardian explaining why he does not vote.

How old is Michael Malice?

46 years (July 12, 1976)Michael Malice / Age

Does Michael Malice believe in God?

Malice is an avowed anarchist. He doesn't vote, he doesn't believe in marriage, he doesn't believe in God.

Where is Michael Malice from?

Lviv, UkraineMichael Malice / Place of birth

Who is the comedian who is on the podcast with Michael Jackson?

Aspiring comedian Dave Smith joins Michael once again this week for a discussion on the differences between telling a joke in person versus on a podcast, a recap of Michael's recent experience recording with Jordan Peterson, Dave answers some of the same questions that Michael asked Jordan, the culpability and credibility of educational institutions, how major universities are designed to funnel people into debt and keep the elites in power over the country, the privacy pitfalls of vaccine passports and their parallels to the events preceding the Holocaust, a comparison of the blue-pilled and red-pilled mind states and their takes on Libertarianism, plus how to competently express anti-war sentiments when debating war veterans, and so much more!

Who is Tim Young?

Political comedian and author Tim Young joins Michael this week for a discussion on why the Capitol doors weren't locked on January 6th, what happens to good cops who try to speak out against corruption, how conservatives are running out of catchphrases and branding with the word "patriot", how important it is to play the hits, Tim's connection with Cardi B via Twitter, Ben Shapiro's instant classic reading of the lyrics to WAP, EMP attacks and other irrational fears that spread at prepper conventions, seeing an actualization of the "new normal" on a nationwide scale, the hopelessness and powerlessness felt by the public during the pandemic, the forgotten citizens who dealt with the aftermath of BLM riots, humor in the Republican party, whether or not Kamala Harris will be President before 2024, plus touring with Chrissie Mayr, and so much more!

Who is Mark Pellegrino?

Actor, Objectivist, and co-founder of the American Capitalist Party , Mark Pellegrino joins Michael this week for a discussion on the key factors to finding success in acting, Michael's experience meeting Nathaniel Brandon, some of Mark's biggest takeaways from having Brandon as his therapist for a year, Rand's "sense of life" philosophy, the universal warnings of rising too high above the collective, what it was like working with David Lynch on Mulholland Drive, Ayn Rand's taste in art, starting the American Capitalist Party as an alternative to the current duopoly, the problems that make the Libertarian Party into RC Cola, what foreign policy should actually look like, the pitfalls of the Left on social media and their avoidance of acknowledging the individual, why universities are the real villains, where Mark sees rays of hope for the future of America, plus a sneak peek at what Michael said to Jordan Peterson, and so much more!

Who is James Lindsay?

American mathematician, cultural critic, and founder of New Discourses, James Lindsay joins Michael this week for a discussion on critical race theory and its warning signs, the theory's parallels to Soviet logic, which philosophers were merely rationalizing their own pathologies, how language is often used as code to communicate with like-minded people in plain sight, how growing up multilingual can negate semantic quagmires, implicit bias test and the invalidity of their metrics, how ethnicities are often clumped together for the convenience of forming political coalitions, how to expose contradictions with Socratic thinking, why getting Chesa Boudin out of office is a must for San Francisco, the validity of cordyceps memes and the parasitic path of wokeism, corporate America's impressive implementation of Maoism, and so much more!

Who is Corey DeAngelis?

Author, scholar, and newly appointed National Director of Research at the American Federation for Children, Corey DeAngelis joins Michael this week for a discussion on saving children from government schools, a white-pilled perspective on the future of education, the different types of school choice now being proposed across the country and which plan Corey thinks is best, the unfortunate gap in innovation for schooling between the public and private sectors, the importance of funding the student instead of the system, plus a breakdown of microschooling, pandemic pods, and so much more!

Who is the author of Rust Belt?

American author and historian David Pietrusza joins Michael this week for a discussion on what prompted him to write his newest book about the Rust Belt, a brief overview of Poland's history, where Polish jokes came from, how the blackpilled population of today would actually be justified in their pessimism throughout history, David's first memory of an overnight trip, the tragic mistake of confusing cause with effect in terms of poverty and crime, dealing with insanity and mental health issues within the family, just how seedy New York City was in the 1970's, Michael's recent decision to move out of the state, whether or not NYC is following in Detroit's footsteps, plus a breakdown on why FDR's word was worth next to nothing, and so much more!


Michael Malice brings his unique perspective--and plenty of sick burns--as he discusses everything from North Korea to American politics and culture with a bevy of guests.

Did you know

Michael Malice is a wonderful host, intelligent, hilarious, with just the right dose of smugness to accentuate the hilarity. His guests are amazing, from libertarian heroes like his good friends Tom Woods & Dave Smith as well as interesting normies. I pay for Compound just for this show.

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