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zero knowledge podcast

by Virginia Rippin Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Episode 218: Hardened JS and the Architecture of Agoric with Dean Tribble

This week, Anna chats with Dean Tribble, co-founder and CEO of Agoric. Dean walks us through the landscape of programming languages and Agoric’s philosophy behind building a blockchain that has Hardened JS as its smart contract language.

Episode 217: Information Theory & Blockchain with Sreeram Kannan

This week, Anna and Tarun chat with Sreeram Kannan, Associate Professor at University of Washington where he runs the UW Blockchain Lab. In this episode, they look at how information theory and blockchain intersect and map the progression of Bitcoin security.

Episode 216: A Dip into the Mempool & MEV with Project Blanc

This week, Anna chats with Dean Eigenmann and Edgar Aroutiounian from Project Blanc, a team building bots and developing MEV strategies. They revisit the topic of MEV, what it is and how teams like Project Blanc work to capture it.

Episode 215: Charting Zodiac & DAOs with Nathan Ginnever and Auryn Macmillan

This week Anna chats with Nathan Ginnever, an applied cryptographer and contributor to Zodiac, and Auryn Macmillan, a product manager and Solidity dev at Gnosis Guild, about the modules and components that make up Zodiac’s suite of composable DAO tooling.

Episode 214: Emin Gün Sirer on Avalanche and its Formation

This week Anna chats with Emin Gün Sirer – CEO Ava Labs and Founder of Avalanche. They chat about the experiences that led him to become interested in distributed systems research and his work as a professor at Cornell that led to the development of Avalanche.

Episode 213: zk-SNARKs meets Optimistic Rollup with Zkopru

This week Anna chats with Wanseob an Applied ZKP Developer in the Privacy & Scaling Exploration Team at the Ethereum Foundation and one of the authors of the Zkopru protocol. They explore how Zkopru uses optimistic rollups and zero knowledge proofs to create a privacy-focused Layer 2.

Bonus ZK Hack Wrap with Kobi!

While we decided not to release a full episode this week, Anna did get a chance to catch up with Kobi Gurkan, one of the co-organizers of ZK Hack and someone who was very missed in the last episode about the event!

ZK Hack !!

What is autumn without a solid ZK event that brings together the best of the community? In 2020, we had

The Road to ZK-Finance (aka. ZK-Fi)

As the cryptocurrency industry underwent rapid growth, enterprises started to take notice. With information such as user and financial data being more valuable than ever before

On the Optimization of PLONK

In this article we brief three directions on optimizing PLONK, which is a polynomial interactive oracle proofs (IOP) zkSNARK systems.

What is ZEXE? (Part I)

In order to appreciate ZEXE’s design, it is crucial to first understand a bit more about how cryptocurrencies work under the hood.

What is ZEXE? (Part II)

ZEXE is a scheme for privacy-preserving, decentralized applications such as decentralized exchanges. It is designed to utilize a ledger-based system, and support multiple functionalites.

The Power of Tau or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Setup

Zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) have a particularly important history in the context of cryptocurrencies since their inaugural implementations in Zerocoin and Zerocash.

The L2 Roundup: Discovering New Things About Ethereum L2 Platforms

We have just concluded an almost accidental ZK podcast series on (mostly) Ethereum L2s.

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