Podcast FAQ

a podcast is a video broadcast over the internet

by Vena Frami Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

A podcast is an audio or video broadcast that is distributed over the Internet. It usually has a format similar to a radio or television show. Because little equipment is needed to record a podcast and the Internet is used as the distribution medium, virtually anyone can create one and distribute their thoughts and opinions to the world.

Full Answer

How does podcasting work?

What Is Podcasting & How Does it Work?. A podcast is an audio or video broadcast that is distributed over the Internet. It usually has a format similar to a radio or television show. Because little equipment is needed to record a podcast and the Internet is used as the distribution medium, virtually anyone can ...

What is a netcast podcast?

A podcast or generically netcast, is an episodic series of digital audio or video files which a user can download and listen to. It is often available for subscription, so that new episodes are automatically downloaded via web syndication to the user's own local computer, mobile application, or portable media player.

What is the format of a podcast?

The files distributed are in audio format, but may sometimes include other file formats such as PDF or EPUB. Videos shared following a podcast model are sometimes called video podcasts, vodcasts or vlogs . The generator of a podcast maintains a central list of the files on a server as a web feed that one can access through the Internet.

What was the first podcast on the Internet?

Web television series are often distributed as video podcasts. Dead End Days (2003–2004) is commonly believed to be the first video podcast. That serialized dark comedy about zombies was broadcast from 31 October 2003 through 2004. Since the spread of the Internet and the use of Internet broadband connection TCP,...


What is a podcast?

A podcast is an episodic series of spoken word digital audio files that a user can download to a personal device for easy listening. Streaming applications and podcasting services provide a convenient and integrated way to manage a personal consumption queue across many podcast sources ...

What is podcast series?

A podcast series usually features one or more recurring hosts engaged in a discussion about a particular topic or current event. Discussion and content within a podcast can range from carefully scripted to completely improvised.

How does a podcast generator work?

A podcast generator maintains a central list of the files on a server as a web feed that one can access through the Internet. The listener or viewer uses special client application software on a computer or media player, known as a podcatcher, which accesses this web feed , checks it for updates , and downloads any new files in the series. This process can be automated to download new files automatically, so it may seem to listeners as though podcasters broadcast or "push" new episodes to them. Files are stored locally on the user's device, ready for offline use.

How do podcasts get support?

They can also garner support from listeners through crowdfunding websites like Patreon, which provides special extras and content to listeners for a fee. Podcasting is very much a horizontal media form— producers are consumers, consumers may become producers, and both can engage in conversations with each other.

What are some examples of scripted podcasts?

Examples of scripted podcasts include The Bright Sessions, Homecoming, and Wolverine: The Long Night .

What was the first podcast?

Despite a lack of a commonly accepted identifying name for the medium at the time of its creation, The Backstage Pass which became known as Matt Schichter Interviews is commonly believed to be the first podcast to be published online. In August 2004, Adam Curry launched his show Daily Source Code.

Where are podcasts stored?

Files are stored locally on the user's device, ready for offline use. There are several different mobile applications that allow people to follow and listen to podcasts. Many of these applications allow users to download podcasts or stream them on demand.

What is a podcast?

The word "podcast" is a generic term for any audio or video broadcast that people can subscribe to over the Web. Generally, podcast creators use advertising to provide financial support; it costs nothing to subscribe to most podcasts.

Does iTunes support podcasts?

iTunes is a free program for Mac and Windows computers that has native support for podcasts.

What is streaming media and how does it work?

Streaming media allows us to watch and listen to videos and audios just like we do on television with the difference that this audio and video content is available on the internet and does not need to be downloaded.

Difference between podcast and broadcast

A podcast is a pre-recorded audio and video content that an audience can access on the internet either in real-time or can also be downloaded. While a broadcast is the live transmission of audio or video content on electronic media such as television and radio.

Difference between podcast and youtube

YouTube is one of the most widely used social media platforms across the globe.

Difference between podcast and radio

Podcasts belong to the streaming media and require the internet while radio belongs to the broadcasting world.

What does it mean to stream a podcast?

Steaming is simple words is a process of delivering audio and video content over the internet.

Is it better to stream or download podcasts?

While the internet gives you both the option of downloading a streaming a podcast, which option is more effective totally depends on one’s own circumstances and preferences.

Does streaming a podcast count as a download?

When you stream a podcast that means you are playing it live on the app with the help of the internet and no data is stored on your device.



A podcast is a program made available in digital format for download over the Internet. For example, an episodic series of digital audio or video files that a user can download to a personal device to listen to at a time of their choosing. Streaming applications and podcasting services provide a convenient and integrated way to manage a personal consumption queue across many podca…

Production and listening

A podcast generator maintains a central list of the files on a server as a web feed that one can access through the Internet. The listener or viewer uses special client application software on a computer or media player, known as a podcast client, which accesses this web feed, checks it for updates, and downloads any new files in the series. This process can be automated to download new files …


"Podcast" is a portmanteau of "iPod" and "broadcast". The earliest use of "podcasting" was traced to The Guardian columnist and BBC journalist Ben Hammersley, who coined it in early February 2004 while writing an article for The Guardian newspaper. The term was first used in the audioblogging community in September 2004, when Danny Gregoire introduced it in a message to the iPodder-dev mailing list, from where it was adopted by podcaster Adam Curry. Despite the etymology, th…


In October 2000, the concept of attaching sound and video files in RSS feeds was proposed in a draft by Tristan Louis. The idea was implemented by Dave Winer, a software developer and an author of the RSS format.
Podcasting, once an obscure method of spreading audio information, has become a recognized medium for distributing audio content, whether for corp…

Types of podcasts

An enhanced podcast, also known as a slidecast, is a type of podcast that combines audio with a slide show presentation. It is similar to a video podcast in that it combines dynamically-generated imagery with audio synchronization, but it is different in that it uses presentation software to create the imagery and the sequence of display separately from the time of the original audio podcast recording. The Free Dictionary, YourDictionary, and PC Magazine define an enhanced podcast as "…


Podcast episodes are widely stored and encoded in the mp3 digital audio format and then hosted on dedicated or shared webserver space. Syndication of podcasts' episodes across various websites and platforms is based on RSS feeds, an XML-formatted file citing information about the episode and the podcast itself.
The most basic equipment for a podcast is a computer and a microphone. It is helpful to have a s…

See also

• List of podcast clients
• List of podcasting companies
• MP3 blog
• User-generated content
• Uses of podcasting

Further reading

• Geoghegan, Michael W.; Klass, Dan (August 16, 2005). Podcast Solutions: The Complete Guide to Podcasting. Apress. ISBN 9781430200543.
• Meinzer, Kristen (August 6, 2019). So You Want to Start a Podcast: Finding Your Voice, Telling Your Story, and Building a Community That Will Listen. William Morrow. ISBN 9780062936684.

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