Education Podcasts
A Sustainable Mind is a podcast created for the earth-conscious individual, ecopreneur, environmental activist, sustainability enthusiast, grassroots organizer, minimalist, conscious consumer and the eco-curious. If you are looking to get inspired, motivated and take ACTION to be the change you want to see in the world you are in the right place.
090: Trash Academy - Communicating Consumption and Waste through Activism & Advocacy with Ron Whyte
Trash Academy, a project of Mural Arts Philadelphia’s Environmental Justice department, is an intergenerational collaboration of young people, seasoned activists, artists, non-profits, local government, and concerned citizens of diverse backgrounds.
089: Vegpreneur and the State of Plant-based Business with Noah Hyams
Noah Hyams is a serial entrepreneur who started VEGPRENEUR to create a global community of entrepreneurs and investors building sustainable, plant-based businesses. Through VEGPRENEUR, Noah has interviewed and brought together founders, investors, and thought-leaders in the plant-based space.
088: Sustainable Compostable Palm Leaf Tableware with Pallavi Pande of Dtocs
Pallavi Pande started Dtocs three years ago with three things in mind, sustainability, community, and usability. Dtocs offers a line of compostable tableware from naturally fallen palm leaves from farms where she has personal relationships with the owners and farmers.
087: The Democratization of Energy - Understanding your power bill, energy regulation, and the shift to decentralized clean energy with Seth Mansur
Seth Mansur is a longtime sustainability advocate and Marine Corps veteran, and over the last decade, he has developed a deep understanding of a multitude of energy management solutions.
086: Compostable Packaging & Circular Food Systems with Kate Flynn of Sun and Swell Foods
Kate Flynn, CEO & Co-Founder of Sun & Swell, has an MBA from Harvard, is a Certified Culinary Nutrition Expert, and has a background in strategy consulting in the retail food industry. Several years ago, she set out to build a new kind of packaged food company - one that is better for both people and the planet.
085: Sustainable Healthcare with Dr. Rosie Spooner
Dr. Rosie Spooner is a British Pediatrician who is currently an Education Fellow at the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare, an NGO working on mainstreaming sustainability practices into planning and delivery of health services.
About the show
A Sustainable Mind is a podcast created for the earth-conscious individual, ecopreneur, environmental activist, sustainability enthusiast, grassroots organizer, minimalist, conscious consumer and the eco-curious. If you are looking to get inspired, motivated and take ACTION to be the change you want to see in the world you are in the right place.
ASM 075: Eco-friendly Small Business with Moji Igun of Blue Daisi Consulting
Moji Igun is the founder of Blue Daisi Consulting. Her company serves small businesses that want to reduce their waste and implement more earth-friendly business practices. She works with individuals to use their companies as an avenue to make a more positive social...
ASM 076: Is Bamboo the Next Big Thing? with Scott Brady of Cariloha
Scott Brady is the Vice President of Communications for Cariloha, based in Sandy, UT. He oversees all internal and external communications for the company. In 2007, at the height of economic crisis and recession, Scott was part of the team that helped develop and...
ASM 077: Kind Cup – Bringing Innovation to Menstrual Cups and the Feminine Hygiene Industry with Christine Brown
Check out the Kind Cup Kickstarter Campaign Founder and designer of Kind Cup, Christine Brown, grew up in a small agricultural beach town in Southern California. A sixth-generation Carpinterian, Brown is a part-time avocado farmer, and American Sign...
About The Show
A Sustainable Mind started out as my master’s thesis project. I found that there were not a lot of people present in the conversations I was attending that looked or identified as I do. In classes, conferences and events I was one of few women, fewer young people and often the only woman of color.
089: Vegan Entrepreneurship with Noah Hyams of VEGPRENEUR
Noah Hyams is a serial entrepreneur who started VEGPRENEUR to create a global community of entrepreneurs and investors building sustainable, plant-based businesses. Through VEGPRENEUR, Noah has interviewed and brought together founders, investors, and thought-leaders...
Sustainable Compostable Palm Leaf Tableware with Pallavi Pande of Dtocs
Pallavi Pande started Dtocs three years ago with three things in mind, sustainability, community, and usability. Dtocs offers a line of compostable tableware from naturally fallen palm leaves from farms where she has personal relationships with the owners and farmers....
Trash Academy, a project of Mural Arts Philadelphia’s Environmental Justice department, is an intergenerational collaboration of young people, seasoned activists, artists, non-profits, local government, and concerned citizens of diverse backgrounds.
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What is a sustainable mind podcast?
A Sustainable Mind is a podcast created for the earth-conscious individual, ecopreneur, environmental activist, sustainability enthusiast, grassroots organizer, minimalist, conscious consumer and the eco-curious. If you are looking to get inspired, motivated and take ACTION to be the change you want to see in the world you are in the right place. Delivered to you each week, Marjorie Alexander brings you environmental changemakers whose campaigns, companies and projects have changed the planet for the better. Featured guests discuss their relationship with nature early on, their journey to a green career, light-bulb moments, sustainable habits, lessons from launching their projects, and much more. Each episode ends with ACTIONABLE advice and resources for you to hit the ground running!
What is Earth Angel?
Since Emellie O’Brien's first days in production, she knew there was a way for the role of sustainability on-set to go beyond basic waste management and recycling. She got her start at the NYU Tisch Film program and not long after graduation she landed her first job as a “Green Steward” with Big Beach Films in 2011. Her early years of dedication to green practices and passion for the environment on-set is what earned her the nickname “Earth Angel” from fellow crew members over the walkie, and to this day is still what production colleagues call her whenever she is on set. By 2013 EOB founded Earth Angel and turned it into a scalable model that has since inspired the entertainment industry and significantly reduced its environmental impact. Earth Angel has helped films and series avoid 8,500 metric tons of greenhouse gases, divert over 4,800 tons of waste, and donate over 125,000 meals to the local communities. Their client roster includes The Amazing Spider-Man 2, Spielberg's The Post, Emmy-winner The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, and Lin Manuel Miranda’s In the Heights. Earth Angel is headquartered in New York with offices in Los Angeles and Atlanta. Interested in sponsoring or supporting A Sustainable Mind? Visit our sponsorship page at ASustainableMind.com/sponsor! In this episode Marjorie and Emellie discuss: * What it's like to work on and run a film production with and without sustainability in mind * The type of research, stats, and projections that are considered when EA works with a production and what numbers are presented to the client at the end of a project * What happens to the materials that are not used up at the end of the production * What you should keep in mind when working with a company like Earth Angel and how you can make your production more sustainable on your own * How Covid has impacted the film industry and the way EA works with productions Resources mentioned in today's episode: * Hot Take Podcast and Newsletter: https://www.hottakepod.com/ * Green Production Guide: https://www.greenproductionguide.com/ * The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/us * Earther: https://earther.gizmodo.com/ * The Book on Awakening: Connect with Emellie and the Earth Angel Team: * Website: https://www.earthangel.nyc/ * Instagram: http://instagram.com/earthangelsets * Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EarthAngelsets/ * Twitter: https://twitter.com/earthangelsets * LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/earth-angel-sustainable-production-services-llc Connect with Marjorie Alexander: * Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/asustainablemind/ * Twitter: https://twitter.com/SustainableMind * Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/asustainablemind/ * Website: http://www.asustainablemind.com Join us for our first live event, M.A.S.S. Eco Summit! It will be 3 days of keynotes, panels, and workshops on your favorite topics in the world of environmental sustainability! Grab your free ticket and learn how to get involved at MASSEcoLive.com.