Podcast FAQ

al and jerry postgame podcast

by Ms. Camila Grant PhD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What does Al&Jerry's Postgame Podcast talk about?

They mostly talk about how robots are taking over the world, rats are taking over New York City, and how most of the people that live in Florida are somewhat crazy. All content for Al & Jerry's Postgame Podcast is the property of Audacy and is served directly from their servers with no modification, redirects, or rehosting.

What do Al & Jerry talk about on Boomer & Gio?

Al & Jerry occasionally talk about things that happened that morning on Boomer & Gio. They mostly talk about how robots are taking over the world, rats are taking over New York City, and how most of the people that live in Florida are somewhat crazy.

Is the Al&Sal Licata podcast affiliated with Podbay?

The podcast is not affiliated with or endorsed by Podbay in any way. Al & Sal Licata Discuss: Sal's approach to radio and working the overnight shift, Baseball returns and Al is not happy about it and Ben Simmons wears an expensive sweater in his return to Philadelphia Learn more about your ad choices.



Al & Jerry occasionally talk about things that happened that morning on Boomer & Gio. They mostly talk about how robots are taking over the world, rats are taking over New York City, and how most of the people that live in Florida are somewhat crazy.

What listeners say about Al & Jerry's Postgame Podcast

Reviews - Please select the tabs below to change the source of reviews.

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To submit a review of a podcast episode, go to the page of the podcast whose episode you want to review and find the specific episode you're looking for. Clicking on any episode reveals a "View Episode" button and clicking on that brings you to an episode-specific page where you can find more information displayed about ...

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You can also reach us on Twitter by twee ting us @podknife ( https://twitter.com/podknife) or on Facebook by messaging us from our page ( https://www.facebook.com/podknife/ ).

How to change display name on podknife?

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