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anglo saxon history podcast

by Ellis Pacocha Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Episode 43: Anglo-Saxon Monsters and Mythology

Many Anglo-Saxons believed in a world inhabited by monsters and mythological creatures. They also believed in the power of sorcery and witchcraft. These ideas are reflected in the literature of the Anglo-Saxons, most notably the epic poem Beowulf.

Episode 34: Sounds Like Old English

The sound of English began to change as soon as the first Anglo-Saxons arrived in Britain. We explore the specific sound changes which occurred and the impact which those changes had on modern English.

Episode 32: The Oldest English

We explore the early Anglo-Saxon kingdoms and their regional Old English dialects. The ‘Saxons’ soon become the ‘English.’ And ‘English’ provides the name of a new nation.

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