Podcast FAQ

are podcast guests paid

by Sallie Schultz Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Typically, podcasts do not pay their guests. Their “Payment” comes from exposure to the audience as well as highlights to their services, e-books, products, etc. Even if a podcast is small now, there is an assumption by host and guests that the show will grow, and the exposure will increase.

How much do you get paid to go on a podcast?

Podcasters can make anywhere from $10.000$ per episode up to $500,000 per episode. But it can be intimidating to start out because of a long and tedious process. In order to promote your podcast, you must have the right equipment and put in a great deal of effort and time.

Do podcasts charge a fee?

Music fans who are used to purchasing songs through iTunes may be accustomed to paying a dollar or more per song, but podcasts are almost always completely free.

How do guests get on podcasts?

There are a lot of podcasts out there to be a guest on—and several ways to find the best ones for you.Meet people. ... Make your “80/20 list” of podcast targets. ... Explore other places to find podcasts that fit. ... Look outside your niche (but not too far) ... Build rapport. ... Make the ask. ... Suggest some topic ideas. ... Show your value.More items...•

Do podcasts need guests?

Without any audience listening to your podcast, it would nearly be impossible to convince any guest to appear on your podcast. Don't worry! Every podcast starts with zero listeners. Each one of the podcasters starts on zero footings and without any guests.

What are podcasts and are they free?

Podcasting is a largely free service that allows internet users to pull audio files (typically MP3s) from a podcasting website to listen to on their computers, smartphones or personal digital audio players. The term comes from a combination of the words iPod and broadcasting.

Do radio guests get paid?

Like radio talk shows, TV news talk shows usually won't pay guests for showing up. In both cases, the financial results – if there are any – are generally longer term.

Why should I be a guest on podcasts?

Guest starring provides the added benefit of being endorsed by the podcast host as an expert. Additionally, lively interactions with the host will help form a stronger connection with listeners as well as a reputation boost. There are many ways to share the content even after the podcast is recorded.

What is the #1 podcast in the world?

Top podcastsPodcast Industry RankingTop 20 PodcastsRankPodcastPublisher1The DailyThe New York Times2MorbidWondery20 more rows

How much should I charge for a podcast?

Expect to pay anywhere from $1,000 to $15,000+ for an episode depending on the type of podcast you are producing (interview-based, narrative or story-driven, or a mixture of the two).

How Both Parties Benefit From an Interview Without Hurting Your Pockets

Inviting guests to appear on your show is a win-win scenario for both the host and the guest. Plus, it’s a great way to grow your podcast even more with guests promoting the podcast they were on.

Be Flexible & Generous

If guests are willing to appear on your show, the last thing you want to say is, “I’d love to have you on; I can squeeze you in on [day] around [time].” You want to make your guests feel like they’re worth your full attention, instead of “squeezing” them in.

High Profile & Celebrity Guests

When starting out as a podcast, you won’t really be able to offer a guest as much audience and promotion, so money may come up. If you already have an established podcast, money probably won’t be a thing because you are both trading services and benefit.

How to Invite Someone to a Podcast

Using tactics like networking, website platforms, and research will help you get started on finding the right guest for your podcast. Creating an exciting subject line, a great pitch, and knowing your reader are all important factors when contacting guests to be on your show. It can be hard to find guests, so we made a guide to help you with that.

How to Make Money on Podcasting

Okay, we covered that guests do not usually ask for money. Now, let’s get you making some dough. As a newer podcast, you can sign up for affiliate programs using websites or get sponsorships from other companies.


So, do podcast guests get paid? No, not with money. Instead, they gain promotion and an audience willing to hear what they have to say. Both the host and the guest gain something from it, whether it is fresh content, a break from being the only one talking, or both parties promoting each other.

Why do people tune in to podcasts?

Remember, your audience tune in because your podcast aligns with their interests. And that is exactly the way any podcasts pay their guests – by matching them with an audience that is already interested in what they have to say! If your podcast is about running, there is little place for someone talking about new cars.

Why is it important to be a podcaster?

More viewers = more opportunities for you to grow in the future. Every podcaster has the end goal of turning their hobby/dream into a profitable job , maybe even full time. Doing so requires forward-thinking and a lot of planning.

Why is exposure important for podcasts?

Exposure is a great social currency and a great way podcasts pay their guests. Having a guest on your blog tells your audience two things: You trust this person enough to allow them on the podcast. Whatever this person is selling or promoting is relevant to them. The second point is more critical than people think.

What happens if you choose your guest right?

If you choose your guest right, they are doing you a favor. You do not know everything . Your guest, on the other hand, may know something you don’t and can teach you and your audience . Everyone wins, but more importantly, you provided value you wouldn’t have with just yourself.

What is the second point of podcasting?

The second point is more critical than people think. As a podcaster, you spend your time building an audience on a certain topic, hobby, or skill. No matter how you look at it, your audience follows you for one of those reasons. This means that your guest is going to receive exposure to a targeted group of people.

Do podcasts pay their guests?

Typically, podcasts do not pay their guests. Their “Payment” comes from exposure to the audience as well as highlights to their services, e-books, products, etc. Even if a podcast is small now, there is an assumption by host and guests that the show will grow, and the exposure will increase. Surprisingly enough, almost every comment on ...

Do podcasts run on interviews?

In a sense, they are correct. A lot of podcasts run on the format of interviews. Bringing different people from each field on to talk about a given topic. On the flip side, there is the other spectrum of podcasters that podcast as a hobby (before going full time with a show ).

Do podcasts have to disclose that guests have paid them money?

Most podcasters do not disclose that they charge their guests to be on the show.

If they charge it, should you pay it?

The other question that comes into play on this topic is whether or not it’s worth the investment to pay a fee to be on a podcast.

What should you do when you want to be a guest on a podcast then?

Your best strategy is to craft really good email pitches to podcasts that are in your niche and have the best chance of having listeners who will relate to you.

How do podcasters make money?

1. Sponsorships. Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn.

Why do podcasts have negative cash flow?

In fact, many podcasts have negative cash flow because they spend money buying equipment and paying hosting fees before they earn a single dollar. Creative work like podcasting doesn’t make any money until people choose to watch you. It takes time for listeners to decide you have value.

What is affiliate sales?

Affiliate sales are similar to sponsorships, but instead of getting paid by the download, you get paid based on what you sell for another company. The other company pays you a commission for each sale. Audible has a popular affiliate program that a lot of podcasters and YouTubers take advantage of.

Does audible have an affiliate link?

Audible gives you a special affiliate link to promote. When someone uses your link, you get credit for the sale and earn $15. If you monetize with affiliate sales, make sure the company gives you a simple link that’s easy for you to say and your listeners to understand. Good affiliate URL: www.sponsor.com/your-name.

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