Podcast FAQ

arpana suspect podcast

by Murray Schneider Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is the status of the Arpana murder case?

There has been no sign of activity in the case in some time, due to the prolonged trials of Emanuel Fair. He was originally charged with Arpana's murder in October of 2010 and acquitted in June of 2019 - nearly nine years, in which there was little movement in Arpana's case.

What was missing from Arpana's crime scene?

It would later be found that other items were missing from the crime scene, including at least one of Arpana's ID cards, her Blackberry (cell phone), and her digital camera; none of which would ever be recovered.

What was found in Arpana's apartment?

In the apartment complex's dumpster, investigators would find a bottle of Castrol motorcycle oil, which the offender had likely found inside of Arpana's apartment and then sprayed all over the crime scene and her body.

What happened to Arpana's body?

The apartment was discovered in a state of disrepair different from how it had looked days beforehand (during the Halloween party), which made it clear that the struggle had ultimately led to Arpana's bedroom. That is where her body was discovered, nude and bloody, lying face-down on the floor beside her bed.



How can a friendly Halloween party turn into the scene of a young woman’s murder? This new true crime podcast, Suspect, examines the evidence on an exceptionally complicated cold case.

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Arpana Jinaga, a 24-year-old computer programmer and one of the party’s hosts, had been murdered.

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Over nine episodes, true crime podcast Suspect hosts Matthew Shaer and Eric Benson return to the scene of the 2008 crime over a decade later to uncover what happened, and speak with everyone about a party that still haunts them a decade later.

How old is Arpana?

Shortly after moving to Redmond, the 24-year-old Arpana decided to purchase a motorcycle. Despite her not having any experience riding a motorcycle, she planned on using one as her primary mode of transportation.

What did Arpana do as a teenager?

As a teen, she participated in an IEEE Hardware Design Contest that earned her some attention from universities and potential employers, and seemed to cement her down the path of computing. Her younger sister, Pavitra, would begin to follow in these footsteps as well, and later pursue a career in computer engineering after Arpana.

What did Arpana do after she left work?

After leaving work, she would stop by a store to pick up some Halloween decorations, and began covering her apartment as other people began returning home and donning their costumes.

What did Arpana do in 2005?

By the time she was reaching adulthood, Arpana had already become incredibly proficient in embedded systems (utilizing both hardware and software for specific functions) and gained international notoriety for her skills in 2005 when she participated in a design contest for Microchip. Using the design kit allotted to each contestant, Arpana was able to design a communications jammer, which didn't win her the contest but showcased her ingenuity at such a young age (21). Among thousands of contestants, she was singled out as a top-20 performer and was the only participant from Asia to be featured in the subsequent awards.

What time did Arpana leave her apartment?

Most of the guests left Arpana's apartment for her neighbors just after 9:00 PM, but there were a lot of moving pieces that evening, and no real comprehensive way to determine who was where at what time. At some point in the evening, it would be reported that Arpana got into a verbal argument with a male partygoer.

When was Arpana featured in the New Indian Express?

In June of 2005, Arpana was featured in the New Indian Express, in an article titled "Young Inventors.".

Did Arpana Jinaga call back?

Even though Arpana Jinaga had not been back home to visit her family in India in more than two years, she still talked to them over the phone regularly and had spoken to them the night before the Halloween party (Thursday, October 30th). However, the weekend after the party, Arpana would not answer any of their calls and would fail to call them back, which was very unlike her.

What is the podcast called "Fake Bride"?

I thought I'd share an episode from a podcast that I think True Crime listeners would like. The podcast is called 'Hidden Brain' and the episode is called 'Fake Bride'. It's a bizarre little mystery. This podcast takes different looks at human psychology. This story about a woman becoming a fake bride was just fascinating, so I had to share! https://hiddenbrain.org/

Who was the teacher that was missing for 11 years?

Josh has multiple podcasts and the story doesn't say which, but turns out this lady was aware of her beloved highschool teacher being missing for 11 years, and recognized the description of his clothes done by Josh when he was talking about a John Doe's body. She reported it and she was right, it was the body of her teacher, Christopher Roof, son of Marcia Moore who was the heiress of the Sheraton Hotels chain, and who was maybe murdered? years before; her case is unsolved and was covered by True crime all the time in 2018.

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