Podcast FAQ

demographics podcast listeners

by Ms. Ruth Nitzsche Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

In conclusion:

  • Podcast listeners are young, educated and affluent
  • Gender – Podcast listeners are both male and female and while still more men listen to podcasts than women growth of listenership in both groups is similarly very high
  • Age – People between 12 and 24 years of age constituted 40% of regular, monthly listeners. This is the largest age group and the fastest growing
  • Income – From annual income perspective the fastest-growing groups of listeners are listeners from households from $100k-150k group with a 23% share of listenership in 2019
  • In 2019 regular podcast listeners were listening to almost 8 hours of content weekly
  • In 2019 regular podcast listeners on average listened to 7 shows weekly
  • If you want to appeal to the largest group of listeners make your episodes last between 30 and 40 minutes
  • Publishing on weekdays allows achieving higher reach (average 21%) than on weekends with highest average reach achieved by episodes published on Wednesday (25% of reach)
  • Podcast listeners are a very attractive group for advertisers, who are interested in reaching this group of consumers with their messages

Who Listens To Podcasts? 50% of monthly U.S. podcast listeners are aged between 12-34, 43% between 35 and 54 years old, and 22% are aged over 55. In 2019, around half of monthly podcast listeners had a full-time job(51%), 17% of whom hadve a household income between $100K-$150K. 28% have a university degree.Jun 12, 2022

Who listens to podcasts demographics?

  • Men have historically listened to more podcasts on a monthly basis than women. But growth in both groups is comparably fast.
  • In 2013, 15% of men and 9% of women listened to podcasts regularly on a monthly basis. ...
  • In 2019, 34% of men and 29% of women listen to podcasts regularly on a monthly basis. We predict the growth in both groups will continue. ...

How to find the number of listeners to a podcast?

  • In 2019 over 32% of Americans have listened to podcasts regularly every month, which is 90 million people. ...
  • People regularly listening every week in 2019 were 22% of the population in 2019. ...
  • It is also crucial to notice that once a consumer becomes a podcasts listener, podcasting becomes their primary source of audio consumption.

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Why are podcasts so popular?

  • What Is a Podcast?
  • Podcast Types
  • History Of Podcasts
  • Why Are Podcasts Becoming So Popular?
  • Podcasts Allow Multitasking & Podcasting For Everyone
  • They Are Easy To Access
  • They Build Intimacy
  • Podcasts Are Time Savers
  • Provide An Instant Community
  • Easy To Monetizing A Podcast

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How many people listen to podcasts?

Who Listens To Podcasts (And How Can You Reach Them)?

  • White: 57%
  • African-American: 13% MORE FROM FORBES ADVISOR Best Travel Insurance Companies By Amy Danise Editor Best Covid-19 Travel Insurance Plans By Amy Danise Editor
  • Hispanic: 16%
  • Asian: 4%
  • Other: 10%


Where can I find podcast listener demographics?

How to Find Your Podcast Audience Demographic InformationClick/tap on Catalog, then click/tap on your show.Click on the Audience tab (see first screenshot below)Change the date range to "All Time"Scroll down till you see the Age and Gender information.Take a screenshot of each section (see second screenshot below)

What age Listens to the most podcasts?

between 12-24 years oldPodcast listeners are young, educated and affluent. The largest age group of listeners is between 12-24 years old (40%). The largest group from income perspective are listeners in households with annual income between $100k-150k (17%).

What is the target audience for podcasts?

Podcast listeners tend to be younger, early adopters of technology who can be difficult to reach using traditional advertising channels. According to the same report, half of all podcast listeners are aged 12 to 34, with listeners 35+ making up the other half.

What percentage of adults listen to podcasts?

57% of Americans Have Listened to a Podcast This is up from 55% in 2020 and 51% in 2019. This indicates that roughly three-quarters of the people who are familiar with podcasts have actually listened to one.

Who are podcasts aimed at?

New Demographic Research Shows Who Really Listens to Podcasts60 Percent of Americans Are Familiar with the Term 'Podcasting' ... 40 Percent of Americans Have Listened to a Podcast. ... 56 Percent of Podcast Listeners Are Men. ... 84 Percent of Podcast Listeners Are Under Age 55.More items...

Who has the biggest podcast audience?

Surveys of over 8,000 podcast listeners in the U.S. were conducted Q1 2021 through Q4 2021....Weekly Podcast Listeners.RankPodcastNetwork1The Joe Rogan ExperienceSpotify2The DailyThe New York Times3Crime Junkieaudiochuck4This American LifeThis American Life46 more rows•Feb 7, 2022

How to know the popularity of a podcast?

Here are a few readily available tools to gauge a podcast's popularity.1) Reviews and Ratings.2) Rankings.3) Google Trends.1) Ask The Podcast Directly.2) Check their Website.3) Podchaser Pro.

What are good podcast statistics?

58% of podcast consumers listen to between 76% and 100% of all the podcasts downloaded on their devices. Podcast consumers listen to most of the shows they download on their smartphones and other mobile devices. 20% of podcast listeners listen to between 51% and 75% of the shows they download.

Are podcasts still popular 2022?

Yes, podcasts are still popular in 2022. The number of active podcasts and podcast listeners is increasing daily. As of April 2021, there are a total number of 850,000 active podcasts with more than 48 million episodes in total.

What are the most popular podcast genres?

Comedy, education, and news are the most popular podcasting genres.

Is Australia listening to podcasts?

87% of the Australian population is familiar with the term “podcasting”. 30% of the Australian population has listened to a podcast. 25% listened to a podcast in the last month. 17% listened to a podcast in the last week.

Do links to other sites generate commission?

Links to other sites may generate us a commission at no extra cost to you.

Make data-driven decisions

The podcasting industry is growing fast. One of the key metrics that you will use to decide whether a show is worth reaching out to is how many listeners it has.

Let listener demographics inform you

It's now easy to find out how many listeners a podcast has. Identify the most impactful podcasts for your campaign.

Everything you need for podcast outreach and research

Rephonic reveals valuable podcast data so you can pitch the right shows and maximize opportunities.

Get the most out of listener demographics

You sent a bunch of pitches and finally you got your first invitation to feature as a guest on the perfect podcast. So what should you do to prepare for your interview?


The easiest way to see how many listeners a podcast has is to search Rephonic's podcast database for the specific show and view the number of listeners per month.

Do podcasts rank highly in income?

It's perhaps not surprising that business and government podcasts rank highly in terms of income and education. And even though genres like Arts rank less highly in terms of income, we'd like to emphasize that all genres index significantly higher than the US household average for both income and education.

Does your audience exist in a vacuum?

Your audience doesn 't exist in a vacuum—that's why we're including comparisons to industry-wide demographic benchmarks, right alongside your own. Knowing how your show fits into the larger ecosystem helps you contextualize your audience, both for your own use and for advertisers.

How many podcasts were there at WWDC 2018?

To highlight the growth, Apple confirmed there were over 550,000 podcasts at WWDC 2018 in early June. An article published April 25, 2018, by FastCompany states there are: Over 525,000 active shows and over 18.5 million episodes.

How many people listen to podcasts in the US?

37% (104 million) listened to a podcast in the last month – up from 32% in 2019 (Infinite Dial 20) 24% (68 million) listen to podcasts weekly – up from 22% in 2019 (Infinite Dial 20) 16 million people in the US are “avid podcast fans” (Nielsen Q1 2018)

How many podcasts are there on Apple?

Apple Podcasts … features more than 500,000 active podcasts, including content in more than 100 languages.

When will the Edison Research Infinite Dial 2020 be released?

Updated stats: Edison Research Infinite Dial 2020 released March 19th, 2020. Q1 2018 report from Nielsen came out March 20, 2018. Total number of podcasts & episodes on Apple Podcasts updated April 2021. As new stats and reports come out, this post will be updated with the latest info on the podcast listener landscape.

Which country has the highest podcast listening rate?

South Korea leads the world in the percentage of people who have listened to a podcast in the past month with 58%.

Is there an infographic on Pinterest?

There is both an infographic (with embed code) and a Pinterest image for your sharing needs as well!

Who is Ross Winn?

Ross Winn is the founder of Podcast Insights, the industry-leading podcast education site. He has helped thousands of people start and grow a podcast and loves to test out new gear and software.

How Many Listeners Do Podcasts Get on Average?

This is the number everyone cares about: how do you compare to other podcasters? Here are stats from Buzzsprout, one of the biggest Podcast Hosts in the world, on how many listeners podcasts tend to get.

What Age Group Listens to Podcasts Most?

Taking a look, now at how listening stats differ across the ages. Do younger people listen more, or older? Let's take a look.

How Many Podcast Episodes Are There?

In this case, we're going by industry estimates here, rather than solid facts:

How Many People Know What a Podcast Is?

There continues to be good growth in the simple act of knowing what a podcast is, year on year:

How Often Does the Average Podcast Publish an Episode?

Similarly, if you're asking, how often should I release my podcast, here's what Buzzsprout's Podcast statistics show about the average.

What Organisations are Collating Podcast Statistics?

The Infinite Dial report , a survey conducted by Edison Research and Triton Digital, is probably the most popular databank and survey on the state of Podcast industry statistics in the United States, especially audio. The Rajar Midas survey is the equivalent in the UK.

How Many Podcasts Are There, Right Now?

In total, how many podcasts are there in the world? This includes ALL shows, from 1 episode podfaders to 1000+ episode legends.

1. There are over 2 million podcasts

Currently, there are more than two million active podcasts, according to Podcast Insights 2021. Three years ago, there were only about a quarter of that. With regards to the number of podcast episodes specifically, as of April 2021 there were over 48 million episodes.

9. Eight Podcasts Are Listened to Per Week On Average

According to The Infinite Dial 2021, US weekly podcast listeners averaged eight podcasts in the last week. Only 11% of US podcast listeners older than 12 listened to only one podcast in the last week. Most (21%) listened to about five, while 19% listened to anything from six to 10 podcasts per week.

10. Average Time Spent Listening to Online Audio Was Down in 2020

Surprisingly, according to The Infinite Dial, the average time spent listening to online audio was down in 2020. In 2019, online audio listeners older than 12 spent an average of 16 hours and 43 minutes per week. In 2020, it was only 15 hours and 12 minutes – more than an hour less.

11. Podcast Listening Peaks in the Morning

According to The MIDAS Survey, the listening peak for podcasts is between 08:15 and 08:30 a.m. Other popular times include between 11:00 and 11:15 a.m. and again at 5:30 p.m.

12. Radio Is the Most Popular Audio Source While Driving

When it comes to audio sources in the car, AM/FM radio still outperformed podcasts in 2020. According to The Infinite Dial, only 28% used podcasts as an audio source in the car, compared to 81% that tuned into radio stations.

13. Mobile Phones Are the Preferred Device

The car stereo system might not be the preferred source for podcast listening, but the mobile phone definitely is. Mobile phones account for 79% of the podcast listening hours! The second most-used device is laptops (15%) with tablets (6%) in third spot.

14. More Men Listen to Podcasts

In the UK, podcasting is slightly more popular among men. The MIDAS Survey found that in 2020 54% of men compared to 46% of women listen to podcasts.

How can advertisers take advantage of podcast listeners?

Advertisers can take advantage of these engaged listeners by creating relationships with podcast hosts, onboarding them to their product or service, having them become enthusiastic brand advocates themselves and leveraging the power of their live endorsement in the context of the show . Incredibly, almost half of podcast consumers surveyed in Edison Research's Super Listeners 2020 report said they believe that podcast hosts they regularly listen to actually use the products/services mentioned on their podcasts.

How much do podcasts listen to?

Various sources agree that podcast consumers listen to at least 80% of each episode. According to a 4,000-person survey, a great deal of podcast listening happens at home, with 90% of participants saying they listen to their favorite podcasts within the comfort of their own homes and 64% of the time in their cars.

Why do podcast listeners engage with social media?

This creates an opportunity for brands to build close relationships with show hosts and leverage the power of their multi-platform distribution. This approach can not only increase messaging frequency, but also reach incremental fans who tend to engage with the content on one or two shows specifically and not the show's entire platform ecosystem.

How many people listen to podcasts in 2021?

According to Edison Research's Infinite Dial 2021 report that was released in March, monthly U.S. podcast listenership grew to an astounding 116 million people. The Covid-19 pandemic has certainly accelerated the growth of podcast listening and has left many marketers who are contemplating podcast advertising asking the question: So, ...

What percentage of podcast listeners are white?

And while podcast listeners in the U.S. continue to be predominantly white (57%), both the Hispanic and Asian populations have increased podcasting consumption in the past five years, and now the racial and ethnic makeup of the audience more closely reflects that of the actual diversity of the of U.S. population overall.

Why is podcast advertising important?

Podcast advertising offers an exciting opportunity to reach these highly desirable “podcast people” who are often difficult to reach through more traditional tactics and can drive incrementality over existing media plans.

How old are podcast listeners?

According to the same report, half of all podcast listeners are aged 12 to 34, with listeners 35+ making up the other half.

Podcasts are gaining popularity

This increased monthly podcast consumption shows the growing prevalence of the format in the United States. A survey on podcast consumption found that in 2012 only 29 percent of U.S. respondents had ever listened to an audio podcast, but this figure increased annually and reached 57 percent in 2021.

Podcast providers

The recent controversy surrounding Spotify and the Spotify-exclusive podcast ‘The Joe Rogan Experience’, in which Spotify sided with Joe Rogan despite complaints from artists, demonstrated the rising influence of podcasts and their importance for streaming platforms.


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The Perennial Question: Who's Listening?

Every podcaster has asked themselves at some point: who's listening to my podcast? The usual answer till now has been listener surveys. These surveys are are useful, but require time and money to run. Chartable Demographics help you understand your audience quickly—no surveys required. Our demographic data co…
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Why Demographics?

  • Demographics allow podcasters to make smarter decisions marketing their shows and selling ads. The best way to market your shows is to find your audience where they already are—for podcasters that is, of course, on other podcasts! Advertising on shows with a close demographic match has a higher chance of yielding success. When selling ads on your shows, you're on the ot…
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Demographic Benchmarks

  • Your audience doesn't exist in a vacuum—that's why we're including comparisons to industry-wide demographic benchmarks, right alongside your own. Knowing how your show fits into the larger ecosystem helps you contextualize your audience, both for your own use and for advertisers. Because our stats are only available at a household level, some demographics like age and gend…
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The More You Know

  • Our demographics for the podcast industry show both the strength, and the potential, of the medium. Listeners tend to be wealthier and more well educated than the US median household, which is great news for advertisers. We're very pleased to provide this data to publishers starting today. If you're not on a Pro plan yet, you can upgrade from your ...
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