Podcast FAQ

ask the expert podcast

by Judd Rosenbaum Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

What is the ask the health expert podcast?

JJ Virgin’s Ask the Health Expert Podcast has become THE go-to podcast for all things nutrition and wellness. Every short, knowledge-packed episode combines cutting-edge science with simple action strategies you can use right now.

What are the best podcasts for Health and wellness?

Ask The Health Expert on Apple Podcasts JJ Virgin’s Ask the Health Expert Podcast has become THE go-to podcast for all things nutrition and wellness. Every short, knowledge-packed episode combines cutting-edge science with simple action strategies you can use right now.

Who is ask the health expert’s JJ Graziano?

In addition to hosting the Ask the Health Expert Podcast, JJ is a prominent TV and media personality. She was co-host of TLC’s Freaky Eaters and for 2 years, she was the on-camera nutritionist for Weight Loss Challenges on Dr. Phil. Over the years, JJ has made numerous appearances on PBS, Dr. Oz, Rachael Ray, Access Hollywood, and the TODAY Show.


What is the JJ Virgin podcast?

JJ Virgin’s Ask the Health Expert Podcast has become THE go-to podcast for all things nutrition and wellness. Every short, knowledge-packed episode combines cutting-edge science with simple action strategies you can use right now.

Who is JJ on PBS?

Over the years, JJ has made numerous appearances on PBS, Dr. Oz, Rachael Ray, Access Hollywood, and the TODAY Show. She also speaks regularly and has shared the stage with notables including Seth Godin, Lisa Nichols, Gary Vaynerchuk, Mark Hyman, Dan Buettner, and Mary Morrissey.


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