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best podcast questions to ask

by Dr. Olin Stokes MD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

10 Tried and True Podcast Interview Questions

  1. What’s something about you that most people familiar with your work wouldn’t know? This is a great podcast interview question because it serves as an icebreaker. ...
  2. What’s the biggest challenge facing you right now? In X years? ...
  3. What advice would you give to someone pursuing a career path similar to your own? This question gives your interviewee a chance to speak directly to your audience. ...
  4. Who has been your biggest supporter/mentor/role model over the course of your career? ...
  5. What motivates you to get up in the morning and go to work? Podcast audiences love to listen to people discuss their passions. ...
  6. What do most people misunderstand about your field of work? ...
  7. When did you first become passionate about your chosen field? If you can get your guest to talk about their passions, you might not even need any more questions. ...
  8. If you could give advice to your 16-year-old self, what would it be? ...
  9. What’s an example of a mistake or failure that you experienced, and what did you learn from it? Every industry leader has made mistakes in the past. ...
  10. How can our listeners connect with you online?

What are three movies you'd recommend to my audience and why? What are three other podcasts you'd recommend to my audience and why? What's one question you wish I'd asked you, and how would you have answered? Where can listeners find you online?Jun 14, 2022

Full Answer

How to ask great podcast interview questions?

How to Prepare To Conduct An Amazing Podcast Interview

  1. Choose Interesting Guests. Some guest are, well… boring. ...
  2. Do Some Background Research on Your Subject. A podcast interview shouldn’t be your first exposure to your subject. ...
  3. Get to Know Your Interviewee’s Work. ...
  4. Write The Guest’s Bio For Them. ...
  5. Determine Where Your Subject Meets Your Audience. ...
  6. Prepare Your Questions In Advance. ...

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How do people make great podcasts?

Part 1 of 3: Creating Interesting Content Download Article

  1. Listen to podcasts for ideas and inspiration. If you’re interested in making a podcast, you probably already like listening to them.
  2. Choose a podcast topic that you're passionate about. There’s no magic formula for making a hit podcast that draws in a huge audience.
  3. Determine which format suits your topic and style. ...

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What are the best questions to ask?

The right questions to ask new colleagues and 2 other ways to succeed in a new remote job

  • Network with co-workers. Building relationships with your colleagues takes more effort when you’re not running into them at the water cooler – but they can answer questions about your new ...
  • Re-vamp your WFH set-up. ...
  • Set clear goals. ...

What are the best business interview style podcasts?

These critical podcast structure elements include:

  • The intro telling listeners what your show is about, and presents a hook to get them to continue listening.
  • The content of the episode. ...
  • The outro closing each episode, and including a call to action, a promise of what’s coming next in your show, and also, asking listeners to rate, review and subscribe to ...


What are some fun interview questions?

Funny Interview Questions"How would you solve problems if you were from Mars?" ... "What do you think of garden gnomes?" ... "Why are manholes round?" ... "You've been given an elephant. ... "If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be and why?"

What are good follow up questions to ask?

Here are some quality job-specific follow-up questions you can ask:How can I succeed in this role?What are the most important skills for this job?What programs or software will I use in this role?What are the daily responsibilities for this job?Do you expect this role to evolve in the near future?More items...•

What do you talk about in a podcast?

Get your ideas flowing with these 101 topics to talk about on a podcast.Learning a new skill. ... Events/groups. ... Book reviews and summaries. ... Book recommendations. ... Sports. ... People who know nothing about sports. ... Location-based. ... Time-based.More items...•

What is the point of a podcast?

A podcast can have many purposes, but the main one is to entertain its audience. Podcast listeners might have one of several reasons to subscribe to a podcast, such as to: Hear updates and breakdowns of current events. Learn about a new topic or industry.

How do you ask a smart question?

How to ask smart questionsThink about what you already know. Reviewing your existing knowledge on a subject can help you pinpoint any gaps. ... Confirm what you want to learn. ... Create a draft of your questions. ... Refine your questions. ... Ensure simplicity. ... Ask your questions confidently and politely.

Which is an example of a leading question?

A leading question suggests a particular answer that the questioner desires – most often a simple 'yes' or 'no' answer. ∎ “Were you in Los Angeles last week?” ∎ You were in Los Angeles last week, weren't you? ∎ You didn't see the stop sign, did you?

How do I pick a podcast topic?

How To Find Good Podcast TopicsStart with your interests and hobbies. It's important that you choose a podcast topic that you're genuinely interested in; otherwise, your audience will be able to sense your disinterest. ... Evaluate your goals. ... Establish a focus. ... Consider planning for guests. ... Decide what sets you apart.

How do I make my podcast interesting?

How To Create Interesting Podcast EpisodesTalk about things you're interested in. ... Focus on your target audience. ... Tell lots of stories. ... Help your audience take the next step. ... Ask your listeners questions and report their responses. ... Stay on topic and don't wander too much. ... Invite unique experts onto your show.More items...•

What should my first podcast say?

Mention what inspired you to start your podcast In this section you should share your WHY. Don't be afraid to get close and personal - paint a picture, take us on a journey! The more specific you are the better, as this will help the audience connect with you through the details within the story.

How long is a podcast?

The average length of a podcast is 36 minutes. However, that figure was calculated in December 2019. So, chances are high that the average podcast length is now less, with trends indicating that shorter podcasts are more popular. One of the reasons for shorter podcasts is not just about listener time.

What is the disadvantage of podcast?

Disadvantages of Podcasting Internet is required for people to access the podcasts and it becomes difficult to reach to a wider audience if internet is not available. Larger podcasts with high file sizes and video podcasts become a major issue.

What makes a podcast unique?

Podcasts are a unique form of media because people use them both to learn and to be entertained, according to The Canadian Podcast Listener 2020, which has released a sneak preview of some of its findings. The research says that the attentive, lean-in audience for podcasts is great for advertisers.

How to get a good interview?

1. Do Your Research. Don’t make the mistake of showing up to the interview without knowing basic information about your guest; it’ll come off as unprofessional and rude. But beyond that, learning about your interviewee’s life and achievements will likely spark more question ideas.

Is a remote interview good?

For many remote interview podcasts, the episode is only as good as the questions (and, of course, the audio quality ). Finding the right balance of informative and entertaining usually starts with the host’s ability to put their guests at ease, converse with them naturally, and spark intriguing, dynamic conversation.

What is the art of podcast interview?

The art of the podcast interview. It’s involved, takes a lot of practice, and has the potential to help make your podcast a success. But while so much of being a great interviewer has to do with the conversation, it also has to do with the podcast interview questions.

What is interview pre chat?

The interview pre-chat, which is the few minutes you have with your guest from the time you connect to the time you hit record, is a critical time. Learn more about the best podcast editing and recording software. For guests who might not be familiar with being interviewed, or who haven’t done podcasts before, ...

What is an icebreaker in an interview?

An icebreaker not only shares unique info about a topic or your guest so your audience can create a connection with them, but it typically allows there to be a lighter air around the interview.

Should interview questions be a guide?

But remember: people want to hear stories and a good conversation, so while interview questions can and should be a guide for your episode, never sacrifice quality of conversation just because you want to get through all of your questions. When it comes to how to ask a question on a podcast, keep these tips in mind.

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