Podcast FAQ

black diplomats podcast

by Lucienne Funk PhD Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is a black diplomat?

Black Diplomats is a weekly podcast devoted to Black and people of color-lead conversations on foreign policy and lifestyles.

Who designed the Black Diplomats logo?

To read some of Terrell’s work on foreign policy, download the Black Diplomats Digital Primer. Black Diplomats’ logo was designed by Antoinette Childs. Black Diplomats’ theme song by Tall Black Guy.

English Language Media in Ukraine

With so much hysteria and propaganda going around the world about Ukraine it’s important to find journalists on the ground that we can trust. Whether it’s Kremlin backed mouthpieces like Russia Today or anything coming out of the US State Department it’s clear the concerns of the innocent majority are not being addressed.

Russian Colonialism

Black Diplomats host Terrell Starr is in Ukraine, despite President Biden’s warning that Americans should leave. He’s reporting on the ground, but also spending time with loved ones and friends. Like everyone else in the country he’s keeping an eye on the Russian troops at the border but trying not to let the situation get to him.

News & Politics Podcasts

The world is full of Black people. But when the mainstream media talks about the world, we hardly ever hear from them. Black Diplomats—a podcast dedicated to international politics and culture from the perspective of people of color—is changing that.

Russian Colonialism

Black Diplomats host Terrell Starr is in Ukraine, despite President Biden’s warning that Americans should leave. He’s reporting on the ground, but also spending time with loved ones and friends. Like everyone else in the country he’s keeping an eye on the Russian troops at the border but trying not to let the situation get to him.

German-Russian Relations and the impact on Ukraine

As Russian troops continue the build up on Ukraine’s border some people are suggesting Germany toughen their rhetoric and policies.

Ukrainian Security

As Ukraine celebrates its long holiday season, all eyes are on the East. Putin has built up a massive force on the border between Russia and Ukraine but so far no one knows what he plans to do with it.

Crisis in Kazakhstan

There have been nationwide protests in Kazakhstan recently and the Western media did what they always do: show a few pictures of destruction and ignore the cause of the people in the streets. With Russian troops coming in to ‘maintain order’ and a ban on the widely used mobile internet it’s very hard to tell what is going to happen next.

American Insurrection

It has been one year since the attempted coup on January 6, 2021, when supporters of former president Trump broke into Congress and tried to take control of the seat of government.

2021 Wrap Up with Pam Keith

2021 was a beast. There was an insurrection, a global pandemic, vaccine inequality, rich people went to space (sort of). Bad people lived while good people died. It was a lot. Pam Keith joins Terrell in this episode of Black Diplomats for a debrief. Of course they talk about their mental health and how they’re surviving it all.

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