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bloody beaver podcast

by Florine Rogahn Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

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About Bloody Beaver Podcast

Welcome to the Bloody Beaver Podcast Patreon page! This is where I shamelessly beg you for money! JK! Seriously, though, I'm very grateful to be able to do a podcast that people find interesting and entertaining.

Bloody Beaver Podcast

Thank you for becoming an official Bloody Beaver patreon!!! For your $5 a month donation here's what you'll get:

Official Bloody Beaver

Thank you for becoming an official Bloody Beaver patreon!!! For your $5 a month donation here's what you'll get:

Britt Johnson & the Searchers

In October of 1864 Britton Johnson’s son was murdered and his wife and two surviving children were taken captive by a Kiowa War Party. Not willing to just sit back and hope for the best, Britt took matters into his own hands…

The Arrest of Annie Oakley

August 1903. The famous Annie Oakley is arrested in Chicago for theft, a crime committed in order to obtain money to fuel her cocaine habit. And what a headline that made. America’s original sweetheart, the tiny sharpshooter…

Kit Carson's Failure

In 1849 a trader named James White decided to break from his wagon train and push on ahead with just his family and a few men. The outcome was about as bad as anything you could imagine; the men were dead, and the women take…

Big Alice & the Battle of the Bordellos

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, ain’t that what they say? But what happens when it’s also a woman doing the scorning? And what happens if that hell is just El Paso, Texas? One helluva girl fight, that’s what! Join me…

The Tough Kid - Frank Hamer's First Fight

It’s not every day that your boss offers you a hundred and fifty dollars to murder somebody. I think we can all agree that’s not a normal occ…

Medicine Crow

Medicine Crow was a mighty war chief amongst his people, the Crow. The Apsáalooke. The Children of the large beak bird. They’re a people w…

The Old Shoe Salesman

The old shoe salesman wasn’t as spry as he used to be. A fact his aching and crackling joints made abundantly clear to him each and every morning w…

Who was the first person to be killed by a grizzly bear?

Frontiersman Hugh Glass was mauled by a grizzly bear in 1823. Left for dead, stripped of his belongs, and covered in maggots, he defied all odds and made a 250-mile journey on foot through hos…

What is the Wild West Extravaganza?

The Wild West Extravaganza. True tales from the wild and woolly west covering the real life people and events that shaped the American frontier.

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