Podcast FAQ

catholic guy podcast

by Cayla Ledner Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What's on the Catholic Guy con podcast?

Join Lino, Mark, Fr Jim and Tyler live and in person with 200 #nastylisteners at Catholic Guy Con! Two hours of unedited pure Catholic pleasure heard exclusively on this podcast. Ep 340: Fr Jim's Piano, Tyler calls, Mark-Joel-Tony, and Over/Under! The podcast kicks off with something we've all been waiting for: Fr Jim playing the piano!

Why subscribe to the Catholic gentleman podcast?

SUBSCRIBE TO THE CATHOLIC GENTLEMAN PODCAST AND NEVER MISS AN EPISODE! The Catholic Gentleman is a show for Catholic Men on the topics of living with virtue and holiness in the modern world. Featuring interviews and commentary, the show seeks to provide practical insights for men of all ages.

What happened on the Mark and Lino podcast?

The podcast wraps up with Mark and Lino playing Holier Than Thou! Ep 318: Lino's Mom, Super Bowl Hickety Pickety, and Catholic Guy Math!


Who is the Catholic guy?

The Catholic Guy Show's Podcast on Apple Podcasts. Lino Rulli is described by his friends as "The Catholic Guy" because that is exactly what he is… an everyday Catholic guy with a fresh, fun, and often off-beat take on living out the faith in the world today.

Who is Lino Rulli?

Lino Rulli is described by his friends as "The Catholic Guy" because that is exactly what he is… an everyday Catholic guy with a fresh, fun, and often off-beat take on living out the faith in the world today.

The Cantankerous Catholic

If you're not tired of the way the Catholic Church is going; if you don't like Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, Michael Voris, Terry Barber & Jesse Romero, Catholic orthodoxy, and if you like the namby-pamby niceness of the Spirit of Vatican II, stop reading right here because you won't like anything about this podcast and website!

About Me and My Podcast, The Cantankerous Catholic

My name is Addledorf Clinkerdaggar Rostefuten. Now you know why I go by Joe Sixpack—The Every Catholic Guy. My dad wanted to make sure I could fight when I was a kid.

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