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climate one podcast

by Dr. Dock McGlynn Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

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Climate One airs on nearly 60 public radio stations around the country

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REWIND Finding the Heart to Talk About Climate

Ever have a difficult conversation about climate? Pretty much everyone has. Knowing all the facts and figures only goes so far when talking to someone who just doesn’t agree. So how do we break through the barriers? Scientists trained to ...

Taking Stock of COP26

In 2015, delegates from 196 nations entered into the legally binding treaty on climate change known as the Paris Agreement, which set a goal of limiting global warming to “well below 2 and preferably to 1.5 degrees Celsius compared to ...

Climbing, Conservation and Capitalism

Rick Ridgeway estimates he’s spent about five years of his life sleeping in tents, often in the world’s most remote places alongside fellow outdoor adventure luminaries. Ridgeway worked for Patagonia for 15 years and was behind the company’s infamous “Don’t ...

Geoengineering: Who Should Control Our Atmosphere?

According to the latest IPCC Assessment Report, we’re currently on course for at least 3°C (5.4°F) of warming by 2100 even if all of the voluntary Paris Agreement emissions pledges are fulfilled. Clearly the world needs to do more to ...

Electrify Everything

Fully electrifying our homes, cars and industries could cut the amount of total energy we need by half, says Saul Griffith, an entrepreneur, inventor and author of Electrify: An Optimist’s Playbook for Our Clean Energy Future. This electric revolution would ...

Zen and Coping with Climate

How do we manage our own anxiety around an uncertain climate future – let alone help our children work through their feelings and fears? In his latest book, Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet, internationally renowned Zen Master ...

Firefight: How to Live in the Pyrocene

We’ve experienced yet another summer of record wildfires in the western U.S., endangering lives, displacing communities, and sending unhealthy smoke across the nation. The science is clear: human-caused climate change is making lands more conducive to burning, and we are ...

Explore by Issue

The economic impact of climate disruption goes far beyond the creation of “green jobs.” From oil company...

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Business & Economics Podcasts

We’re living through a climate emergency; addressing this crisis begins by talking about it. Host Greg Dalton brings you empowering conversations that connect all aspects of the challenge — the scary and the exciting, the individual and the systemic. Join us.

REWIND: Should We Have Children in a Climate Emergency?

The climate crisis seems to be unfolding faster than ever before — with catastrophic floods, winter wildfires, and last summer’s killer heat. It’s becoming increasingly hard to mentally set climate aside as a future problem — it is here, real in our present moment.

State of the Unions: Navigating Job Creation and Destruction

With expanding electrical infrastructure and some jurisdictions beginning to ban gas appliances in new construction, the transition to a clean energy economy is already happening. Understandably, labor unions that represent workers tied to the fossil fuel infrastructure are digging in their heels.

Corporate Net Zero Pledges: Ambitious or Empty Promises?

Corporate pledges of reaching net zero carbon emissions have quickly become commonplace. Critics argue that such pledges are mere greenwashing, and even if pledges are fulfilled, the balance sheets usually utilize carbon offsets, which can be of questionable quality and accountability.

REWIND: Should Nature Have Rights?

If corporations can be legal persons, why can’t Mother Earth? In 2017, New Zealand granted the Whanganui River the full legal rights of a person. India granted full legal rights to the Ganges and Yamuna rivers, and recognized that the Himalayan Glaciers have a right to exist.

John Doerr And Ryan Panchadsaram: An Action Plan For Solving Our Climate Crisis Now

Beyond his position as chairman of the venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins, John Doerr rose to global prominence in the business world with his popularization of OKRs (Objectives and Key Results), which he promoted in his best-selling book, Measure What Matters.

Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Naomi Oreskes: The Schneider Award

Each year, Climate One gives an award to a natural or social scientist for excellence in science communication. This year’s recipient of the Stephen H. Schneider Award is marine biologist Dr. Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, co-founder of the Urban Ocean Lab and co-creator of the All We Can Save project.

Where is Climate One?

Climate One is a special project of The Commonwealth Club of California and is based in San Francisco, California. It is a public forum and podcast series for conversations on climate change and its implications for society, energy systems, economy and the natural environment.

Who is the founder of Climate One?

Founded in 2007 by Greg Dalton, Climate One brings together policymakers, business leaders, scientists, academics, and more to advance the discussion about a clean energy future. At Climate One live events, Dalton facilitates discussions between leaders of differing—sometimes opposing—viewpoints.

Who is the CEO of Commonwealth Club?

Upon returning home, he worked with Commonwealth Club CEO Gloria Duffy to launch Climate One, a special project of the Club focused on sustainability, environment, and climate.

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