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cold war podcast

by Jazmyn Nolan Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Cold War Podcast Topics

Topic Number of episodes
Cold war 21
Berlin brigade 20
Cccp 20
Berlin 20
Jul 8 2022

Full Answer

What is the history of the Cold War podcast?

The History of the Cold War Podcast will cover the Cold war from the period of roughly 1945 to 1991 and the fall of the soviet union in bi-monthly installments on the first and fifteenth.

Where can I find Cold War Conversations?

Just go to https://coldwarconversations.com/store/ Evan McGilvray has written a number of books on Poland as well as biographies. He is well versed in Poland and Polish society and away from the usual locations of Krakow and Warsaw.

When did the Cold War end?

The Cold War had its roots in World War II and even earlier in the 1917 Russian Revolution. It did not completely end with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Audycje i wywiady po polsku. Audio in these podcasts is usually in Polish but English translations are often included.

How is this show different from most other history podcasts?

This show is different from most other history podcasts in the following ways. 1. There are TWO OF US. This is a conversation, not a lecture. 2. It’s LONG FORM. Which means we will take hundreds of episodes to tell a story.


What is the Cold War podcast?

The History of the Cold War Podcast will cover the Cold War from the period of roughly 1945 to 1991 and the fall of the Soviet Union in bi-monthly instalments on the first and fifteenth. This Podcast will examine the Cold War from a number of different perspectives including political, diplomatic, cultural, ideological etc. This series is intended to be a grand narrative of the conflict exploring it from its early origins to its final moments and its effects on the world today. Please join u ...

What is Cold War Minute?

The Cold War Minute Podcast brings you a daily as it happened feed on topics about the Cold War, it's belligerents, and the impact of the actions of the participants from 1945 to 1991.

How long is a Boomer podcast?

Unlike some history podcasts, this podcast follows the national story in a chronological manner, starting in 1946. Most episodes are around a half-hour to 45 minutes in length. Each episode covers one year, possibly going all the way up to the present. You can e-mail the show here, we would love your feedback!: boomertomillenn ...

What is history unplugged?

For history lovers who listen to podcasts, History Unplugged is the most comprehensive show of its kind. It's the only show that dedicates episodes to both interviewing experts and answering questions from its audience. First, it features a call-in show where you can ask our resident historian (Scott Rank, PhD) absolutely anything (What was it like to be a Turkish sultan with four wives and twelve concubines? If you were sent back in time, how would you kill Hitler?). Second, it features lon ...

Who hosts the real dictators podcast?

Real Dictators is the new podcast series hosted by Paul McGann that explores the hidden lives of history’s tyrants. New episodes every Wednesday. Follow Noiser Podcasts on Twitter for updates on our shows.

Who is the host of Australian History?

From alleyway gangsters to cold war spies to eccentric entrepreneurs, Australian history is full of colourful but forgotten characters. Host Jen Kelly talks with experts, historians and yarn spinners to uncover the untold stories of some of our most interesting and offbeat ancestors. Produced by Jonty Burton and Elouise Tynan.

Does the Wars show run on donations?

Nothing fancy; just the wars, ma’am. It runs on your donations, like all guerrilla campaigns. Support the show!

What episode is the Cold War?

History of the Cold War · Episode 95 The Soviet Empire 1953 -1960 In this episode, we examine events in the Soviet Union from 1953-1960 and events during the Cold War from the Soviet perspective during the same period. We examine the power struggle after the death of Stalin and significant economic, social and…

What episode of Cold War is the East German uprising?

History of the Cold War · Episode 97 – The East German Uprising In this episode, we explore the events the lead up to the East German uprising. We examine how and why it happened and what it meant in context to the Cold War.

What episode of the Cold War is Nikita Khrushchev in?

History of the Cold War · Episode 96 – Nikita Khrushchev In this episode, we examine the life of Nikita Khrushchev and his rise from poverty to become the leader of the Soviet Union.

What episode of the Cold War is Philip Randolph in?

History of the Cold War · Episode 94 – Philip Randolph In this episode, we examine the life of Philip Randolph and his role in shaping the early Civil Rights movement. We examine his humble beginnings, his leadership of the Brother Hood of Sleeping Car Porters, his influence on Civil Rights in the 1930s and…

When was the movie AK 47 released?

History of the Cold War · Movie Review Episode 12 – AK – 47 Jeff and Dave discuss the Russian film AK-47 released in 2020 and directed by Konstantin Buslov. Image courtesy of: By https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11547520/, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=63494332

What is the Cold War podcast?

The History of the Cold War Podcast will cover the Cold War from the period of roughly 1945 to 1991 and the fall of the Soviet Union in bi-monthly instalments on the first and fifteenth. This Podcast will examine the Cold War from a number of different perspectives including political, diplomatic, cultural, ...

How many episodes are there in the Cold War podcast?

128 episodes. The History of the Cold War Podcast will cover the Cold War from the period of roughly 1945 to 1991 and the fall of the Soviet Union in bi-monthly instalments on the first and fifteenth. This Podcast will examine the Cold War from a number of different perspectives including political, diplomatic, cultural, ideological etc.

What episode of The Brother Hood of Sleeping Car Porters is Philip Randolph in?

Episode 94 - Philip Randolph. In this episode, we examine the life of Philip Randolph and his role in shaping the early Civil Rights movement. We examine his humble beginnings, his leadership of the Brother Hood of Sleeping Car Porters, his influence on Civil Rights in the 1930s and 1940s, along his decline from influence and marginalization.

What is the book Terrorism in the Cold War about?

I talk with the writers and editors of Terrorism in the Cold War a new two volume book that uses a wide range of case studies including Polish Military Intelligence and Its Secret Relationship with the Abu Nidal Organization and Gladio – Myth and Reality: The Origins and Function of Stay Behind in the Case of Post-war Austria. The book sheds new light on the relations between state and terrorist actors, allowing for a fresh and much more insightful assessment of the contacts, dealings, agreements and collusion with terrorist organizations undertaken by state actors on both sides of the Iron Curtain. You will learn that these state-terrorism relationships were not only much more ambiguous than much of the older literature had suggested but are, in fact, crucial for the understanding of global political history in the Cold War era. If you are enjoying the podcast I could use some support to enable me to continue recording these incredible stories. If you become a monthly supporter via Patreon, you will get the sought after CWC coaster as a thank you and bask in the warm glow of knowing you are helping to preserve Cold War history. Just go to https://coldwarconversations.com/donate/ If you can’t wait for next week’s episode do visit our Facebook discussion group where guests and listeners continue the Cold War Conversation. Just search Cold War Conversations in Facebook. There's more in the episode notes here coldwarconversations.com/episode205/ I am delighted to welcome Thomas Riegler, Przemyslaw Gasztold and Adrian Hänni to our Cold War conversation… Thank you very much for listening. It is really appreciated. Have a look at our store and find the ideal gift for the Cold War enthusiast in your life? Just go to https://coldwarconversations.com/store/ Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/coldwarpod)

How old was Riho Terras when he joined the Soviet Navy?

In 1985, an eighteen-year-old named Riho Terras arrived at the Soviet armed forces’ large conscript assessment facility in Tallinn obeying his conscription orders. Little did he know that 26 years later he would be a NATO General. Riho shares his experiences in the Soviet Navy with us in some detail. We hear about his service on the Soviet frigate Zadornyy including trips to the Mediterranean and Cuba as well as monitoring NATO warships. Riho also shares his experiences of Estonian independence and the challenges of converting the country into an independent nation. I’m extremely grateful to Elisabeth Braw, a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute who facilitated this interview via her Englebert Ideas essay. Thanks to all of you for listening to the podcast. It is an absolute passion for me to save these stories from being forgotten and sharing them weekly for free for everyone to hear. Whilst this is a passion, I am asking if each listener could make either a one-off or better still sign up for monthly donations to help me to find the time to produce and finance the project. If you’d like to know more just go to https://coldwarconversations.com/donate/ If a financial contribution is not your cup of tea, then you can still help us by leaving written reviews wherever you listen to us as well as sharing us on social media. It really helps us get new guests on the show. I am delighted to welcome Riho Terras to our Cold War conversation… There’s further information about this episode here. https://coldwarconversations.com/episode206/ If you can’t wait for next week’s episode do visit our Facebook discussion group where guests and listeners continue the Cold War Conversation. Just search Cold War Conversations in Facebook. Thank you very much for listening. It is really appreciated – goodbye. Support the show (https://www.patreon.com/coldwarpod)

Where is Ralph Hänel's prison?

This is the third and final part of Ralph Hänel’s story of his life in East Germany .In this episode, we hear his time in the Stasi prison in Cottbus which with its dark red brick façade was often referred…

Cold War Radio

The Cold War had its roots in World War II and even earlier in the 1917 Russian Revolution. It did not completely end with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.


Audycje i wywiady po polsku. Audio in these podcasts is usually in Polish but English translations are often included.

Cold War VOA

Voice of America started broadcasting in 1942 during World War II in the Office of War Information (OWI) and was initially strongly pro-Soviet, airing Soviet and communist propaganda in addition to anti-Nazi programs. During the Cold War, VOA changed its personnel and programming and contributed to the fall of communism in the Soviet Block.

Post Cold-War VOA

Voice of America Affiliate Relations Munich Marketing Office requested in 1994 from VOA English and foreign language services in Washington a promo CD to help place VOA programs on public and private radio stations in Europe and Eurasia.

Where was the hottest front in the Cold War?

For almost half a century, the hottest front in the Cold War was right across Berlin. From summer 1945 until 1990, spying was part of everyday life in both East and West Berlin.

Who is the author of Splinter of Ice?

Ian Sanders & Ben Brown. Ben Brown is the writer of A Splinter of Ice, a play that portrays the meeting in Moscow in 1987 of one of the greatest novelists of the 20th century, Graham Greene and his old MI6 boss, Kim Philby, one of Britain's most notorious spies... and a traitor.

Who was Fred Weir?

Fred Weir was a third-generation red diaper baby from Toronto and a long-time member of the Communist Party. His uncle, trained at the Lenin School in Moscow in the 1920s as an agent of the Communist International, the Comintern and spent many years in the USSR.

Who captured Berlin in 1945?

In 1945 at the end of World War 2 the Soviet Red Army captured Berlin. For the next four years, a handful of charismatic but flawed individuals – British, American and Soviet – fought an intensely personal battle over the future of Germany, Europe and the entire free world.

What is the Cold War podcast?

Cam & Ray's Cold War Podcast | A NSFW, detailed and funny long-form podcast about The Cold War.

Who said the only way to meet communism is to eliminate it?

Truman told the British prime minister, Clement Attlee , “The only way to meet communism is to eliminate it.”. #189 – Richard Lim. May 21, 2021. We’re joined by Richard Lim from the “This American President” podcast to talk about Truman and his Cold War decisions. It gets a little… tense.

Did MacArthur recommend full utilization of the US military to Korea?

MacArthur recommends “the full utilization” of the US military to Korea and Truman approves. Although the UK was completely and utterly broke, they agreed to get involved, even though privately they didn’t buy the American claim that Kim’s was taking orders from Moscow. And they were worried that the Americans might want to drop another atomic bomb.

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