Why did Chris Chen start podcasting?
But when Chen first started podcasting in 2007, he realized he was filling a much-needed space for community and conversation. “Whenever I would go to the movies with friends, I’d ask them how they thought the movie was, and they’d usually say ‘good’ or ‘bad.’
Who is ‘game of Thrones’ podcast host Chris Chen?
Through “The /Filmcast,” Chen gained a loyal following on Twitter and has started several other podcasts. He eventually struck gold with “A Cast of Kings,” consistently listed as one of the internet’s favorite “Game of Thrones” podcasts, which he co-hosted with California-based Vanity Fair writer Joanna Robinson.
Why is Aaron Chen still doing the Hollywood interviews?
While Chen has aspirations to eventually interview more of Hollywood’s biggest filmmakers, for the time being, he says he still feels fulfilled creating a space for content creators to talk about their work.

Who is David Chen?
Corprapreneur David Chen tells the story of his life from poor immigrant to business mogul. He shares how he found money, success, happiness, and love. Learn how to navigate the business world and your personal life like a panda.
What is global history podcast?
The Global History Podcast is an educational show designed for students, teachers, and anyone interested in the early modern world. We are dedicated to sharing histories both early modern and global, from approximately the 16th to the early 19th centuries.
What is truth vs Hollywood?
Truth vs Hollywood is a critical look at the real story behind popular films that are Based on a True Story. From the tragedy of Munich to the fun of Goodfellas, our film-loving hosts David Chen and Joanna Robinson will explore the films as well as What Really Happened. Aided by interviews with writers, journalists, and the people who were really there. In exploring the true story and how it was portrayed in the film, Truth vs Hollywood examines the larger theme of film vs real life.
Who is Jason Calacanis?
Angel investor Jason Calacanis (Uber, Calm, Robinhood) interviews the world’s greatest founders, operators, investors and innovators. Get an insider’s look into venture capital, learn how to start and scale your own startup, and ride the cutting edge of technology in today’s headlines and beyond.
Does Michael Chen have a child?
Michael Chen is about to have a child for the very first time. His brother David wants to know exactly what that's like. In this quasi-weekly podcast, the two discuss the highs, lows, and learnings from fatherhood. Advice, encouragement, or criticism? Email us at thenextcheneration (AT)gmail.com
Who is Dave from Galaxy Brains?
David, Devindra, and Jeff are joined by Dave Schilling from the Galaxy Brains podcast to discuss the latest entry in "The Fast Saga." Listen to Dave Schilling's podcast Galaxy Brains! Use #sl…
What is the filmcast on Apple Podcasts?
In The Filmcast, hardcore geeks David Chen, Devindra Hardawar, and Jeff Cannata debate, pontificate, and delve into the latest films, TV shows, and other entertainment-related items from the past week.
Who is the slashfilmcast?
The /Filmcast (AKA The Slashfilmcast) The /Filmcast (AKA The Slashfilmcast) In The Filmcast, hardcore geeks David Chen, Devindra Hardawar, and Jeff Cannata debate, pontificate, and delve into the latest films, TV shows, and other entertainment-related items from the past week.
Special guest
David has over 10 years of experience with a big 4 firm. He created and developed the Chinese Services Group for Deloitte Mexico. In 2010, David and his team were recognized by the global Deloitte firm and they won the prestigious "Standards of Excellence Award" for a 1 billion USD merger.
A Deep Dive into the North American Collegiate League (NACL)
Esports journalist Mitch Reames takes his knowledge and expertise behind the mic to discuss the newest developments and headlines in esports for both the casual gamer and esports enthusiast.