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david diga hernandez podcast

by Mr. Jamel Rogahn DDS Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is David Diga Hernandez's message?

On this edition of the Encounter Podcast, David Diga Hernandez shares an eye-opening message on the most common mistakes that prophetic people make. This teaching will help to protect the purity of the prophetic anointing on your life. This is not an attack; this is an urgent message that could save the future of your ministry .

What does the hour demand?

The hour demands a truly surrendered remnant, a people who are completely devoted to trusting and obeying our holy God. In these days, shallow or compromised living will no longer work. David Diga Hernandez issues a Biblical challenge to all believers - no more games; it’s time to give it all to God.

What is the encounter podcast about?

On this edition of the Encounter Podcast, David Diga Hernandez shares an inspiring message about faith and how your life can impact the lives of others around you. If you feel like quitting, you need to watch this.

What does the Holy Spirit do when you cry?

The Holy Spirit is the one Who causes you to cry, "Abba Father!" He assures you of the certainty of your salvation. He is God's seal of promise upon you. If you're struggling with doubt and feelings of rejection, this message will strengthen your faith.

What is the Church's authority?

Make no mistake. The Church is God's representative authority in the earth. It is part of our calling to influence the nations of the world. The Kingdom of God is established, not through domination, but through spreading the gospel in love and power. In this eye-opening message, David Diga Hernandez will show you what the Bible truly teaches about the Kingdom and the believer's authority.

Why are you victorious in the Bible?

Though the world might seem to be against you, though loved ones turn on you, though trials abound, you are victorious because you are loved by God with an everlasting love. David Diga Hernandez wants to talk to you about exchanging the victim mentality for a godly mentality.

What is the essence of the Holy Spirit?

The essence of the Holy Spirit has marked you - for position, power, protection, and purity. The Holy Spirit, the oil of Heaven, is upon you. Make sure you watch this eye-opening teaching.

How to Pray According to Jesus

Do you want to know how to pray? In this powerful breakdown of the Lord’s prayer, David Diga Hernandez gives you 9 keys to praying just like Jesus prayed.

5 Keys to Your Calling

No believer wants to miss God’s calling. In this powerful message, David Diga Hernandez gives you 5 Biblical keys to fulfill God’s call for your life. Be equipped to live your life for the glory of God.

7 Keys To Spiritual Growth

Do you want to walk in the Holy Spirit? Do you desire to go deeper with the Lord? Do you sometimes feel stuck in your spiritual growth? In this practical message, David Diga Hernandez shows you how to grow stronger ...

The 4 Invitations of Jesus

Jesus loves us all equally but trusts us in proportion to our obedience. Jesus is inviting you into His inner circle. For every level of closeness with the Lord, there is a level of sacrifice and surrender He will require ...

How Jesus Walked in the Power of the Holy Spirit

If you’re a follower of Jesus, then His life should be the model for your life. In this powerful message, David Diga Hernandez reveals the astonishing truth about how Jesus walked in the power of the Holy Spirit. If Jesus ...

How to Stop Grieving the Precious Holy Spirit

Did you know that the Holy Spirit has feelings and that it’s possible to hurt Him? In this message, David Diga Hernandez shares about the importance of not grieving the precious Holy Spirit.

7 Ways the Holy Spirit Moves

What does it look like when the Holy Spirit really moves? In this revelatory teaching, David Diga Hernandez shows you how to discern a true move of the Holy Spirit by revealing 7 ways the Holy Spirit moves. Don’t miss ...

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