Podcast FAQ

digital marketing for podcast release

by Kaylin Heaney Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

If you’re just starting podcast marketing, you can employ your existing online assets such as social media and website to create a buzz around your podcast launch. You don’t have to create dedicated social media profiles or a website.

Full Answer

How to listen to the Digital Marketing podcast?

Listen on Apple Podcasts. An advert free, Weekly digital marketing podcast with listeners in over 180 countries worldwide, The Digital Marketing Podcast combines interviews with global experts, together with the latest news, tools, strategies and techniques to give your digital marketing the edge. Perfect for your daily commute, the podcast aims to be both entertaining and informative.

What is the best social media marketing podcast?

Wingnut Social: The Social Media Marketing and Business Podcast

  • Available on: iTunes | Google | PodTail
  • Podcast Type: Thought Leadership; (Guest) Discussions
  • Host (s): Darla Powel

How to start with digital marketing?

Starting a Digital Agency in 8 Steps

  • Educate Yourself. Before beginning, it’s important to educate yourself and understand as much as possible about digital marketing for agencies.
  • Find Your Niche. ...
  • Do Competitor Research. ...
  • Launching a Website. ...
  • Build a Portfolio. ...
  • Set a Business Model. ...
  • Have a Social Media Presence. ...
  • Generating Leads. ...

Is digital marketing better than marketing?

Digital marketing is much faster than traditional marketing; Even it incurs less cost than traditional marketing. I hope this blog works for you. In this blog, we have discussed why digital marketing is better than traditional marketing. We hope you have enjoyed this blog. If you have any queries, ask us freely in the comment section.


How do I promote my podcast launch?

On this pageLeverage your guest's audience.Promote on social media … in a dozen different ways.Release at least 3 episodes on launch day.Convert the audio to a YouTube video.Submit your podcast to podcatchers and aggregators.Transcribe the audio.Throw a two-week ratings party.Run a giveaway contest.More items...

Does digital marketing include podcasting?

As digital marketing can include anything from Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to paid advertising and content marketing, there are podcasts that include all aspects and ones that narrow down their focus.

Where can I promote my podcast?

Social mediaConvert your podcast into a YouTube video. ... Cut that YouTube video into clips. ... Customize posts to each social media channel. ... Tease episodes with audiograms. ... Record a tagline with your guest. ... Add value on social media. ... Run giveaways on social media.

Where does podcasting fit into a digital marketing strategy?

Podcasting integrates well with other digital marketing efforts. You can discuss recent posts on your blog, promote your social channels and use them as a conversation tool with listeners, build your email list through podcasting and more.

Does digital marketing include voice broadcast?

Yet, this is too narrow a definition, because digital marketing also includes e-mail, RSS, voice broadcast, fax broadcast, blogging, podcasting, video streams, wireless text messaging, and instant messaging. Yes! digital marketing has a very wide scope.

Is podcasting digital media?

We can say that it is a radio in digital form. Podcasts are generally free and are available on a variety of platforms. You just need a device and an internet connection to listen to Podcasts.

How do podcasts go viral?

A controversial or newsworthy interview can go viral if it's posted on a website … not on iTunes. There are just so many pros to having a fully functional website for your podcast. The website will help collect listener emails, but it will also be great for search engine optimization (SEO).

How do I boost my podcast listeners?

So, to help increase your podcast listeners, below are six crucial tips that can help people find you.Create a Podcast trailer.Use Call to Actions.Promote your Podcast on social media.Repurpose your Podcast content.Podcast SEO.Invite guests and star as a guest.

Should I pay to promote my podcast?

Podcast advertising is just one of many ways to grow your show's audience. Growing an audience, ultimately, starts with creating good content on a consistent basis though. Then, if you make it easy to find and share, you'll struggle not to grow your audience.

How do I promote my podcast on Spotify?

Build your followersShare your podcast on social media.Embed a Spotify player on your website.Create and share playlists with your podcast episodes in them. Note: It's only possible to do this on the Spotify mobile app.Add links to your episode description.Got music on Spotify?

How do you engage a podcast audience?

How To Create Interesting Podcast EpisodesTalk about things you're interested in. ... Focus on your target audience. ... Tell lots of stories. ... Help your audience take the next step. ... Ask your listeners questions and report their responses. ... Stay on topic and don't wander too much. ... Invite unique experts onto your show.More items...•

What Digital marketing includes?

Digital marketing can be broadly broken into 8 main categories including: Search Engine Optimization, Pay-per-Click, Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Mobile Marketing, Marketing Analytics and Affiliate Marketing .

How To Promote A Podcast

So, you’re feeling pretty excited about getting your podcast launched.

Why Promote Your Podcast?

Podcast ad spending is said to surpass $1 billion in 2021. Podcast listenership is drastically increasing in the U.S. and all over the world.

Are You Ready To Launch Your Podcast? Do These Three Things First

What happens if you don’t launch with one or a few episodes? Will your podcast be a failure if you release only one episode?

Track Data That's Relevant

Once you go through this whole podcast promotion process, you’ll know more about your audience’s interests and learn how to serve their wants and needs better.

Final thoughts

Podcast promotion can be a trial and error process. Implement these strategies until you find the right marketing mix or what works for your show.

1. The Art of Online Business ( link)

This podcast isn't for beginners; instead, it's for people ready to level up their business to reach six or seven digits. You'll find actionable tips and strategies, case studies, and interviews, also covering topics like Growth Hacking, lead generation, and more.

2. The Digital Marketer Podcast ( link)

This podcast dive into marketing, social media topics, and business in general that you won't find in a lot of other podcasts. They cover things like how to run Facebook ads for stores using Instagram DMs as part of a sales funnel and the alternative marketing channels.

3. Social Pros Podcast ( link)

Social Pros podcast is an interview-style podcast with social media experts. Hosts Jay Bear and Adam Brown talk about actual social media strategies, that are in-depth and actionable. There are some broad topics as well like repurposing content for social media and even more specific ones like how particular brands created a strategy that worked.

4. Social Media Marketing ( link)

Social Media Marketing is a great podcast both for beginners or intermediate users, who want to get a crash course on social media marketing.It is hosted by Michael Stelzner who shares only the necessary news you need.

5. The Science of Social Media ( link)

This digital marketing podcast comes from the Buffer team, a social media tool similar to HootSuite. They have a great library of content with topics you won't find in many podcasts, that is: how to write an effective Instagram bio, how to create brief for social media captions, how to use Reddit for marketing, etc.

6. Digital Marketing Podcast ( link)

Digital Marketing Podcast is a weekly podcast, hosted by Daniel Rowles and Ciaran Rogers. This is one of the best marketing audio resources on the web today which is around for over 11 years.

7. Everyone Hates Marketers ( link)

As the host, Louis Grenier says this is "the only podcast for people sick of marketing bullshit". Louis Grenier pokes fun at shady marketing by the title of his podcast. Every week he invites guests to provide and share actionable insights on marketing, ethical marketing tactics within best practices in order to stand out.

Learn digital marketing from the best in the industry, top podcasts to follow

Are you looking for the best digital marketing podcasts to listen to? Well, we have included the best marketing podcasts that will help you to learn marketing from the top content creators and marketers in the industry.

02. Marketing School with Neil Paten & Eric Siu

Neil Paten doesn’t need any introduction to the marketing world. He has co-founded companies like QuickSprout and CrazyEgg. You can read his blog posts at NeilPatel.com.

03. The GaryVee Audio Experience

You cannot miss Gary Vaynerchuk (aka Gary Vee) when you are talking about digital marketing. In this podcast, he shares advice and practical tips on:

04. Social Media Examiner Podcast

Michael Stelzner runs social Media Examiner (SME). He runs a blog with the same name. If you are into social media marketing, you simply cannot afford to miss the SME podcasts.

05. Smart Passive Income Podcast

This podcast is run by Pat Flynn, and he deals here with topics related to business, blogging, and lifestyle. Pat Flynn is a popular name in the blogging world.

06. Everyone Hates Marketers Podcast

Louis Grenier runs this actionable marketing podcast. If you don’t want any beating around the bush and direct marketing tips, then this podcast is for you.

07. Marketing Scoop

Apart from providing the users with an essential SEO tool, SEMrush also runs a podcast to provide them with proper information about digital marketing.

What is a marketing podcast?

The Marketing Podcast is a blog podcast all about digital marketing. We cover how to's and lay out a practical guide to marketing on social media, search engines, using content, etc. If you want to learn how to market your business online and the best ways to grow it, become a subscriber.

Who is the lead king podcast host?

The Lead King Podcast is hosted by Russ Ward. Like many others in the digital marketing space, Russ experienced extreme adversity along his journey before ultimately finding success. He lost his house to foreclosure, was divorced twice, had three cars repossessed, was slapped with a $119k tax lien, sued by the NFL for $10 Million dollars and so much more you may note even believe it!

What is the most popular podcast app?

Apple Podcasts is the key player and the most popular podcast app in the podcasting arena. On iPhones and Apple watches, it’s still one of the popular ways to listen to podcasts.

Do podcasts have paid ads?

Every social media and search engine platforms allow you to promote your content using paid ads. While organic strategies help you encourage your target audiences to visit your podcast show, paid ads get it directly in front of them.

What podcast should I listen to if I work in SaaS?

If you work in SaaS, you need to listen to Saastr. This is the best podcast I know of that focuses specifically on giving news and content in the competitive SaaS industry.

What is eCommerce Masterplan Podcast?

If ecommerce is your thing, then the eCommerce MasterPlan Podcast is your show. This podcast examines the ins and outs of running a digital store, and covers topics like Facebook ads, sales funnels, subscription strategies, content marketing, and much more.

Who is the co-founder of the skimm podcast?

6. Skimm’d from The Couch. In this podcast, Carly Za kin and Danielle Weisberg, co-founders of theSkimm, interview many of the world’s most powerful and successful businesswomen. You’ll get a firsthand account of what it really takes to achieve massive success as a woman in the world today.

Is business becoming more and more digital every year?

There’s no question that business and marketing are becoming more and more digital every year. And that trend is causing a lot of big changes in the marketplace—from issues over privacy to the evolving role of traditional and digital publishers.

How to repurpose podcasts?

Here are a few ideas for repurposing podcast episodes: 1 Turn notable quotes into quote graphics for social media 2 Create a short blog post about a recent podcast topic you published 3 Make infographics that highlight main points in your podcast episodes 4 Chop full episodes into soundbites and publish them as social media videos

What streaming services have podcasts?

Some popular podcast streaming services include Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, and now even mega music-streaming service Spotify. To make sure you’re reaching as many of your target customers as possible, aim to publish your podcast episodes across as many platforms as possible.

What should a podcast page contain?

Your podcast page or site should contain all the important information that interested listeners need to be able to hit Subscribe. While many podcast listeners use smartphone apps to access episodes, it’s best practice to host your individual episodes together with some show notes that are search engine-optimized.

Why is optimizing your podcast important?

Even if people have never heard of your podcast, optimizing your podcast for search engines makes sure you can reach potential audiences who might be looking for content like yours.

How to pitch for podcast?

These are some things you should prepare when making a pitch to get on someone’s podcast: Pitch 1-2 topics you can talk about in your episode. If it’s a similar topic to any episode the host has done before, explain what will make your episode different. Promote yourself.

Is podcasts easier to find on Google?

While Google is currently implementing ways to make podcasts easier to find on search, it’s important to note that video is still favored over audio content when a user types in a certain keyword phrase. So unless the user types in “podcast” in their search query, your podcast might not show up as a search result.

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