Podcast FAQ

easy german podcast

by Jeanne Bergnaum Published 1 year ago Updated 1 year ago

Where can I listen to German podcasts?

Spotify has been investing heavily in podcasts for a few years now, and it's not only focussing on English. There are now dozens of German Spotify Original podcasts, including ones that are translations of English Spotify Originals.

How do Beginners speak German?

14:3125:59Learn German in 25 Minutes - ALL the Basics You Need - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipAnd you are going to learn them in only three minutes drami newton are you ready let's start einsMoreAnd you are going to learn them in only three minutes drami newton are you ready let's start eins eins swai swai drai drive sieben now repeat after me i'll say the numbers.

How can I teach myself German?

8 Simple Solo Steps to Speak GermanHear and Repeat German Letter Sounds. ... Stockpile Some Easy “Framework Words” ... Expand Your Vocabulary with Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives. ... Start Putting Sentences Together. ... Memorize Reusable German Phrases. ... Watch Movies and Videos in German (Dubbed, Then Authentic) ... Read the News in German.More items...•

Is German 101 Easy?

0:007:17Sturmfrei | Easy German 101 - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipUnd ich würde sagen die wahlen gehen zwar los und sie wollen heute ein bestimmtes wort rausfindenMoreUnd ich würde sagen die wahlen gehen zwar los und sie wollen heute ein bestimmtes wort rausfinden ein ganz spezielles deutsches wort nämlich das wort. Sturmfrei.

Is Duolingo good for German?

The app guides you to learn in a natural way through exposure, which works well for English native speakers who are studying German because the two languages are quite closely related. Duolingo German is also good for those who like to jump in at the deep end.

Is Duolingo accepted in Germany?

Duolingo Accepted Universities in Germany Bard College Berlin. Berlin International University of Applied Sciences.

Can I learn German in 3 months?

You can learn be fluent in German in 3 months. If you, like me, follow the works of the productivity gurus on the internet you might be under the impression, as I once was, that you can learn a language in as little as three months.

How do you say SS in German?

0:301:03Sharp S in German - How to pronounce "ß" - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipSound which gives it its colloquial name Chavez s so sharp s it is basically the equivalent of theMoreSound which gives it its colloquial name Chavez s so sharp s it is basically the equivalent of the SS. So remember when you're reading those street signs it's not ABBA.

Which is the best app to learn German?

Eight Free Apps to Teach You GermanAnki. This app is designed to help you master new vocabulary through flashcards that you can work with anytime on your smart phone. ... Memrise. ... WordPic. ... Babbel. ... DeutschAkademie. ... MindSnack's Learn German. ... Busuu. ... Duolingo.More items...•

Why is German so hard?

Learning German Genders Can Be Frustrating But, German does. German has three genders, which makes it even more difficult to master. It's probably the reason why the Foreign Service Institute deemed it harder than French, which only has two genders. German has masculine (der), feminine (die), and neutral (das) gender.

Is German harder than French?

Nitty-gritty things like these can make getting started a bit of a challenge – but between the two, French will be a little easier, with (slightly) fewer endings to learn. That said, experts largely agree that the more German you learn, the easier it gets, while French gets more complicated the deeper you dive in.

Is German harder than Spanish?

German might not be as familiar to English speakers as Spanish, but it's still one of the easiest languages to learn. Like Spanish, it's also a phonetic language, which makes pronunciation easy to figure out.

266: Leute vom Fach

Eine defekte Waschmaschine, ein knarzender Dielenboden oder ein kaputter Fahrradreifen — was davon würdet ihr selbst reparieren? Heute sprechen wir darüber, welche Reparaturen wir selbst in Angriff nehmen und welche wir lieber den Fachleuten überlassen.

265: Lady Bitch Ray wählt den Bundespräsidenten

Zunächst einmal gratulieren wir unseren Easy Languages-Kollegen Raffaele und Matteo zum Launch des Easy Italian Podcasts. Dann lassen wir die Wiederwahl von Frank-Walter Steinmeier zum deutschen Bundespräsidenten Revue passieren, die am Sonntag in Berlin stattfand.

264: Das Elterntaxi

Caris gute Freundin Ursula ist zurück, um eure Fragen zum Thema Erziehung und Familiengründung in Deutschland zu beantworten. Wir sprechen über die Kosten für einen Kita-Platz, Kindergeld, "Helicopter Parenting" und Elterntaxis, wie man Studium und Kind vereinbaren kann und ob es einen perfekten Zeitpunkt für die Familiengründung gibt.

263: Empfehlung vom ganzen Internet

Im Follow-up erfahren wir dank Klaus, wie Schulkinder in Deutschland heutzutage ihre Lehrer begrüßen. Nach einer ganzen Reihe aufregender Hausmitteilungen beklagen wir dann, dass in den letzten Monaten scheinbar tausende Flugzeuge ohne Passagiere durch die Welt geflogen sind.

262: Konzert-Buddies

Heute sprechen wir mit Isi über etwas, das wir seit Beginn der Corona-Pandemie sehr vermissen: Livemusik. Wir reden über unsere schönsten und schlimmsten Konzerterfahrungen, darüber, was für uns das Besondere an Livemusik ist, und welche Bands wir für unser persönliches Traumfestival auswählen würden.

261: Das Sprachgefühl kommt von alleine

Erik aus dem Easy German Team ist zurück und beantwortet gemeinsam mit Manuel spannende Fragen zur deutschen Sprache: Was ist ein Brückentag? Warum schreibt man "zartbesaitet" mit ai? Und wann benutzt man "mimimi"?

259: Das Smartphone wird bleiben

Manuel war schon als Kind ein Techie und verfolgt die technische Entwicklung auch heute noch mit großer Begeisterung. In dieser Episode denken wir zurück an Technik, die wir lieben — oder früher mal geliebt haben. Mit dabei: Walkie-Talkies, Kassettenrecorder, CD-Brenner und natürlich der Game Boy.

Why learn German using podcasts?

Just like reading is integral to learning a language, so too is listening to native speakers. Podcasts are a great way to gain a better grasp of German and can help you sound more natural when speaking. Listening to German will help improve your understanding and pronunciation.

Best German podcasts for beginners

If you’re a beginner German learner looking to get into podcasts, Coffee Break German is for you.

Best German podcasts for intermediate learners

This podcast’s episodes can be pretty long, but Auf Deutsch gesagt! is a great resource for intermediate learners.

Best German podcasts for advanced learners

If you’re looking to increase your speaking and listening skills, Der Anruf is a great podcast for advanced learners. The host of the podcast calls different people with interesting stories from all over Germany to speak on the show, exposing listeners to a wide range of dialects.

Topic-specific German podcasts

This podcast is tons of fun because the host will teach you things about the German language while also talking about current events and business etiquette.

Tips for learning with German podcasts

Now that you know the best podcasts to learn German, let’s see how to make the best of them.

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