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emotional labor podcast

by Beau Jacobs Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is an example of emotional labor?

To perform emotional labor, employees may use deep acting to modify their inner emotions, like “pump themselves up” before going out on the work floor (for example, a teacher may do this on the first day) or doing pep talks (for example, flight attendants reminding themselves that passengers are their guests on this ...

What helps with emotional labor?

Feel like emotional labor may be taking a toll on your job satisfaction? Try these six ways of managing it:Don't belittle its importance. ... Recognize the efforts of others. ... Require fairness. ... Resist bottling up feelings. ... Take care of yourself. ... Look for flexible arrangements. ... Browse Open Flexible Jobs.

What is emotional labor give five examples of emotional labor?

Here are a few examples of emotional labor in the workplace: The insistence that employees always smile at customers and/or act "peppy" Prevention of response to a customer when they treat an employee rudely or inappropriately.

What is emotional labor in a relationship?

Emotional labor is when a person is responsible for managing feelings and emotions — whether yours or someone else's — in order to maintain a job or relationship. The term originally referred to people who had to be “nicer than natural” in order to deliver a service or meet standards.

Is emotional labour a skill?

Often unrecognised and unpaid, emotional labour regulates the expression of emotion in the workplace (James, 1989) . Furthermore, emotional labour is a considerable part of the skills that are essential to patient care, although usually less systematic and less emphasised in clinical assessment. ...

What causes emotional labor?

Emotional labor is generally defined as the act of expressing organizationally desired emotion during the service transactions, and is caused by the difference between the actual emotional state experienced by the employee and the emotional expression required by the organization's emotional expression norms for ...

What is deep acting in emotional labor?

Deep acting is an effortful process through which employees change their internal feelings to align with organizational expectations, producing more natural and genuine emotional displays.

What is the difference between emotional work and emotional Labour?

Emotion work has use value and occurs in situations in which people choose to regulate their emotions for their own non-compensated benefit (e.g., in their interactions with family and friends). By contrast, emotional labor has exchange value because it is traded and performed for a wage.

How do men get emotional labor?

Here's what you need to know:Understand the dynamic.Identify the problem.Talk to your partner.Seek outside support.Make an emotional labor task list.Focus on changing the person you can control: yourself.

Why am I so emotionally drained in my relationship?

Devoting your energy to a relationship that isn't meeting your needs can make you feel frustrated and emotionally drained. When you don't feel supported by your partner, it can be very difficult to communicate and give each other the love you both deserve. Of course, no relationship is perfect.

Why is emotional Labour important?

This helps people build confidence, and reduce their negative reactions to angry or unpredictable situations. The better that workers are able to deal with problems, the more likely they are to resolve interpersonal issues before they lead to negative emotions.

Emotional labor and mental load take their toll on a marriage–because they often exhaust the wife

So many women experience this, and yet we don’t really have a name for it. We know something is wrong, we feel guilty because we dream of getting away for just a day, we find ourselves snippy at everyone–but we can’t name why.

A Simple Strip. No Plastic Waste

Seriously--this is ALL I use now! Laundry strips you just put right in the load--and eliminate all that packaging.

What are mental load and emotional labor?

It’s feeling like you have to keep track of every single detail in the household, or else nothing will get done. It’s the feeling that you’re responsible for making sure everyone is okay, and you have to monitor all the relationships around you and make sure everyone is on an even keel.

Women are not Better Multi-Taskers

We have this belief (I know I did until Rebecca shared the research with me) that women are naturally multitaskers while men aren’t.

No one is saying that men have to do half the housework, or that men are not also stressed

It is just that when one person carries the majority of the mental load for the household and the kids, it’s very, very draining. And if husbands are wondering why their wives aren’t attentive or romantic or in the mood anymore, perhaps the question should be asked: Is she simply carrying too much?

Fixed Vs. Growth Mindsets

We can definitely come to our family with default settings. We tend to look to our childhood and either replicate it or go to the opposite extreme. So a biggie for us is to really address whether we're coming at life from a fixed - or growth - mindset.

Work Together

What is really your goal? Sometimes we can get trapped in our pride, and we have to scale back to remember the bigger picture. Not every battle is worth the fight. Scale back and look at the big picture, and make sure you don't simply get lost in nit-picking and criticism. It can be a slippery slope.

Get Out Of The Way

I wrote a post a while back called " If you want Daddy to be involved, get out of the way! " Are you micro-managing the relationship your partner is "supposed" to have with your children? Remember they are the other half of this creation and commitment. And they deserve the right to create their own relationship with them just as you do.

Pay Attention To Semantics

There is a big difference between, "will you get off my back?" vs "it sounds like this is more important to you, so would you like to take it over?"

The Drunk Monkey

Fear is that nasty thing that can cripple or separate...or maybe it can snap your attention to what is truly important. Be careful on whether the "drunk monkey" is holding you back.

Remember these four key components

What is this? It's the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed - it never stops beyond your own limiting beliefs.

Your Weekly Challenge

Go through these four steps, and ensure you really have stepped into the perspective of the others in your home. Do you truly know what all they may do for the family? Maybe now is the time to show them.

What is the labor of love?

The Labor of Love is a podcast about marriage, family, and making peace with the people we live with. Each week host Lori Leibovich, editor of RealSimple.com, tackles issues relating to sex, parenting, long-term partnerships and more.

What is the birth matter podcast?

The Birth Matters podcast is here to lessen your overwhelm on the journey into parenthood by equipping you on all things birth, fertility, pregnancy, postpartum & parenting. We'll interview parents about their experiences & birth pros on their expertise so that you can have an empowering, CONFIDENT journey into parenthood!

What is Clive Barker podcast?

The Cilve Barker Podcast (or Barkercast) is an independent editorial fan site and podcast that is not affiliated with or under contract by Clive Barker or Seraphim Films. This is a labor of love by the fans, for the fans. web www.clivebarkercast.com

What is a longform interview podcast?

A longform interview podcast mostly about video games, but also about design, storytelling, labor, and tech more broadly— not to mention music, books, movies, TV, theater, gallery art, food, and everything else that' s important to the people who make games what they are. Trying to make sense of things, and sometimes even succeeding.

What is Farm Progress podcast?

This weekly podcast will engage editors from around Farm Progress to discuss key issues impacting agriculture. From labor to technology, top issues to production ideas, this wide-ranging series covers agriculture in the United States.

What is perinatal podcast?

The Perinatal Podcast is an audio resource for your journey through fertility, pregnancy, labor, and postpartum. Each episode features an interview with an expert in a certain field, from doctors to doulas.

What is art and labor?

Art & Labor chronicles the stories of social justice organizing within the arts. We hope to center the human cost of the “art world” and advocate for fair labor practices for artists, assistants, fabricators, docents, interns, registrars, janitors, writers, editors, curators, guards, performers, and anyone doing work for art & cultural institutions.

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