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end of the world podcast 2020

by Prof. Skye Schmeler MD Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

End of the World Podcast

Hi everyone, and welcome to my show page for the Adventures of Mr. Chris podcast.


You can download a pdf of the lecture with accompanying visuals here. You can watch the Hal Lindsey Late Great Planet Earth movie trailer on YouTube here.

Who is the author of the Great Filter Hypothesis?

Interviewees: Robin Hanson, George Mason University economist (creator of the Great Filter hypothesis); Toby Ord, Oxford University philosopher; Do... Humanity could have a future billions of years long – or we might not make it past the next century.

Who is the founder of the Future of Humanity Institute?

Interviewees: Nick Bostrom, Oxford University philosopher and founder of the Future of Humanity Institute; David Pearce, philosopher and co-founder of the W... Humans have faced existential risks since our species was born. Because we are Earthbound, what happens to Earth happens to us.

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