What farming podcasts do you listen to?
Jason Hirtz of Box Turtle Farm in Mt. Vernon, Mo., says Farmer to Farmer “is the only farming podcast I listen to.” And indeed, almost every farmer asked listed Blanchard’s show among their favorites.
What are the best organic gardening podcasts to listen to?
A farmer favorite, and a great source of knowledge. Hosted by Jackie Marie Beyer, “The Organic Gardener” podcast is an excellent, enthusiastic and entertaining glimpse into the lives of organic gardeners from all walks of life.
What are the best permaculture podcasts to listen to?
With high recommendations also came the “Permaculture Voices” podcast in which Diego Footer interviews several of the most influential farmers of our time—Jean-Martin Fortier, Joel Salatin, Greg Judy and Curtis Stone, among others—and presents their ideas on a wide range of topics.
What is Greg Peterson's urban farming podcast?
Host Greg Peterson, along with his wonderful array of guests, provides a new interview and a subsequently new perspective on urban farming in every episode. You will learn the ins and outs of beekeeping, bartering, composting, backyard chicken farming, permaculture, plant breeding and just about everything in between.

Who hosts the Organic Gardener podcast?
Hosted by Jackie Marie Beyer, “ The Organic Gardener” podcast is an excellent, enthusiastic and entertaining glimpse into the lives of organic gardeners from all walks of life. From their Montana home, Jackie and her husband, Mike, put together an insightful interview week after week that will leave you inspired and ready for more. With her dedicated list of questions, it is always interesting to hear how many unique approaches there are to growing food.
What is Chris Blanchard's perspective on farming?
Whether he’s speaking with a large organic grain farmer, a compost producer or an intensive vegetable grower, there is something—if not a lot of things—for every farmer to glean in every episode.
Where is Broadfork Farm?
Recommended by Shannon Jones of Broadfork Farm in Moseley, Va., this is one show so useful it definitely couldn’t be overlooked. In his podcast, host and farmer John Suscovich interviews a variety of farmers for what his site describes as a “weekly behind-the-scenes look at family farms from across the United States.” This podcast is a weekly dose of inspiration and an ever-growing catalog of valuable marketing and business ideas for farmers of any skill level. When looking to monetize your farm—or simply increase its viability—this is a must for your podcast queue.
What does Ethan Book do in a podcast?
There are few things more refreshing in a podcast than a charming personality except, perhaps, when there’s a lot of good knowledge behind that charm Farmer and host Ethan Book provides gobs of it, while offering the listener a candid look into his life, chronicling “the good, bad, and ugly of starting a farm from scratch.” At the end of each episode, Book gives the listener a “hard lesson learned,” anything from a story to an observation, but always something farmers of any skill level can relate to and learn from.