Podcast FAQ

good podcast topics

by Dejon Stanton Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

20 Good Podcast Topics For You

  1. Cryptocurrency. You don’t have to be. The post-COVID era is seeing a rise in the value of cryptocurrencies. More and...
  2. Startups/Entrepreneurship. People love to listen to new ideas about how they could start earning more. Give them...
  3. Nutrition & Fitness. If you are interested in medical science and can confidently talk about...

Get your ideas flowing with these 101 topics to talk about on a podcast.
  • Learning a new skill. ...
  • Events/groups. ...
  • Book reviews and summaries. ...
  • Book recommendations. ...
  • Sports. ...
  • People who know nothing about sports. ...
  • Location-based. ...
  • Time-based.
May 18, 2022

Full Answer

What are some good podcast topic ideas?

Topics to talk about

  • Topics to get the conversation started. These are your run of the mill, first meeting someone, topics to talk about. ...
  • Topics to get to know someone. These topics to talk about are great for getting to know someone better. ...
  • Tech topics to talk about. ...
  • Personal history topics to talk about. ...
  • Random topics to talk about. ...
  • Additional resources. ...

How to find topics for your podcast?

How to Find Your Podcast Topic: 8 Unique Topic Ideas

  • 1. What Are Your Passions? This first question may seem a little obvious, but it’s a critical first step in the discovery of the podcast topic you’re after. ...
  • 4. What Makes You Different? ...
  • 5. What Type of Podcast Should Yours Be?

How to brainstorm podcast topics?

  • Give yourself ample time to marinate on an idea (1-2 weeks)
  • Present your ideas to friends and family for feedback
  • Create a pros and cons list of each idea
  • Test run your final ideas

What are some interesting podcasts?

Renegades: Born in the USA

  • Bunga Bunga. If you thought a certain leader of the free world was wild and wacky, wait'll you hear this. ...
  • The Rabbit Hole. As far as podcasts go, The New York Times is most known for The Daily. ...
  • Blind Spot: The Road to 9/11. ...
  • Wind of Change. ...
  • Slow Burn. ...
  • In Bed with Megan and Nick. ...
  • Making Space: The Female Frontier. ...
  • We Crashed. ...
  • Fiasco: Bush v. ...
  • Crossfire. ...

More items...


What are the most popular podcast topics?

According to Statista's 2021 reports, the top 5 podcast topics include comedy, news, true crime, sport, and health/fitness.

How do I pick a podcast topic?

How To Find Good Podcast TopicsStart with your interests and hobbies. It's important that you choose a podcast topic that you're genuinely interested in; otherwise, your audience will be able to sense your disinterest. ... Evaluate your goals. ... Establish a focus. ... Consider planning for guests. ... Decide what sets you apart.

What should I podcast about?

100+ Podcast Topic ideasBehind the scenes of an industry. ... Take your listeners on a journey - Personal podcast ideas. ... Clueless newbie & Podcast ideas for beginners. ... Tell the same story from different points of view - Podcast story ideas. ... Documentary. ... Deep dives. ... A day in the life of... ... Mystery theme.More items...

What are the most popular podcast topics 2022?

10 Popular Podcast Trends for 2022True Crime. From books and movies to documentaries and TV shows, true crime has cemented itself as the top binge-worthy genre – and podcasts aren't exempt. ... Chat Shows. ... Global News. ... Sports. ... Food. ... Paranormal Activity. ... Mythbusting. ... Arts and Culture.More items...•

How long should podcasts be?

The length of your podcast also depends on your subject, industry or genre. It could be that around 15-20 minutes perfect for your listeners. But maybe your specific audience wants more in-depth, exploratory information; in which case, 45-90 minutes would provide more value.

How do podcasts make money?

Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn.

What makes a podcast successful?

Keep the topic simple. A podcast with focus is going to be much easier for potential listeners to understand. You might think a wide appeal will get a wider audience but more often a narrow appeal means there's less likelihood others are doing the same thing. And the listeners you get will be very excited to find you.

What are future trends for podcasting?

Podcast chat shows will remain a leading trend for podcasts in 2022 and investing in a chat show format for your business podcast will help you educate and entertain your audience while building trust for your brand.

How do I make my podcast unique?

Top Ways to Make Your Podcast Unique and SuccessfulGet Unique Experts to Chat.Select Music Carefully.Engage Personally With Your Audience.Be Yourself.Consider the Episode Length.Always Leave With Value.Find Your Content Niche.Stay Passionate About the Content.

What I need to start a podcast?

Steps to Start a PodcastDecide why you want to start a podcast.Choose a podcast topic, theme, and name.Select a podcast format and structure.Create podcast branding.Set up your podcast equipment.Find the best podcast recording software.Prepare for your first few podcast episodes.More items...

What should I name my podcast?

In short, here are some guidelines for picking a great podcast name:Aim for 4 words or less.Choose a name that aligns with your content.Keep it succinct and intriguing.Try to avoid the words “The” and “Podcast.”Avoid special characters, misspellings, abbreviations, and punctuation.More items...•

How do I find my podcast niche?

Steps to Finding a Podcast NichePick a Subject You Love. Before you consider anything else, think about what you truly enjoy. ... Concentrate on Your Strengths. ... Select a Topic That People Will Enjoy. ... Avoid Niches With Too Much Competition. ... Consider How You Can Broaden the Topic in the Future.

What Is A Good Podcast Topic?

As of May 2020, the most popular shows on Apple Podcasts have a few common topic threads: talk shows, true crime, and investigative journalism. Knowing these podcast ideas are already popular with large audiences, you may be tempted to jump right into one of these topics. But this isn’t the best approach.

What to ask a guest on a podcast?

When a podcaster interviews a guest, he typically focuses on the big picture stuff, like “What made you successful?” or “When did you make your big decision?” or “How did you become so talented?” But those big questions-while important-don’t help your listeners connect with your guests. They need a more granular view to understand what it’s like to be a successful/talented/gifted person.

What is the most important decision to make when starting a podcast?

Choosing a podcast topic is one of the most important decisions you’ll make when you start a show. There are good podcast ideas and less intriguing ones, so it’s your job to figure out where your topic idea lands.

What is the first podcast idea?

The first podcast idea is also the most obvious. A podcast about something you find enjoyable. This could be your favorite book series, movie genre, professional industry, or music scene.

How to turn your passion into content?

Do you follow a TV show, book series, sports team, or music scene? Turn your passion into content by reviewing the latest movie/book/episode/game on your podcast. You can explain what happened recently, explore fan theories (yours included!), and make predictions for the future. This podcast topic is easy to create content around because it’s closely related to something you love dearly.

What is the purpose of a podcast?

The purpose of a podcast is to address the needs of your audience. They may have a challenge to overcome, a problem to solve, or a subject they want to know more about. In some cases, an audience just wants to be entertained or distracted for a while.

How to get your local news?

There are two ways to do this: You can either choose a different community newspaper each week or focus on the news in your community. Examine local politics, school news, local events, and anything else that comes up. You could even bring local people on to the show to get their side of the story.

What to think about when you are a podcaster?

Once you’ve explored your voice and who you are as a podcaster, think about your audience. Who would listen to your podcast, and what does their typical day look like? Do they have similar questions as you, or do they care about the same issues as you? Imagine having a conversation with one of your listeners. What would you really enjoy talking about?

How to narrow down a podcast topic?

One way to narrow down your podcast topic is by targeting a section of your audience. Maybe your podcast will be about live streaming for gamers or businesses. You lose some of the audience interested in live streaming by narrowing your topic, but you’ll end up creating much more valuable content for the part of your audience you are targeting.

Why do you want to make a podcast?

Why do you want to make a podcast? Maybe you’re someone who prefers to share their message by speaking into a microphone rather than writing a blog post. Perhaps you want to attract customers to your business. Uncovering your motivation for starting a podcast will help guide you later on.

What is a time specific podcast?

Time-specific podcasts come out at certain times of the day or week, like a daily morning news brief or a weekly Monday motivation podcast. Tying your theme to a time is a great way to stay on schedule, but you’ll probably have to think of a subject to cover in your podcast as well.

What is coaching podcast?

Coaching podcasts are like advice-of-the-day shows, but with more substance. Pick a niche, like digital marketing or personal development, and offer your advice and best tips. To make a successful coaching podcast, ask listeners to send you their questions or problems so you can discuss them on the show as well.

How to get more engagement from a podcast?

You can talk about whether you’ve applied this advice in your life and how it went for you. Asking listeners to write in with their own advice is also a good way to get more engagement out of your podcast.

What is a documentary podcast?

Documentary-style podcasts include a lot of interviews, and you may even record them on location. They’re very similar to regular documentaries, but with audio only.

What is a good podcast topic?

If you know your way around social media, this could be a good podcast topic for you. You can teach influencers or business professionals how to harness social media for their personal brand, business, or startup.

Why is it important to choose the right topic for a podcast?

Choosing the right topic for your new podcast is a huge part of attracting the right listeners and staying motivated to consistently create new content.

What is the outdoors podcast?

The outdoors is a popular podcast topic with lots of opportunities for a new unique angle. You can cover topics like prepping, gear, or the best places to hike in various regions.

Why do podcasts have interviewers?

Interviewing listeners is a great way to make your podcast interactive and give your listeners a chance to share their personal experiences with your topic.

What is podcast format?

Your podcast's format is the structure of your podcast episodes. Here are 15 options to help you brainstorm.

Why are podcasts important?

Q&A podcasts are a great way to involve your audience, increase listener engagement, and make highly relevant content.

What is repurposed content?

Repurposed content takes some kind of pre-recorded media and transforms it into podcast format. This is an excellent option for churches to publish episodes of their sermons.

What to talk about in a medical science class?

People like to hear about nutrition and fitness. Talk about daily life fitness issues, nutrition deficiencies, and how a common man can improve his life in both aspects.

Can you narrate a podcast?

You can narrate your real-life activities when conducting a job relevant to the general subject of your podcast. For example, you can talk about science or any specific object involved in the process when trying to conduct a scientific experiment to make the audience understand something.

Is mythbusting a fake?

Just make sure that you have done your research well enough and all of your supporting arguments are factual and not fake. Believe me, you will ace this. People LOVE myth-busting. You also have the luxury of choosing from a wide range of topics, ranging from health to technology. The good thing about this is that you can specifically target any age group that you want to.

101 Podcast Topic Ideas

Starting your process to think up podcast ideas can feel intimidating, but don’t worry; you have a lot of options. Get your ideas flowing with these 101 topics to talk about on a podcast.

How to Find Topics for a Podcast

Ultimately, your content ideas won't get far without a solid understanding of your target audience and what they want to hear. And how well your ideas land once you choose them is heavily dependent on getting this step right.

Keep the Podcast Episode Ideas Coming

Now you have a ton of podcast ideas to get you started and the steps you need to keep the good ideas flowing.

1. Local news

Sometimes you don’t need to look further than local news events. Think of it as a type of news roundup. While it’s a pretty straightforward podcast idea, the trick is to keep it balanced. You don’t want to focus too much on issues facing locals at the expense of exciting happenings taking place and vice versa.

2. Global news and politics

If you’re not interested in keeping it local, you can expand your content to international news headlines that have dominated the week. You can also offer political commentary. In fact, one of the top-earning creators on Patreon, Chapo Trap House, is an American political podcast.

3. Product reviews

Creating a product review is one of the top ideas for blog posts and can just as easily be turned into a regular segment on your podcast. Listeners love it as it helps them with their purchasing decisions.

4. Listicles

If you like the idea of product reviews but don’t want to limit yourself to only one or two items at a time, you create Top 10 lists instead. People love listicles. Counting down to number one creates suspense which will help to motivate your subscribers to listen to the very end of each episode.

5. True crime

The top Patreon creator is True Crime Obsessed, a podcast that takes a look at true crime documentaries. Considering that true crime events have all the elements for a great story, the appeal behind this genre makes sense.

6. Music

Whether you want to zoom in on an individual artist or explore a specific genre, you’ll have more than enough content. If you’re always searching for someone to share your enthusiasm for musicals, this can be the answer. In addition to discussing your new music discoveries, you can also try to interview emerging musicians to jazz things up.

7. Books

Instead of making your focus music, you can follow a similar approach to the one discussed in the previous point and explore books. You can, for instance, share curated reading lists or personal favorite reads.

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