Podcast FAQ

greetings adventurers podcast

by Beau Jacobs Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

What is a glowing portal?

A glowing Portal is about the most stressful thing in the D&D universe. It is the “we need to talk” or the unexpected knock at your door at 10:43. Whatever comes through, be it man or otherwise, we shall meet it head on! The adventure continues with Skud Derringer (Mike Bachmann), Rowan Grey (Jennifer Cheek), Lahnik …

Can Skud keep his fingers out of his deck?

Let’s just say Skud cannot keep his little fingers out of his deck and well, that has some negative consequences. But, we cannot let anything get in our way of saving the lives of every god and I guess every person. Oh my that is a lot of pressure…. The adventure continues with Skud Derringer (Mike …. Read More.

Leviathan Stress Mechanic?

This mechanic seems really interesting, but I can’t seem to find where it’s from. Anyone know where they got it?

What is Bachman's daytime job?

In one of the mail bag episodes everyone said what their day job was except Bachman because he wasn't there. Did he ever say what he does outside of the podcast?

Loving Leviathan

Really enjoying the campaign. The episodes starting much quicker is nice too. What’s everyone else think to the new campaign so far?

Help finding an episode

I don't know if this is the place to post this kind of stuff but hopefully someone can help. So I used to listen to the podcast religiously back in the day and recently started an overnight job so I've been continuing listening through from where I stopped.

Campaign 2: Episode 3 – Mourning

After discovering a dead body, our heroes must decide who they can trust. Especially since there are some strange characters out and about in Rimeford. Plus, they can’t even trust each other which makes everything a little more spicy. As this is a brand new campaign set within our original world you will not need …

Campaign 2: Episode 2 – A Misread Situation

Our heroes of this very adventure finally meet! Will they fall instantly in love? Or will there be a drop of danger mixed into this stalwart stew? Only time will tell! As this is a brand new campaign set within our original world you will not need to have listened to Campaign 1. Sure, there …

Campaign 2: Episode 1 – Welcome to Rimeford

Welcome to the very first episode of Campaign two! We have been waiting for this day for years and wow, it sure feels weird to be level 1 again. Hopefully we don’t die. The siren call of fate pulls a group of stalwart individuals to the town called Rimeford. Surely this chance encounter will have …

Campaign 2: Episode 0 – The Dragon

Welcome to our prologue episode for our brand new Second Campaign! Wow, 9 years ago none of us would have ever dreamed that that Drunks & Dragons would last this long. We have met so many awesome people along our journey and hope to meet many more down the road (geeklycon soon please!). As this …

Leviathan Episode 10 – The Vat

Our heroes, well, our adventurers dig deep and give it all they got. What final horror will await us before we can escape.

Leviathan Episode 9 – A Cure

Our heroes must make a tough call about a certain antidote. The adventure continues with Pegwing Blackfeather (Mike Bachmann), Briar (Jennifer Cheek), Faize (Nika Howard), Time That Erodes Young Love (Tim Lanning), Daggie Chookers (Michael DiMauro), and our Dungeon Master (Fred Greenleaf).

Leviathan Episode 8 – A Game

After meeting someone who seems to be in charge around here our heroes must play a little game. The adventure continues with Pegwing Blackfeather (Mike Bachmann), Briar (Jennifer Cheek), Faize (Nika Howard), Time That Erodes Young Love (Tim Lanning), Daggie Chookers (Michael DiMauro), and our Dungeon Master (Fred Greenleaf).

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