Podcast FAQ

how to get interviewed on a podcast

by Armani Feeney Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How to Get Interviewed on a Podcast

  1. Find relevant podcasts to pitch. There are more than 1 million podcasts. Many of them are inactive or don’t have many listeners. ...
  2. Research each podcast you plan to pitch. Once you have a list of potential podcasts to get interviewed on, the next step is to make sure the podcast is ...
  3. Pitch the podcast host. Most of the time, you will pitch a podcast host via email. ...
  4. Schedule the podcast interview. If you are a guest on someone else’s podcast, be sure to use their scheduler and recorder of choice – Skype, Zoom, Zencaster, etc.
  5. Be a good podcast guest. Remember, you’re coming on the podcast to offer the podcaster’s audience value. Do not over-promote yourself.

  1. Find Relevant Podcasts. Finding relevant podcasts in your niche is actually fairly simple. ...
  2. Evaluate Your Podcast Targets. Appearing on a podcast with no listeners is useless, and pitching a podcast that isn't looking for guests is an equal waste of your time. ...
  3. Collect Data About Your Podcasts. ...
  4. Pitch Your Podcasts.

How to conduct a great podcast interview?

How to conduct a great podcast interview

  • Choose the right guest for your podcast interview. ...
  • Do some background research on your guest. ...
  • Learn how to handle different personality types. ...
  • Eliminate all distractions. ...
  • Prepare a list of questions you’d like to ask in advance. ...
  • Give your guests time to talk. ...
  • Keep track of time. ...
  • Tools for recording interviews. ...

How to prepare for a podcast interview?

Preparing for a Podcast Interview: A Good Podcast Guest Prepares, Shares, and Cares

  • Use Decent Equipment. You’ve listened to hours of podcasts. ...
  • Promote Your Brand. Some people aren’t comfortable talking about themselves or promoting their brand. ...
  • Write It Down. Take notes and jot down questions as you do your research. ...
  • Find a Quiet Space. ...
  • Prepare to Share. ...

How to invite someone to an interview on your podcast?

Starting a call on iOS and Android

  • From the main creation screen in the Anchor tap the '+' icon to access your creation tools
  • On the record screen, tap the 'Invite friends to join' button in the center of your screen
  • On the following screen, tap the purple "Invite friends" button which will open your phone's 'share' card

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How to ask great podcast interview questions?

How to Prepare To Conduct An Amazing Podcast Interview

  1. Choose Interesting Guests. Some guest are, well… boring. ...
  2. Do Some Background Research on Your Subject. A podcast interview shouldn’t be your first exposure to your subject. ...
  3. Get to Know Your Interviewee’s Work. ...
  4. Write The Guest’s Bio For Them. ...
  5. Determine Where Your Subject Meets Your Audience. ...
  6. Prepare Your Questions In Advance. ...

More items...


How do you get invited to a podcast?

Here are 10 tips to help you do it—and immediately boost your chances of getting invited to appear on a podcast.Update your profiles. ... Get a high-quality headshot. ... Leverage previous appearances. ... Start posting on a platform. ... Drive engagement. ... Connect with the host. ... Share your success. ... Create an intro video.More items...

How do you get a podcast interviewed?

Find Relevant Podcasts. Finding relevant podcasts in your niche is actually fairly simple. ... Evaluate Your Podcast Targets. Appearing on a podcast with no listeners is useless, and pitching a podcast that isn't looking for guests is an equal waste of your time. ... Collect Data About Your Podcasts. ... Pitch Your Podcasts.

Do you get paid to be interviewed on a podcast?

Typically, podcasts do not pay their guests. Their “Payment” comes from exposure to the audience as well as highlights to their services, e-books, products, etc. Even if a podcast is small now, there is an assumption by host and guests that the show will grow, and the exposure will increase.

How do you approach a podcast interview?

So here are 9 key tips for conducting better podcast interviews:Find Guests You're Really Interested In. ... Do Some Research on Your Guest. ... Prepare and Ask Probing Questions. ... Have a Pre-Interview Process. ... Keep the Conversation Moving Forward. ... Don't Interrupt. ... Practice Active Listening. ... Listen Back to Your Own Interviews.More items...•

How do I pitch myself for a podcast?

These are steps that I've personally taken in my own experience of pitching myself, so I wholeheartedly believe that they work!Follow podcast host on social media. ... Engage daily. ... Leave a podcast review. ... Cite specific episode references. ... Follow up with requests and/or ideas.

How do podcasts get popular?

Here's the big list of podcast promotion strategies we're keen to try.Leverage your guest's audience. ... Promote on social media … in a dozen different ways. ... Release at least 3 episodes on launch day. ... Convert the audio to a YouTube video. ... Submit your podcast to podcatchers and aggregators. ... Transcribe the audio.More items...

How much do podcasters make?

Rates range from $18 to $50 CPM, though hugely popular podcasts can pull in a lot more. You can price your ads differently depending on where you place them within your episode. Pre-roll ads run at the beginning of the show, usually for about 15-30 seconds.

How long does it take for a podcast to make money?

Relying on the experience of Marc Clair, a podcast host, and producer, it may take as long as 18 months before you start seeing results. That's if you produce a show weekly. In his words, things can be faster than stated if you have luck, a marketing budget, and irresistible content.

How much do celebrity podcasters make?

How much do the top podcasters make? For podcasts that have about 10,000 downloads per episode, the owners can expect to make between $500 – $900 per episode in affiliate sales. A top podcaster can earn him an annual net worth of between 5-30 million US Dollars.

What makes a good podcast interview?

A podcast interview shouldn't be your first exposure to your subject. You should know at least a little about them before the show starts. Your job is to expose the interviewee to your audience, so it helps to know enough about the subject to get the ball rolling. Dig into your guest's online persona.

How long should podcast interviews be?

Bigger isn't always better… The ideal length of your podcast is the ideal length for your content. There should be no fluff, no additional crap, no rabbiting on for 20 minutes before you get to the good stuff. You need to be respectful of your listener's time and only include the best of the best.

How do guests prepare for a podcast interview?

Ask the Interviewer a Question or Two: Podcast Guest Tip #12 So, keep your replies brief, and ask some questions of your own. Questions make you more interesting, more dynamic, and they make your content better because you can take much more guidance from the host of the show.

How do authors get podcasts?

0:3718:00How to Get on a Podcast as a Guest Author - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipSo the first phase is to prepare your pitch. Step one in preparing your pitch is researching theMoreSo the first phase is to prepare your pitch. Step one in preparing your pitch is researching the podcast that makes sense for you to be on. So make a list of the podcasts. You want to be on. Now.

How do you pitch a podcast in an email?

My 10 step guide as to how to write the perfect podcast guest pitch email are as follows;Subject line.Personalise it.Introduce yourself succinctly.Reference their podcast.Why you would make a good guest.Suggest potential topics to talk about.Proof.Give more background.More items...

How to get a host back if you haven't heard back?

If you haven’t heard back within a week or so of reaching out, follow up with a simple, friendly email. Ask the host if they received your first email and include the link to your show again, so they don’t have to search for it in your previous message.

How to write a good email?

1. Craft a strong subject line. If you’re writing an email, make sure your subject line is clear, specific, and short. People mostly read emails on their smartphones, so you want to make sure the entire subject line is readable even on a mobile device. 2.

How to find podcasts in a subcategory?

To find podcasts within a subcategory, go to the main category page, and select a topic. After you choose a category, Apple Podcasts will show you the subcategories for the topic you selected. Alternative: Use Podchaser to Research Categories & Rankings.

What is PodMatch?

PodMatch is a data-driven matching tool that uses A.I. to automatically connect you with podcasts. Once you create a guest profile, you'll get five free matches per week and unlimited messaging.

How to contact a podcast host?

The best way to communicate with a podcast host is via email, message on social media, or a website contact form. You can often find a podcaster’s email address on their YouTube channel or a personal Facebook profile.

How to get booked as a guest on a podcast?

1. Find out what podcasts your audience is listening to. When trying to get booked as a guest on a podcast, it’s important to know the other shows in your own podcast’s category and the ones suggested to your listeners . To see what shows your listeners might be tuning into, open Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes) and enter the name of your own show ...

How many hours of podcasts do you listen to a week?

While bloggers scramble to get the internet’s attention for just a few minutes, podcast listeners consume roughly seven hours of content a week and listen to entire episodes 80% of the time. What does that mean for you? Getting a podcast interview is an effective strategy of growing your show, brand, or business.

How many podcasts are there?

According to Edison Research, there are 250,000 active podcasts. In comparison, there are nearly 500 million active blogs. Despite the huge growth in podcasts in 2015, we’re still early in the podcast era and seeing rapid growth.

How many podcasts did Dorie Clark do?

Author, speaker and consultant Dorie Clark did over 150 podcast appearances in 2015, the year her most recent book Stand Out was released, and also said it was her number 1 channel for driving book sales.

How to make a podcast look good?

It will make you look good to your audience by offering them more content that they might be interested in, and the host will appreciate people you know being exposed to their podcast.

How long does it take to write a podcast?

A good article usually takes at least five hours to write and edit, and a great longform article like the kind featured on Sumo takes at least ten and sometimes twenty hours. An hour long podcast on the other hand only takes an hour.

What is the best USB mic for podcasts?

If you are planning on doing podcast interviews, the biggest upgrade you can make is getting a decent USB mic. Podcast expert and host of Cashflow Podcast, Ben Krueger, recommends the ATR 2100 as the best value mic. It sounds almost as good as the $250 options and it’s usually around $50 on Amazon.

What year was the podcast year?

Many people called 2015 the “ year of the podcast ”.

Why is it easier to be on other podcasts?

Once you’ve been on a few podcasts, it only gets easier to be on other because you’re already vetted and tested as a podcast guest.

What is the job of a podcaster?

Your job is to establish credibility (your subject experience and successes), to establish a rapport (the personal story, your values, perhaps some failures) and to signpost some interesting things to delve into later. If you can, when you go on a podcast, you’ll tailor the story a little for that particular audience.

What is an alitu?

Alitu is a tool that takes your recording, polishes it up, adds your music, and publishes the episode, all automatically. Learn more about Alitu. On top of that, you might like our ‘Podcast Maker' tool Alitu. With Alitu you can record, edit, produce, and publish all from one super-simple dashboard.

What is the power of podcasting?

The power of podcasting is the conversation. It’s the dynamic back and forth. So, make sure you treat it like that, rather than a monologue.

How to answer a question keep it shorter?

When you answer a question keep it shorter. Don’t feel the need to fully explain every little thing. Instead, summarise, signpost, and then ask the host: which do you think we should get into first? This or that?

Why are questions important in a podcast?

Questions make you more interesting, more dynamic, and they make your content better because you can take much more guidance from the host of the show.

Do you have to prepare for a podcast interview?

No doubt you know it’s a good idea to prepare when you're running a podcast interview. Unless you're Mark Maron, a lack of prep is just plain lazy. But, what if you're on the other end of the mic? Are there things you can do to be a great podcast interviewee? Do we have any podcast guest tips to help you sound your best when being interviewed on a podcast?

Is content king?

Content is king, sure, but no one wants to listen to half an hour of crappy quality audio. Bad vocals make you sound amateur. They don't make the best use of the time you’re investing in this interview. If you’re hunched over your laptop, barking into a crappy internal mic, it shows, and your amazing insights are lost in a sea of strained, distorted voice.

How to introduce yourself as XYZ podcast host?

Begin your email by introducing yourself as the host of XYZ Podcast. Tell them a little bit about your show (its purpose, niche or topic focus, target audience, listener stats, etc.). In some cases it helps to list a few of the people you’ve already interviewed, especially if the person you are reaching out to knows who those people are. Next, compliment their work and tell them why you think they would be a good fit for your show, and why your listeners would like to hear from them. Wrap up the email by inviting them to contact you for more details if they’re interested, thank them for their time and consideration, and then click send!

What is cold email?

A cold email is an email you send to someone that you do not know personally. Most individuals openly display their email address on their website, and in the cases where they do not, you can send them a message using the contact form on their website. Either way, your message is likely to reach their inbox, or the inbox of their personal assistant.

How to get interviews for podcast?

If you’re just getting started as a podcast host, reaching out to your existing network is a great way to book your first few interviews. Your existing network includes friends, colleagues, and even personal mentors. It’s easier to get an interview with a personal acquaintance despite having a brand new podcast than it is to reach out to people you don’t know. Once you’ve done a few interviews and attracted some listeners to your podcast, the methods listed below will become more viable.

How to find more people to reach out to on podcast?

If your list of potential guests to contact is running low, an easy way to find more people to reach out to is to scan the list of guest interviews from other podcasts. Regardless of what industry/niche your podcast is in, there are like other podcasts that serve the same audience. Open iTunes and take a look at some of the top podcasts in your category. Scan their list of episodes and see what names appear as guest interviews on those episodes.

Is Facebook group private?

There are also thousands of groups on Facebook where people with common interests interact with each other. Some groups are private or invitation-only,and some are open to the public. Both types of groups give you the opportunity to communicate with other people and tell them about your podcast.

Who is Tyler Basu?

Tyler Basu is a Content Strategist that specializes in helping startups and online entrepreneurs scale their business with content marketing. He's the Co-Founder of Influencer Studio, a content marketing agency that provides training, consulting and done-for-you content marketing services to entrepreneurs.

Can you invite people to your podcast?

Not everyone will accept your invitation to be a guest on your podcast. Sometimes the timing isn’t right, sometimes they just aren’t interested, and sometimes they don’t respond at all. This is perfectly fine. Cold emailing is still one of the best ways to book high profile guests for your show, even if you have to send out a lot of them just to get a few interviews.

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