Podcast FAQ

how to in text cite a podcast

by Mrs. Isabell Cruickshank Published 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

To cite a podcast in a reference entry in MLA style 8th edition include the following elements:

  • Contributor (s) name, label: Give the last name and name as presented in the source (e. g. Watson, John) of the primary contributor (s). ...
  • Title of the podcast episode: Titles are italicized when independent. If part of a larger source add quotation marks and do not italize.
  • Title of the podcast series: Container titles are italicized and followed by a comma.
  • Production studio: Always use the abbreviated version, e.g: MIT P for MIT Press or Oxford UP for Oxford University Press.
  • Date of release: Give the day, month and year of publication. All months, excluding June and July, are abbreviated as three letters (e.g. 9 Aug. 2019.)
  • URL: Copy URL in full from your browser, omit http:// or https:// and do not list URLs created by shortening services.

If you need to highlight a specific quote in an in-text citation, use a timestamp. Host last name, First name, host. “Episode Title.” Podcast Name, season number, episode number, Publisher, Day Month Year, URL.Jan 4, 2021

How to cite a podcast MLA owl Purdue?

MLA Works Cited: Other Common Sources

  • An Interview. ...
  • Speeches, Lectures, or Other Oral Presentations (including Conference Presentations) Start with speaker’s name. ...
  • Panel Discussions and Question-and-Answer Sessions. ...
  • Published Conference Proceedings. ...
  • A Painting, Sculpture, or Photograph. ...
  • A Song or Album. ...
  • Films or Movies. ...
  • Television Shows. ...
  • Podcasts. ...
  • Spoken-Word Albums such as Comedy Albums. ...

More items...

How do you cite a podcast in MLA format?

To cite a podcast, you may want to include the following pieces of information:

  • Full name of contributor (such as the podcast host or narrator), the username, or the name of the company that posted the content
  • Title of the podcast
  • Title of the episode
  • Publisher of the podcast or where you watched it
  • Date the podcast was posted
  • URL of the podcast

How do I cite an episode of a podcast?

  • List the host of the podcast as the author. Alternatively, provide the executive producers, if known. ...
  • Provide the span of years during which the podcast aired in the date element of the reference. ...
  • Specify the type of podcast in square brackets, for example: [Audio podcast], [Video podcast].
  • In general, end the reference with the URL. ...

How to cite a podcast in Harvard style?

  • Start with the name of the podcast creator/author in this format: Last Name, First Name Initial, Middle Name Initial. ...
  • Then, display the Date Published in this structure: Year, Month Date.
  • Next, you need to put the Podcast Episode Title in italics
  • Follow this by putting [Audio podcast] to show what your source actually is

More items...


How do you cite a podcast in APA in-text?

To cite a podcast episode in APA Style, list the host as author, followed by the label “(Host),” the date, the episode title and number, the description “[Audio podcast episode],” the name of the podcast, the production company, and a URL if available.

How do you cite a podcast in-text MLA?

Last name, First name of the creator. “Title of podcast.” Title of the website, role of contributors and their First name Last name, Version, Numbers, Publisher, Publication date, URL.

How do you write the name of a podcast in an essay?

Use quotation marks, with no italics, around titles of:articles and papers.chapters.individual lectures.podcasts and individual videos.short poems.short stories.single TV episodes.songs.More items...

How do you write a podcast title in an essay MLA?

Title of the podcast episode: Titles are italicized when independent. If part of a larger source add quotation marks and do not italize. Title of the podcast series: Container titles are italicized and followed by a comma.

Do you put podcasts in quotes?

The following list offers guidance on how to handle the many diverse titles, works, and events referenced in College communications, including titles of published works, original art, musical productions, journal names, etc....Quotes, Italics, or Nothing?Titles for…Quote Marks, Italics, or NothingThe Chicago Manual of StylePodcastsItalics8.18739 more rows

How do you in text cite a podcast Harvard?

Reference: Author/Presenter Last name, Initial(s). (Year site published/updated) Title of podcast. [Podcast]. Day Month Year of podcast posted.

Can you cite a podcast in an essay?

Provided it meets the same criteria as the usual literature, citing a podcast can be equally relevant and admissible to your academic paper. It also shows your research has taken you further than the standard texts.

Is a podcast a scholarly source?

As podcasting continues to grow in popularity, it has become an effective medium for researchers to share complex ideas in an accessible way. Publishing professor Hannah McGregor is showing that podcasts can be a form of academic research in their own right.

How do I cite a podcast for a guest in APA?

Citing a Podcast in APA styleLast Name, Initials. ( Title). ( ... Osnos, E. ( Guest). ( ... Last Name, First Name, Title. “ Episode name”, Podcast Name, Publisher, Date, URL.Osnos, Evan, Guest. “ The Future Of America's Contest With China” Fresh Air, NPR, 10 Jan. ... Last Name, First Name. ... Osnos, Evan. “

How do you cite a podcast in MLA 9th edition?

Use the following structure to cite a podcast in MLA 9: “Title of the Podcast Episode.” Title of the Podcast, Name of the Publisher/Where you listened to it (only include if it is different than the author or title), Date it was posted, URL. 08/11/542753070/scientists-can-t-explain-all-the-appeal-of-an-eclipse.

Are podcast names italicized APA?

Do not italicize the episode title or the episode number. Specify the type of podcast episode in square brackets, for example: [Audio podcast episode], [Video podcast episode]. Write the word “In” and then the title of the podcast in italics. In general, end the reference with the URL of the episode.

How do you cite a podcast in Chicago in text?

To cite a podcast, locate as much of the following information as possible: name of the creator or host, title of the episode and podcast, date it was recorded. Also include an access date and URL. Include a short description in brackets after the title.

How do I cite an interview that was done on a podcast in APA style?

To cite an interview that was done on a podcast, include the name of the podcast host, publication date, title of the episode featuring the intervi...

How do I format an APA-style in-text citation for a quote that came from a speaker on a podcast who ...

To format an APA-style in-text citation for a quote that came from a speaker on a podcast who is not the host, include the name of the host, the pu...

How do I cite a podcast in Chicago (notes-bibliography) style that comes from a streaming service?

To cite a podcast that comes from a streaming service in Chicago (notes-bibliography) style, include the name of the host(s), title of the podcast...

How do I cite a podcast quote in Chicago (notes-bibliography) style?

To cite a podcast quote in Chicago (notes-bibliography) style, add the name of the host, quote, title of the podcast, publication date, and URL. Fo...

What to do if you accessed a podcast from a website but from an app like iTunes or Spotify?

If you accessed the podcast not from a website but from an app like iTunes or Spotify, list the app as the version and include whatever information you have access to.

When to use the narrator in a podcast?

It’s sometimes more appropriate to use the label “narrator,” when the podcast just tells a story without any guests. If your citation of the podcast focuses more on the contribution of someone else (e.g. a guest, the producer), they can be listed in the author position instead, with an appropriate label.

How to cite a source with no page numbers?

If a source has no page numbers, you can use an alternative locator (e.g. a chapter number, or a timestamp for a video or audio source) to identify the relevant passage in your in-text citation. If the source has no numbered divisions, cite only the author’s name (or the title).

Who is the host of a podcast?

The host of a podcast is generally listed as the author, unless you focus on someone else’s contribution—a guest, a narrator (i.e. when the podcast just tells a story, with no guests), or a producer.

Do you need a parenthetical citation for Rajaram?

If you already named the author or title in your sentence, and there is no locator available, you don’t need a parenthetical citation: Rajaram argues that representations of migration are shaped by “cultural, political, and ideological interests.”.

How to cite a podcast?

To cite a podcast, you may want to include the following pieces of information: Full name of contributor (such as the podcast host or narrator), the username, or the name of the company that posted the content. Title of the podcast. Title of the episode. Publisher of the podcast or where you watched it .

What is a podcast?

Ah, the podcast. A pretty modern way to be entertained or learn new things! Podcasts can be great sources of information for a research paper. They cover a wide range of topics, and can lead you to discussion questions you may want to address in your paper.

How to cite a podcast in a comma?

Start your Works Cited entry with the name of the narrator or host. Type the last name of the narrator or host first, followed by a comma, then type their first name. Place a comma after their first name, then add a description of their role in the podcast (typically, either "narrator" or "host").

How to type a podcast in italics?

Type the name of the podcast in italics, using title case. Place a period after the name of the podcast, then type the words "Podcast audio.". Place a period after the word "audio," then type the date in month-day-year format. Do not abbreviate the name of the month.

Is WikiHow a copyright?

All rights reserved. wikiHow, Inc. is the copyright holder of this image under U.S. and international copyright laws. This image is <b>not</b> licensed under the Creative Commons license applied to text content and some other images posted to the wikiHow website.

How to Cite a Podcast in APA Clearly

If you require applying the APA format, here is how to cite a podcast in APA:

How Does the Correct Chicago Citation for a Podcast Look Like?

For Chicago citation for a podcast, indicate these details and check their order:

How to cite a podcast in MLA 8th edition

For the full MLA referencing style, things are slightly different. If this is the method you use, then take a look at the info below:

How to cite a podcast in APA

APA citation is much more straightforward and easier to follow. If you need to use this when citing a podcast in your paper, then user our apa citation generator or follow the following structure and examples:

How to cite a podcast in Chicago Format

The Chicago style format is currently in its 17th edition. For anyone that uses this particular style, follow this structure or use our chicago citation generator:


To end this article, we'll briefly summarize everything so you know exactly how to cite a podcast depending on your referencing style.

Podcast Citation Structure

Host’s Last name, First name M. “Title of episode.” Title of the Program, additional contributors (if applicable), publisher, date. Website Where Podcast Was Streamed, URL (if applicable).

Podcast Citation Example

Conger, Cristen, and Caroline Ervin. “Beyonce’s Feminism.” Stuff Mom Never Told You , HowStuffWorks, 19 Mar. 2014. iTunes app.

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