Podcast FAQ

how to make rss feed for podcast

by Roy Sporer Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Here are the four steps needed to create your new feed:

  1. Create a free RSS Podcasting account
  2. Confirm your email address and select the “New podcast” button
  3. Next, add your new podcast’s details including title, description, and your RSS address feed and select “Next.” Easy right?
  4. Add your author details, categories (up to three), your podcast cover art, and select “Save and finish.” Congrats, you’re done!

How can I manually add a RSS feed?

Add my private RSS feed to the Apple Podcast app

  • After pledging to a creator that offers an RSS feed, you'll receive a link via email. ...
  • Open the Apple Podcast app and click on the Library tab along the bottom and select the edit option in the top right:
  • Select the Add a podcast by URL… option.
  • Paste your unique RSS feed link and click on the Subscribe button.

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Why do I need a RSS feed for my podcast?

Submission Process:

  • Go to the Google Play Music Podcast page.
  • Click on “Publish”.
  • Enter the portal using your Google Account. ...
  • Read and accept the TOS (terms of service)
  • For first time submissions, you will be redirected to the “New Podcast” page and asked to enter some information. ...
  • Submit the RSS feed for your podcast and click on “Submit RSS Feed.”

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How to create a real news feed with RSS?

Real-Time News Data With the mediastack API Whether you run a non-profit organization, a small business resources website, a community news aggregator website, or you simply want to run an RSS feed on...

How to dynamically create RSS feed?

  • Line 9-11: Load the values from web.config to variables. ...
  • Line 13-15: Clear previous output if any and define the content type as “text/xml”.
  • Line 17-19: Create new XmlTextWriter object for writing xml tag to the output screen (Response.OutputStream). ...
  • Line 21-23: Write this tag <rss version="2.0"></rss> <rss version="2.0"></rss>

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How do I create an RSS feed for my podcast?

How to Create a Podcast RSS FeedCreate a free RSS Podcasting account.Confirm your email address and select the “New podcast” button.Next, add your new podcast's details including title, description, and your RSS address feed and select “Next.” Easy right?More items...

How do I create a podcast RSS feed for free?

You need to start by visiting the Google Play Podcast Portal. Once you make it to that area, you click on the button to add a podcast. Take your RSS feed URL and paste it into the text box field. You then verify you own the RSS feed via your e-mail, review the information, and click on the publishing button.

Can I host my own podcast RSS?

Sites like Libsyn, Anchor, Blubrry, Megaphone, etc will allow you to upload your audio file for your podcast, they'll create an rss feed for the podcast, and then serve the files for your listeners. See, a podcast is simply an rss file which contains a map to where the audio files are, and the audio files.

Are podcast RSS feeds free?

Switch to RSS.com now and enjoy 6 months free with unlimited features! Moving your podcast to RSS.com is fast and easy. Your show will be available during the transfer so your followers won't miss a thing.

Does an RSS feed cost money?

You could pay $12.99 a month for RSS.com Podcasting's hosting plan and cancel at any time. This will run you $155.88 per year. But, if you pay for the $99 annual plan you save $56.88!

How do I get my Google podcast RSS feed?

To access the feature, tap over to the activity tab in the bottom right-hand corner and slide over to the Subscriptions tab, then tap the plus symbol. You'll then be prompted to add by RSS feed.

How do I get an RSS feed for my Spotify podcast?

If you need a podcast RSS feed, click here. If you are using RSS.com as your podcast host, your show's RSS feed can be found on your “My Podcast” page. Click the “RSS Feed” button underneath your show's description and it will copy your feed to your clipboard. From there, you can paste your RSS feed into Spotify.

How do I link my Spotify to RSS?

1. Login to https://podcasters.spotify.com, then click on your show.Click on the Settings link.Click the Update button.Paste in your show's new RSS Feed URL, then click the Next button.Confirm your hosting provider is correct, and that everything looks good. That's it!

How do I make a podcast server?

Here's How to Create your Podcast WebsiteChoose and set up your Web Hosting.Get a domain for your website.Install WordPress on your hosting.Create your first content.Set up your WordPress navigation.Look & Feel: Choose a theme for your WordPress site.Set up your WordPress site for Podcasting.

Does Spotify use RSS feeds?

Up until now, show subscribers have only been able to play content in apps that support private RSS feeds, which Spotify does not. The platform doesn't rely on RSS feeds for its own exclusive shows, either, effectively locking them down to the platform.

What is the difference between a podcast and a RSS?

What Is the Difference Between a Podcast and an RSS? A podcast is an audio (and sometimes video) show that's published online and distributed via RSS feed to subscribers. The RSS feed is the link between the podcast audio/video files and the audience; it lets subscribers stay up-to-date with new podcast episodes.

Is RSS good for podcast?

An RSS feed is an essential piece of technology that powers every podcast. Without it, the medium wouldn't exist. A podcast RSS feed contains information about your show and its episodes. It then passes that information to podcast directories, like Apple Podcasts or Spotify, each time a new episode is published.

Where can I upload my podcast for free?

Best free podcast hosting servicesBuzzsprout. Buzzsprout. Buzzsprout is one of the most popular options for hosting a podcast. ... Podbean. Another popular free podcasting platform for hosting is Podbean. ... Spreaker. Spreaker. ... Anchor. Anchor. ... Podomatic. Podomatic. ... Acast. Acast. ... Soundcloud. Soundcloud. ... RedCircle. RedCircle.

Does anchor FM cost money?

Anchor.fm is a free podcasting platform that makes creating a podcast super easy. That's the good news. In fact, I feed anchor has probably helped create a few meetings at podcast hosting companies to talk about their user interfaces.

Is Buzzsprout free?

You can start on a free plan with Buzzsprout while you get your show set up. You'll want to upgrade to a paid tier later on since the episodes disappear after 90 days. But the free plan is perfect for the time before you “officially” launch your show.

How do I get an RSS feed for my Spotify podcast?

If you need a podcast RSS feed, click here. If you are using RSS.com as your podcast host, your show's RSS feed can be found on your “My Podcast” page. Click the “RSS Feed” button underneath your show's description and it will copy your feed to your clipboard. From there, you can paste your RSS feed into Spotify.

What is RSS for podcasts?

RSS, Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary, is part of a group of web feed formats. Websites and podcast listening platforms use RSS feeds to distribute frequently updated information. The RSS feeds for podcasts eliminates the need for users to manually upload updated content across each platform. Instead, podcast directories consistently monitor RSS feeds and display the new information as it’s added to the feed.

What information is needed for a podcast RSS feed?

To function correctly, a podcast RSS feed needs additional information like a title, description, artwork, category, language, and explicit rating. Whereas an RSS feed associated with a blog, for example, wouldn’t require these fields. Apple Podcasts and their RSS feed requirements have become the standard for podcasting.

How Does An RSS Feed Work?

Many think they’ll record their first episode then simply upload it directly to Apple Podcasts and that’s that . But the actual process of featuring episodes across podcast directories follows a different set of steps. This where the RSS feed comes in for your show.

What happens when someone plays your podcast on Spotify?

When someone plays your episode within Spotify, the RSS feed asks your podcast host provider for the correct audio file and seamlessly delivers the content back to Spotify then your listeners.

How to access podcast warehouse?

In order to access what’s inside this warehouse, the podcast host generates an RSS feed link.This link then becomes the middleman between you and your audience, establishing the pathway for your episodes to leave the warehouse and be featured on podcast directories.

What is RSS feed?

An RSS feed is an essential piece of technology that powers every podcast. Without it, the medium wouldn’t exist. A podcast RSS feed contains information about your show and its episodes. It then passes that information to podcast directories, like Apple Podcasts or Spotify, each time a new episode is published.

Where is my RSS feed on Castos?

Inside your Castos dashboard, your RSS feed is found in the Distribution tab.

How to find your podcast feed URL?

You’ll find your podcast feed URL under: PowerPress -> Settings -> Destinations.

What is the first audio block on a blog post?

The first Audio Block on a blog post will be the audio that is used for your podcast feed.

Does Squarespace have a podcast RSS feed?

If your website is hosted with Squarespace, they will create a podcast RSS feed under a special URL once you set it up.

Do you need an RSS feed for your podcast?

Do you need an RSS feed to record podcasts and put them on the web? No. But do you need an RSS feed to develop a listening audience? Yes, you do.

How do you create a podcast RSS feed?

If the idea of creating an RSS feed makes you think twice about creating that murder mystery podcast with your best work friend, take a deep breath. It’s actually really easy. This is particularly true when you do it through a podcast hosting provider, which pretty much prompts you for all the stuff you’re supposed to do.

How to list podcasts on Google Podcasts?

To be listed in Google Podcasts, you have to provide an RSS feed in XML format describing your podcast. But be careful, your feed has to comply with the RSS 2.0 specification and include the following tags:

What is Google Podcasts?

Google Podcasts is a podcast directory like any other, except that it allows you to list your show in the Google search engine. So, if you want to improve your podcast’s SEO, it’s good to be sure that your RSS feed meets the technical requirements for Google Podcasts. 🚀

What are the requirements for episodes?

As already mentioned, your podcast must contain at least one episode in order to create an RSS feed. Here’s how it works.

What do traditional SEO tags do?

A page’s traditional SEO tags obviously take care of helping Google and Bing find your content.

What do you need to offer as a podcast publisher?

As the podcast’s publisher, you must offer as page on your website telling about the podcast and its associated episodes. The page must include the following tag so that Google (and other podcast readers) can link them together:

Can you publish a podcast on YouTube?

YouTube is primarily known for hosting and distributing video content, but it is also possible (and recommended!) that you publish your podcast on the world’s #2 most popular search engine ✌️

Does HBO have a Chernobyl podcast?

HBO’s podcast for the Chernobyl miniseries offers a simple still image with subtitles for the audio content. Simple and effective.

Why Do You Need a Podcast RSS Feed?

When so much is readily available on the Internet , listeners have higher expectations for timely and fresh updates from their favorite podcasts. Many do not want to miss a thing. Although your die-hard fans will regularly check your channel to make sure they have not missed any show, many others will not dedicate that much time and effort. There is endless content on the Internet, so many are already busy consuming that.

How to verify if your RSS feed is working?

Although RSS feeds are easy to create, some sites will face difficulties with reading the code. As a result, your feed will not appear in searches and cause you to lose listeners.

Why do podcasts need RSS feeds?

In short, creating a podcast RSS feed is essential to keep your listeners subscribed and easily updated.

How to make sure your RSS feed is valid?

To make sure that your RSS feed is valid and works smoothly, you can use the help of RSS feed validators. By testing your feed, they mark the errors in case if available. As a result, you can fix mistakes on time and keep on providing content to your audience.

What is RSS in news?

RSS, which stands for Really Simple Syndication, is a simple XML text file created with web publishers and includes various articles and other types of published content. Syndication refers to the process of reaching many people with your online content. Because RSS feeds create and update content in real-time, the subscribers see the newly published ones first. It is helpful for news pages and podcasts that are regularly updated.

Why do podcasts need to be engaging?

As you create your podcasts, you want to engage listeners and make sure they are coming back. With the high competitiveness of the market, podcasters use various tools to engage the audience, starting from social media and SEO to offline advertising, etc.

How to check if feed is valid?

You can check if your feed is valid by simply pasting the feed URL to the address field and clicking “check.” If any errors are identified, it will show the message that the feed does not validate and highlight the errors for you to fix.

What is RSS feed in podcast?

A podcast RSS feed is a collection of episodes for a single podcast, formatted using a language called XML. When a listener views your podcast in their podcast player, the RSS feed is what provides information on your: Podcast title. Podcast cover art. Episode titles.

How to ensure your podcast RSS feed is valid?

To ensure your podcast's RSS feed is valid, you can use a validator like Podbase.

Where to find RSS feed URL?

In Transistor, you find your RSS feed URL in the "Distribution" section. However, we also provide an easy way to submit your RSS feed to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and other major podcast players:

What does RSS stand for?

RSS originally stood for "Rich Site Summary, " however, it's now more popularly known as "Really Simple Syndication."

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