Podcast FAQ

how to name a podcast

by Sydnie Hills Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How to Name a Podcast:

  • Brainstorm name ideas. Think about name styles. Podcast names generally fit into one of three styles: descriptive names, creative names, and shows named after the host.
  • Create a shortlist of names. Set the list aside for a while. ...
  • Select a name. Choose a name. Once you tested and researched your top name options, you can now make your final choice with confidence.

In short, here are some guidelines for picking a great podcast name:
  1. Aim for 4 words or less.
  2. Choose a name that aligns with your content.
  3. Keep it succinct and intriguing.
  4. Try to avoid the words “The” and “Podcast.”
  5. Avoid special characters, misspellings, abbreviations, and punctuation.
Sep 14, 2020

Full Answer

What makes a good podcast name?

Make a List of Ideas for Your Podcast Names

  • The name should be short and use common phrases.
  • It should relate to the subject of the podcast.
  • It shouldn’t be generic.
  • It should be unique.
  • The name should have a nice ring to it.

How to choose a great podcast name?

There are several different aspects to think about when it comes to SEO & naming your podcast:

  • Try not to pick a business name that's crowded with other businesses
  • Consider naming your business based on highly searched keywords
  • Make sure the name of your business matches search intent and what people are looking for

How to come up with a great podcast name?

How to come up with a Podcast Name

  1. Make your podcast name appealing As a creator, your ultimate aim is to appeal to the audience. Ensuring your content is always relevant is the key. ...
  2. Convey tone and personality in your Podcast name Curating the perfect name according to the tone of the content is essential. ...
  3. Create a relevant podcast name for your audience

What are some good podcast names?

Some shows featured on those roundups remain in my weekly rotation, including news podcast The Daily, parenting podcast Mom and Dad Are Fighting, The FiveThirtyEight Politics Podcast, movie ...


Why are descriptive podcast names so easy to find?

Descriptive podcast names are immediately identifiable to their target audience. And they're easier to find because they perform better in searches.

What happens when a listener searches for a term or keyword in a podcast directory?

When a listener searches for a term or keyword in a podcast directory, they'll be presented with a “ranked” number of options. Most podcast directories (including iTunes/Apple Podcasts, which is comfortably bigger than all the rest combined) won't search through your shownotes, subtitles, etc.

Can you put podcast in your name?

Using the Word “Podcast” in Your Name. There's no harm in putting the word “podcast” in your show title. But it can be a little redundant. When someone is searching a podcast directory for new content, every result they get is a podcast. Of course, a name like “The [your topic] Podcast” can still work really well.

Is it bad to call a podcast a preexisting podcast?

Even using a very similar name to a pre-existing podcast can be a bad call, regardless of whether that show's still active or not.

2. Make Use Of Podcast Name Generators

And a host of others have made it much easier to come up with podcast name ideas.

3. Check Availability

First things first, you have to make sure there aren’t other shows using it already. You can easily find that out by searching on your podcast app; you can as well check other search engines like google.

4. Consider Your Content

Your imagination must come into play here. You have to imagine what your podcast episodes will sound like in the future.

6. Pitch People

When you choose a couple of names for your podcast, it becomes hard to narrow it down to one option. What will help in this type of situation is to get the opinion of others; after all, no man is an island of knowledge.

7. Just Make A Choice

After going through the process of eliminating names and streaming it down to a couple of names, you must have about two or more names that are your favourites.

How many characters are in an anchor show?

When choosing your podcast name, shorter is sweeter. On average, Anchor shows are between 3-4 words and 15-20 characters long. Short names roll off the tongue. They’re easier to remember and more convenient to say out loud.

Is podcasting an audio medium?

Podcasting is an audio medium after all, so your name ought to be easy to say out loud. Your podcast name should be recognizable to people hearing it in passing, and it should be easy to pronounce when reading it off a page.

How to rename a podcast?

Naming your podcast is a crucial step and many of us rush through it without knowing if the name is taken. I hope today’s article helped you if you’re starting a show or looking to rename one. Here are the key points: 1 Use Your Own Name 2 Twist a Common Saying 3 Be Specific 4 Reference the Length 5 Keep it Simple 6 Showcase Your Message 7 Do Keyword Research

What was the first podcast I started?

The first podcast I started was I Like Your Dress with a close friend. She and I spent time looking up names but most of our ideas were taken. Then we thought about the main message that we wanted to convey and it came to us.

Do podcasters use their names?

A lot of podcasters have started using their names in the title of the podcast. While it makes sense, but I will say it’s not always the best idea. Many celebrities do this, like the Bianca Del Rio podcast, but she’s already a famous drag queen so it makes sense.

Is 5 Minutes Mondays a podcast?

This isn’t a podcast, but I love 5 Minutes Mondays by Buzzsprout. They give podcast tips in just 5 minutes every week on their Facebook page and on their website. It’s short, sweet, and handy. I’ve seen a few other shows do things like this and it’s definitely an option.

What should the name of a business reflect?

The name of your business should reflect a defining characteristic of what you do. Before your customer goes to your website or speaks to you, the name of your business should spark some initial thoughts in their brain as to what you're all about.

Where did the name Amazon come from?

The name Amazon came from a simple dictionary search . Jeff Bezos wanted something that started with an A, looked through a dictionary and came up with the word Amazon.

What are some examples of podcasts?

Some examples of this can be seen in popular podcasts like: 1 Dissect – Dissect is a music podcast whose host breaks down the musical theory and inspirations behind popular music. A typical episode length is 45 mins to an hour, using the word ‘Dissect’ conveys a show that is in-depth and provides well thoughtout ideas. 2 This Week in Tech – A much more straight forward podcast name, this show lets audiences know exactly what they can expect and what it’s about. 3 Murder Minute – With a typical length of 30 minutes, this podcast is made for audiences on a short commute or wanting a quick fix of true crime drama.

Why is the podcast called Philosophy Podcast?

This is a philosophy podcast that is to bring philosophical ideas to bigger audience. The punctuation in the name is important as philosophy is traditionally a very dry subject and the name, punctuated with an exclamation mark shows that there is a lighter passionate side to this podcast.

What is a pod save America?

Pod Save America is a News podcast that addresses current political stories in the US. The name plays on the phrase ‘God Save America’, the play on words hints at it’s satirical nature whilst also showing they are discussing serious topics.

Can you use a pseudonym on a podcast?

Your name will henceforth always have the tag with your podcast, which can compromise your privacy at any time. On the other hand, using a pseudonym saves you from that but opens up newer problems. Listeners often do not take these podcasts seriously, making it imperative for creators to have a fanbase.

Do you have to change the name of your podcast?

Similarly, there might be situations where you need to change the name of your podcast. Under such circumstances, it is crucial to not lose on your audience base and retain them. The best idea is to always come clear and explain the need for the change to your listener. This helps the podcast gain more traffic.

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