Podcast FAQ

how to release a podcast

by Miss Alta McCullough Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Once you've chosen a podcast hosting platform and directory, these are the general steps to publishing your podcast:
  1. Create a podcast RSS feed on your hosting platform.
  2. Submit the RSS feed to your podcast directory.
  3. Wait for your RSS feed to be approved.
  4. Publish and view your podcasts.
Jul 10, 2022

How much does it cost to release a podcast?

Expect to pay anywhere from $1,000 to $15,000+ for an episode depending on the type of podcast you are producing (interview-based, narrative or story-driven, or a mixture of the two). Agencies and teams functioning in this space are experts and have the experience and evidence to prove it.

Is it free to publish a podcast?

The short answer is, yes, it is free to publish a podcast on Spotify, Google Podcasts and Apple Podcasts. There are a couple ways you can publish a podcast.

Where can I release my podcast for free?

Compare Free Podcast HostingPodcast HostBandwidthSubmit to Apple, Google, and SpotifyBuzzsprout250 GB✓SpreakerUnlimiited✓Podbean100 GB✓CastosUnlimited✓1 more row•Jan 27, 2022

Where do I release my podcast?

How To Submit A Podcast To The Most Popular DirectoriesApple Podcasts (formerly iTunes) Apple Podcasts is the biggest podcast directory in the world. ... Google Podcasts. ... Spotify. ... Stitcher. ... Podchaser. ... TuneIn. ... iHeartRadio. ... Pandora.

Does Spotify pay you for podcasts?

Streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcasts pay out for streams, but the payout tends to be very low. Podcast sponsorships are one way, but for new podcasts, the likelihood of finding a high-paying sponsorship is slim unless you're already a well-established figure.

Is uploading podcast to Spotify free?

It could cost you anywhere from $50 on up to buy gear to record your show, but the tools for distribution, which used to be costly, are now free, thanks to Spotify's 2019 purchase of the podcasting app and website Anchor.

How do podcasts make money?

Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn.

What platform is best for a podcast?

The best podcast hosting companies as of July 2022 are:Buzzsprout.Captivate.Transistor.Castos.RSS.com.Podbean.Resonate.

Do I need a podcast host?

Just like you need a website host to store content, like pictures, written content, forms, etc., you need a podcast hosting platform to host and store the media files for your show. Podcast hosting sites use servers for storage, designed specifically to store large media files for download and distribution.

How do I submit a podcast to Spotify?

How To Submit A Podcast To SpotifyVerify your podcast meets Spotify's requirements. ... Create a Spotify account. ... Agree to the Terms & Conditions. ... Enter your RSS feed link. ... Verify you own the podcast. ... Enter details about your podcast. ... Review and submit your podcast.

Does anchor FM cost money?

Anchor.fm is a free podcasting platform that makes creating a podcast super easy. That's the good news. In fact, I feed anchor has probably helped create a few meetings at podcast hosting companies to talk about their user interfaces.

Is Spotify a podcast host?

Note: Spotify doesn't host podcasts. You need to provide a link to an RSS feed in order to have your podcast on Spotify.

Is Apple podcast free to upload?

It's free to use for both podcasters and listeners (although there are now premium options), and is available for download as a mobile and desktop app. Apple Podcasts is not a podcast host. Apple Podcasts does not actually host your podcast file.

How do podcasts make money?

Sponsorships are the most common way podcasters make money. This is when the podcast promotes the sponsor during the show. You probably hear your favorite shows plug their advertisers a few times in every episode. How much you earn from a sponsor depends on the number of downloads your episodes earn.

Does anchor FM cost money?

Anchor.fm is a free podcasting platform that makes creating a podcast super easy. That's the good news. In fact, I feed anchor has probably helped create a few meetings at podcast hosting companies to talk about their user interfaces.

1. Plan your episode

The more planned you are the more you’ll be able to keep your recording session on track. And if you’re flying by the seat of your pants or working out where things are going in the moment your show will not only take longer it’ll be a nightmare to edit.

2. Record your episode

How long this takes depends on how prepared you are but also on what happens in the moment.

3. Edit the episode

This will vary depending on how much audio you’ve recorded, how succinct your questions and answers are, how many people you have on your show and whether everyone was performing at their best.

4. Export and tag your MP3

MP3 is the audio format you’ll need to upload your episodes to a podcast host.

5. Upload your tagged MP3 to your podcast host

A podcast host is the link between you and podcast directories like iTunes and Google Podcasts. It’s also the place where you’ll store all your MP3s because you don’t want them stored on your website (unless you want it to run like an old mule).

6. Create show notes

These are blog posts on your website that correspond to each episode of your podcast.

7. Share your show on social media

This can be as simple or as involved as you like depending on how much time you’ve got.

What Is A Podcast Directory?

You may not have realized that podcasts aren’t actually stored on directories like Apple Podcasts or Spotify, they’re stored on your podcast host. Rather, a directory is like a phonebook - a place to find what you’re looking for. When someone plays a podcast on their chosen directory, it’s channeling audio that’s hosted somewhere else.

What Do I Need To Submit My Podcast?

If you choose the right podcast hosting service, like Buzzsprout or PodBean, you'll have fantastic integration with directories, meaning you can do it all from the dashboard of your host. Regardless, on the most basic level, you’ll need an mp3 file of your recording and an RSS feed for it, generated by your host.

How Do I Get My Podcast Into iTunes or Spotify?

Having your podcast listed on the Apple Podcasts app is the ultimate way to tap into a loyal audience and garner respect and a positive reputation.

How To Upload Your Podcast To Any Other Directory

Luckily, many directories and podcast listening apps use Apple Podcasts as their source of data. So, once you’ve listed your show with Apple, it will automatically appear in other apps like Overcast, Castbox, and Pocket Casts.

Google Play Music

N.B. Ensure your RSS feed has a valid <googleplay:email> or <itunes:email> tag with an e-mail address that you can access, as this is where your verification code will be sent. You can remove the email address after verifying ownership.


Ensure your podcast fits Stitcher’s requirements. They follow the general industry standards - square cover art (1:1) in either a JPG or PNG format, at least 1400px squared, unique title, at least one episode at the RSS feed.


TuneIn is a directory for free internet radio, sports, music, news talk, and podcasts.

How long are podcast intros?

These are usually 10 to 15 seconds long, and may combine elements like music, a vocal introduction, some cool sound effects, etc.

How to upload podcasts to Libsyn?

Uploading your podcast to Libsyn could not be easier. You simply click the ‘upload’ button at the top of the screen, choose your file, and go with it.

How much does libsyn cost?

You will want to pay for pro-level hosting with this platform, as it is MORE than worth it. Their basic package starts at just $5 a month, and they are super reliable.

Why do you want your podcast to look professional?

Essentially, you want your overall podcast files to look professional and normal so that it will create an even better user experience on the listener's end!

Why is audio compression important?

It helps reduce download times. It helps to minimize bandwidth so that the user doesn't blow through data while listening to it. It reduces the odds of buffering during playback, and also eliminates long download times. It also just makes the audio file easier to handle in-general, thanks to its smaller size.

Can you edit podcasts on your computer?

There is a bit of a learning curve with it. But with a bit of practice, you should be good to go to record and edit your podcast files, regardless of whether you recorded it on your phone or on your computer. Either way, you will need to end up with a MP3 audio files that you can use to start the audio process.

Is podcasting a marketing or advertising?

Part of podcasting is the marketing side of it. You can expect an RSS feed to do all the work for you. Podcasting done the right way will involve tons of outreach to get your name as a podcast host out there. A good hosting platform won't really do much for your overall podcasting.

What is the best day and time to schedule a podcast?

Research from Megaphone reveals that most podcasters publish the newest episodes on Wednesday, Tuesday, and Thursday (in that order) between 2 AM and 5 AM, with 5 AM gaining the max amount of downloads.

How do podcast directories pull content from RSS feeds?

Podcast directories pull content from an RSS feeds by running periodical “refreshes” and pulling content from the feeds . This means that there is often a lag time between when you schedule an episode to go live and when it actually is available on an app like Apple Podcasts.

Why do podcasts have 3 episodes?

We highly recommend that new podcasts launch with a trailer and 3 episodes. Why? Because sharing more content when you launch gives more value to your audience. When you start sharing your podcast online and ask listeners to follow the show, it’s important to give them multiple episodes that they can binge to see how they like the show.

What is the final piece of the podcast rollout pie?

The final piece of the podcast rollout pie (yum) is making sure you have everything you need to establish the hosting. In order to set up the hosting you have to have:

How to host a podcast?

The final piece of the podcast rollout pie (yum) is making sure you have everything you need to establish the hosting. In order to set up the hosting you have to have: 1 The podcast title & description 2 A finalized audio file with intro music (if desired) 3 Your podcast artwork 4 Title & description of your trailer or first episode

What time do podcasts come out?

Research from Megaphone reveals that most podcasters publish the most new episodes on Wednesday, Tuesday, and Thursday (in that order) between 2AM and 5AM, with 5AM gaining the max amount of downloads.

How to save time and energy on podcast?

Save time and energy by batching similar tasks together. Set aside time for planning a season or list of episode ideas, recording interviews, writing titles, descriptions, and show notes, sending emails to potential guests, etc. Batching together multiple small tasks can help you make more noticeable progress, save time in the long run, and can take the stress of your consistent podcast release schedule.

What happens if you publish less podcast content?

Remember, the less content you publish after launching, the less opportunities there are for listeners to engage with you. Regularly producing new content is one of the biggest struggles for new podcasters so have a clear plan ironed out. After launching with a bang, this will ensure you can enjoy riding that momentum for months to come.

What to do after a podcast launch?

After your podcast ‘launch’ is officially over, it’s time to set up systems and processes to continue publishing new episodes and developments for your show. This checklist item shouldn’t be overlooked given the time you’ve committed to finally getting your show off the ground. Make sure it’s not all for nothing by ensuring you can consistently produce new podcast content ahead of your launch. We recommend building out a content calendar and seeing if batch recording episodes is right for you.

How many characters should a podcast have?

The solution: make your call to action something that cannot be ignored by your target audience. In under 160 characters, you should be able to explain exactly what your podcast is about, and why listeners from your target audience need to hear it. Here’s an example:

Why is podcasting important?

A podcast website is important because it also helps make your show more discoverable.

Why do podcasts need a website?

Acting as a “home base” for your show, setting up a dedicated podcast website is crucial to the success of your launch. The biggest benefit is this will become a central place where your audience can listen to new episodes, find show notes and transcriptions, and learn more about your brand.

How to promote your podcast?

Before you launch, it’s important to have a strategy in place to promote your podcast. Simply uploading to your host isn’t enough. You need a multi-channel approach to generate buzz and drive people to your website or your show’s listing on their favorite podcast directory. Furthermore, you should tailor your promotions to fit each platform (e.g., colorful images work best on Instagram, but it’s better to go with a text-based promotion within your newsletter.) Consider these main avenues to launch with a splash.

When to submit podcast RSS feed?

So if you want to launch on a Thursday, submit your podcast RSS feed across each directory on Monday morning. That will give them enough time to review then send the approval email and link.

Morning is usually a great idea

There is a rule of thumb that posting your podcasts in the mornings ( usually around 5AM) can positively impact the number of listeners it reaches. There are several reasons for that.

Try to tie it to something more predictable

Understanding when your audience will be more ready to listen to your podcasts can be too abstract at times. That’s why we recommend you to link it to more trackable things, such as the events and happenings that might trigger your audience to listen to your podcast.

How to regularly produce podcasts for posting?

We suggest you to use Podcastle, a no-code tool for podcast recording and editing. You can save significant time and resources by organizing recording, voice editing, revoice, text editing and other time-consuming components of podcasts in our all-in-one software.

What should the title of a podcast say?

Your title should contain the ‘so what’ factor of your podcast, and not simply that, ‘there’s a new podcast in the world.’

Why is it important to include links on a website?

Including links is key to sending readers exactly where they need to go. This single page should have all the links to any other sources of information that the reader might want to navigate to. Links can include:

How to promote a podcast?

Promoting a new podcast can be a challenge, even for established brands with a solid online following. In order to cover your bases and promote from all angles, consider sending out a podcast press release to announce your new show !

How can a press release be distributed?

The press release can be distributed through multiple channels. For instance, it can be published on your own website, as well as distributed through a PR newswire. Another option is to research websites that actively promote trending topics and releases within your target audience’s industry.

Who is the CEO of Voices?

David Ciccarelli. David Ciccarelli is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Voices. As CEO, he is responsible for setting the vision, executing the growth strategy and managing the company on a day-to-day basis. He's been a finalist of the EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award and a Canadian Innovator Award.

Is a press release a part of a podcast?

Reaching out to these types of publications may have a better pay off (resulting in more interest) than distributing through a newswire, which typically costs money and reaches all types of audiences, not just those interested in your industry. The press release can also become a part of your podcast’s media kit.

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