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how to take over the world podcast

by Dr. Flavio Cummerata DDS Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

History Podcasts

Anyone who has achieved greatness has, in part, patterned themselves after those who came before. Napoleon learned from Charlemagne, Charlemagne learned from Caesar, and Caesar learned from Alexander the Great. This podcast analyzes the lives of some of the greatest men and women to ever live.

Walt Disney (Part 1)

Walt Disney's childhood, adolescence, how how he got his start in animation, and his first successes. Please rate and review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

Mini-Episode: John Wooden and How to Practice

John Wooden was known as one of the greatest coaches of all time. So why he did he have shorter practices than any of his contemporaries, and what can it teach us about greatness?

Napoleon Revisited

How exactly was Napoleon able to accomplish so much in such a short period of time? On this episode, I review the book Napoleon: How He Did It. It was written by Baron Fain, a private secretary of Napoleon's. He explains Napoleon's systems and work habits in minute detail.

Alexander the Great: Endnotes

Everything you didn't know you needed to know about Alexander the Great. Topics include a brief review of the 2004 movie by Oliver Stone, Alexander's love life, what made Alexander so great, why did Alexander have blue eyes if he was Greek, and more.

Alexander the Great (Part 2)

Alexander the Great took his father's kingdom and made it the greatest empire the world had ever seen. Part two covers the apex of his powers, plots against his life, the unification of his empire, and more.

Alexander the Great (Part 1)

Alexander the Great took his father's kingdom and made it the greatest empire the world had ever seen. Part one covers his childhood, education, rise to power, and early conquests.


Anyone who has achieved greatness has, in part, patterned themselves after those who came before. Napoleon learned from Charlemagne, Charlemagne learned from Caesar, and Caesar learned from Alexander the Great. This podcast analyzes the lives of some of the greatest men and women to ever live.

Walt Disney (Part 1)

Walt Disney's childhood, adolescence, how how he got his start in animation, and his first successes.

Mini-Episode: John Wooden and How to Practice

John Wooden was known as one of the greatest coaches of all time. So why he did he have shorter practices than any of his contemporaries, and what can it teach us about greatness?

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