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how to write a podcast description

by Rose Hessel Sr. Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How to Write Podcast Descriptions Efficiently

  1. Plan Your Episodes Before You Record. Writing a description that’s compelling and clear is a lot easier if your content is compelling and clear too.
  2. Write Soon After Recording. It’s tempting to put off the writing until the very last minute. ...
  3. Be Clear and Simple. Remember less is more. ...
  4. Stick With It! ...

What Makes A Podcast Description Good?
  1. Explain your podcast clearly. ...
  2. Make your podcast summary easily searchable. ...
  3. Be concise. ...
  4. First Sentence - Start by relating to your audience! ...
  5. Second Sentence - Your second sentence should introduce the hosts, the format of your show, and how often you release content.
Apr 13, 2022

Full Answer

How to write an amazing description for your new podcast?

  • 10:52 Cory: There are two aspects you’re talking about that are really important to pull out. ...
  • 11:38 You want to write your description in a way that brings agreement from your intended audience. ...
  • 12:38 That’s what you’re aiming for: you want something they can quickly tell their friend about without looking at the description. ...

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How to create a simple podcast?

  • Install Seriously Simple Podcasting plugin to your WordPress site and link it to your podcast hosting provider.
  • From your WordPress dashboard, go to the “Podcast” plugin. ...
  • Inside the plugin’s “Settings” under “Feed Details”, include details about your podcast to finish creating the RSS feed. ...

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How to write a business plan podcast?

How to Write a Business Plan Podcast. Establishing a business is a complex process. It should start with a detailed business plan. This podcast will cover such issues as the business profile, contacts, financing, marketing, and even bankruptcy plans, all of which are important for a successful business.

How to plan your podcast with scripts, templates?

Podcast Script Outline Templates. When you write a podcast script, it helps to start with a bird’s eye view of your show. This outline will create a guide that keeps you on track and ensures you hit all the right points. It will also help you prepare transitions and get everything in within the allotted time.


How do you write a podcast example?

How to Write a Podcast ScriptPodcast Intro (Including Music) If you've listened to many podcasts, you know that most of them have the same introduction each time. ... Welcome / Guest Introduction. Next, if your podcast interviews guests, you'll need to introduce them. ... Message from a Sponsor. ... Segue. ... Outro and Call to Action.

How long can a podcast description be?

4,000 characterThere's no specific rule for how long a podcast description should be, but shorter descriptions between 400 and 600 characters tend to work best. Most podcast hosting services like Captivate actually have a 4,000 character limit on podcast descriptions. Remember: Your description is just the bait.

How long should a podcast show description be?

How Long Should My Podcast Description Be? You should keep your podcast description between 600 and 900 characters, or 120-170 words. Some hosting services allow 4,000 character-long show descriptions, but that's much too long for an effective podcast description.

How do I summarize a podcast episode?

How To Write A Podcast SummaryGet to the point right off the bat. ... Remember, it's a podcast summary, not a blog post. ... A strong description should include all the major topics covered in the episode. ... Allow the most important information to stand out. ... If there's a guest on that episode, introduce them.More items...

How do you write a podcast bio?

The Perfect Podcast Bio Template.The Intro. Sentence number one, the intro. ... The Social Proof. The second sentence is all about your social proof, or in other words, what makes you an authority on the topic you're going to be interviewed on. ... The Promise.

How do you introduce yourself in a podcast?

Here are five possibilities on how to introduce yourself on a podcast or panelist interview.Start with how long you have been doing something. ... Begin with your current title and area of expertise. ... Begin with prestige. ... Go for approachable or understated. ... Focus on the thing you're selling.

What do you say in a podcast?

The easiest intro to script follows this basic setup: “Welcome to [podcast name], the show that [brief podcast pitch or tagline]. I'm [host name] and today we're talking about [episode topic] with [guest name]. We also have a surprise guest for you at the end of the show, so make sure you listen all the way through.”

What makes a good podcast episode?

For each episode, think about relevant resources you can direct listeners to later. Examples include relevant articles, YouTube videos, or books that dive deeper into the topic. Wherever possible, offer specific resources and make it easy for your listeners to find what you're talking about.

What is a podcast brief?

A brief helps you put the vision for your podcast down in writing. It contains short, high-level summaries of what matters most about your show. Think of it as your podcast's North Star — it should make a compelling case for why the audience should listen and what they'll get out of it.

What do podcast notes look like?

Podcast show notes are a summary of a podcast episode. They outline the episode's main talking points, introduce the guest, and link to any resources mentioned. Show notes accompany every podcast episode. These summaries help listeners decide whether or not they want to listen.

How do you take notes on a podcast?

You can also take podcast notes using the highlighter icon in the app. Simple push the icon, and the transcription will happen automatically. Hold down the highlighter icon for 2 seconds if you want to add a customized tag or annotation.

Where Do I Post My Podcast Description?

As you start to record episodes and create your show’s branding, you’ll probably have a podcast hosting service in mind.

How many words should a podcast description be?

You should keep your podcast description between 600 and 900 characters, or 120-170 words. Some hosting services allow 4,000 character-long show descriptions, but that’s much too long for an effective podcast description.

Why is it Important to Get the Podcast Description Right?

It’s important to nail your podcast description because it plays a big role in whether or not someone listens to your show. In fact, you can see how much it matters to people when they’re deciding what to listen to.

Where Does My Podcast Description Show Up?

Your podcast description shows up on whichever podcast directories you syndicate to. Here’s how the major podcast directories display podcast descriptions:

What is a podcast show description?

A podcast show description is a summary of what listeners can expect from the show. It covers the main topics, who the show is for, who the host is, and how frequently new episodes are published.

What is a Masters of Events podcast?

As a B2B podcast, Masters of Events does a good job focusing on their potential listeners and not on themselves.

What is customer experience podcast?

The Customer Experience Podcast explores this challenge at various stages of growth as we all work together on the customer journey from acquisition to advocacy. Each episode features topics like: personal touch, human touch, customer journey, lifecycle marketing, sales process, customer support, customer success, raving fans, video email, video communication, B2B sales and marketing, personalization, automation.”

What is a Podcast Description?

A podcast show description or show summary describes your podcast to a potential audience member. Simply put, it explains the topic of your show and what a listener can expect to hear when they press play on one of your episodes. With an interesting description, you’ll have an easier time attracting new listeners, so it's important to put some thought into creating it!

What Makes A Podcast Description Good?

What’s the secret to a good podcast description? Short, catchy, and to the point. When writing the description for your podcast, you should aim to achieve these three things:

Where Do I Write My Podcast Description?

Your podcast description essentially “lives” with your podcast host . You’ll have to submit a description to your host when you upload your first episode. The host will stick that description into your RSS feed so podcast directories and apps can grab it.

How to describe a podcast?

Think of your podcast description like the synopsis on the back of a book or inside the jacket. It’s the second thing people read after the title. In most cases, the title isn’t enough information to understand what your show is about, so you’ll want to take advantage of this extra space.

What Is A Podcast Description or Summary And Why Is It Important?

A podcast description (often also called podcast summary) is a brief blurb of text that describes your show. You can use it to tell listeners anything you want, which makes it a powerful tool to convince people to listen.

How long does it take for a podcast to update?

The change will spread through your RSS feed. The podcast directories will update within 24 to 48 hours. So if you haven’t given your podcast description the consideration it deserves, you still can!

What happens if your podcast description is bad?

If your description is bad – or missing entirely – listeners won’t know how to evaluate your show. They’ll move on and invest their time with another show whose host took a few minutes to let them know what the podcast is about.

How many characters are in a podcast?

Dan Misener, Head of Audience Development at Pacific Content, analyzed the metadata of 700K podcasts. He discovered that the mean average podcast description is 243 characters and the median is 163 characters.

How to edit a podcast on Castos?

Once you log into your dashboard, click the “Settings” link under the show you want to edit. (With Castos, you can create unlimited shows .) Click “Settings” to edit the podcast description. In the settings, expand the “Feed Details” tab. The second field, just below the podcast tile field, is for your podcast description.

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What is a Podcast Description?

A podcast description is a text that accompanies your show when it appears on podcatchers. It serves as your description of the entire show, not the individual episodes. Podcasters typically use this space to introduce themselves and the topics they will be covering as concisely and creatively as possible.

Where Do You Write a Podcast Description?

While your podcast description will show up on directories like Apple Podcasts or Spotify, you’ll actually write and store it with your podcast host. You can think of your podcast host as the permanent address of your show.

Why Podcast Descriptions Matter

A podcast description is where you’ll convert scrollers to listeners. In a recent survey by The Podcast Host, listeners answered that a podcast description was the most critical component of considering a new show.

How Long Should a Podcast Description Be?

There’s no magic answer to how short or long a podcast description should be. The goal is to convey what your show is about, so you should aim to accomplish that without being too wordy.

Driving Search Traffic With Your Description

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the practice of driving more traffic to your website based on what people are typing in on search engines like Google. SEO can also be used for your podcast, and you can certainly use your podcast description to boost your visibility online.

How to Write a Podcast Description

Writing a podcast description falls between writing the inside jacket summary of a hardcover book and a Netflix film summary. It shouldn’t be too long, but it should give enough information that entices your audience enough for them to listen to a podcast episode. To get all the crucial info out, there are a few things that you should consider:

What Is A Podcast Description?

Podcast description is often confused as podcast show notes, but show notes are just the text that subtitles each podcast episode. You can get to find out more about podcast show notes and how to write them here .

What website uses podcast descriptions?

Different podcast hosting websites use podcast descriptions as you can get what your podcast is about from searches. Take Spotify, for example, being the most popular podcasting platform (with apple music being the first), and it makes use of podcast descriptions for searches.

Why is podcast description important?

Podcast description is an integral part of a podcast show as it gives a little insight into what potential listeners should expect from your show. However, it is not essential for search engine optimization as it will just stuff your podcast summary with unnecessary keywords. A great podcast description is practical by letting potential audiences find your podcast show.

What to give to potential listeners on podcast?

The next thing to do is to give brief details of your podcast show, including the frequency of the podcast, the Host (s) of your podcast show, and the podcast’s format. This is an excellent place to briefly tell potential listeners what they will be getting on each episode and any other detail worth mentioning.

Why is it important to use keywords in podcast descriptions?

It is vital to use the proper keywords while writing a podcast description. This will help the potential audience have a clue of what they are searching for. It helps to use exact and right keywords as that would give the audience a narrowed search. Think strategically about what your potential audience will want to listen to and add that to your podcast description for proper search.

What is a good podcast marketing strategy?

Having a good podcast marketing strategy is inclusive of a great podcast description, amongst other things. And writing a podcast description will vary depending on what your show is about and what your audience needs. For example, technical jargon will be in the podcast description for a specific type of profession.

Why do you put yourself in a podcast?

In a way, it helps to build credibility and gives a sense of connection with your listeners.

What is a podcast description?

This is also referred to as a podcast episode summary and it’s meant to describe what a specific episode is all about. Then we have a show description. This is what today’s article is dedicated to! Your show description tells potential listeners what they can expect from your show and “sells” it to your target audience. It’s all about getting them to hit play and subscribe! Today we’re sharing the secret to writing a great podcast description.

What is SEO in podcasting?

SEO refers to Search Engine optimization, AKA the process that makes any online content rank better on Google. But for the podcasting industry, it also applies to podcast directories like Apple Podcasts or Spotify. So it’s extra important that you use keywords here! You can find the words that rank higher for your target audience through keyword research. This is the process of analyzing different search terms that your potential listeners might search. And then you pick the keywords that’ll work best for you and your show description!

How to motivate your audience to listen to your show?

Call to actions are key when you want to motivate your target audience to hit play! You need to include some sort of encouragement for potential listeners to get them to listen to your show. This could be a simple “tune in every Friday for a new episode”. Or something a little more specific, like “subscribe to learn practical strategies to improve your mental health”. You can also include a social media call to action , inviting your listeners to follow you on other platforms. Just be sure to encourage potential listeners to interact with you and your content at the end of the show description!

How Can I Write a Good Podcast Description?

Now that you got to this part of the post, it’s time to know how to write the best podcast descriptions for your episodes. Follow these steps to do it:

Why should people read podcast descriptions?

People reading your podcast description should end up wanting to listen to the episode instantly since those descriptions are one of the only tools you have to attract people outside your social bubble to your show.

Where do podcast views come from?

When you first start a podcast, the first views you get come from friends and family members, which are people who were loyal to you even before you started the podcast.

Is it hard to start a podcast?

Starting a podcast is difficult, but seeing how everything flourishes at the end of the day is priceless. Invest some time in your podcast and practice your writing before writing podcast descriptions!

Is it easy to make a podcast?

We all know that producing a new podcast is not easy at all. Not only do you need to find a decent topic to talk about, but you also need to be charming enough to catch more public. Regardless of that, there are hundreds of podcasts to listen to, so you can always take inspiration from other people.

Keep it short (three sentences, max)

You may only have a few seconds to grab someone’s attention when they’re scrolling through podcast episodes. That means you have to pack a lot of value into a small space. Jared Silverman, a copywriter at Spotify, recommends limiting your podcast descriptions to two or three sentences. “It’s incredibly easy to say too much,” says Jared.

Pique interest with a teaser

The No.

Align your description with your episode title

Podcast descriptions work with your episode titles to set the tone for what listeners get out of each episode.

Write your podcast descriptions collaboratively

Like any creative work, writing podcast episode descriptions benefits from feedback. Bounce ideas around until you come up with a hook that’s impossible to ignore. A second pair of eyes also helps you avoid typos, punctuation errors, redundancies, and wordiness. Here are a few questions to ask your collaborator:

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