Podcast FAQ

how we got here podcast

by Jerrold Watsica Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How We Got Here is a podcast for journalists about how history and identity shape narrative. As journalists, we like to say we're writing the first draft of history. But if we don't know our own history, we run the risk of misinterpreting what we see and what we hear. Of failing to connect the dots.

How to get my podcast Out There?

Owned and organic channels (AKA free podcast promotion)

  • Grow your podcast audience using your website. Optimizing the user experience on your podcast website is really important to marketing a podcast to new listeners.
  • iTunes Smart App Banner. ...
  • Instagram stories. ...
  • Community Engagement. ...
  • Measuring your Results. ...

How do I get my podcast noticed?

  • Social Media: This what everyone says, and there's some truth to it. ...
  • Web Presence- Have one, make it useful and relevant, but keep the content relevant and in manageable chunks. Have a site that's easy to navigate and use. ...
  • Guests and interviews. This is an excellent way to grow an audience organically. ...
  • Ads. Buy ads. ...
  • Have a good logo. ...

How to get help with your podcast?

Summary: How to Get Help With Your Podcast

  • There are loads of free and low-cost ways to become a better podcaster. ...
  • You can use this website. Type in any question you have about podcasting into the search bar. I guarantee you'll find an article about it.
  • For help with things like artwork, editing, shownotes, and website-related stuff, you can either hire someone, or offer a “skills exchange”.

How do I Grow my podcast?

Top 7 Strategies: How to grow your podcast audience

  1. Confirm uniqueness. What’s your UVD: Unique Value Distinguisher? ...
  2. Be social. You have to share your content – continuously. ...
  3. Be consistent. ...
  4. Create community. ...
  5. Do the rounds. ...
  6. Always listen. ...
  7. Have a strong CTA (Call To Action) One of the beautiful things about podcasting is that the barrier to listen is extremely low. ...


The Show

Two friends discuss the world we live in and how we got here. This podcast grew out of the in-depth conversations that Brooks and Jim have had throughout the years. Each episode has a central topic that covers a bit of history, politics, and finance.

About Brooks

You've probably heard him before! Brooks is the host of the wildly popular Science Channel’s show, How It’s Made, airing in over 222 countries. As a Director of Photography, he has covered everything from airborne to underwater expeditions to capture stories around the world. Brooks and his production company, Bonnemaison, Inc.

About Jim

Jim is the New York Times best selling author of Currency Wars (2011), The Death of Money (2014), The New Case for Gold (2016), and The Road to Ruin (2016). He lectures around the world, edits Strategic Intelligence , and appears regularly on news programs. He is an advisor on capital markets to the U.S.

Genders and Sexualities

Gender and sexuality can feel natural and even immutable, but science and the lived experience of numerous humans tell us that these categories are far more variable than they may seem.

Unwelcome to America

The American Dream is often portrayed as the hook that pulls people to the United States. What is usually left out of the story is the hell many flee, sometimes a hell fed by the very country in which they seek refuge. The story of U.S. involvement in Central America is a classic example of wars inflicted on people by U.S.


Steel produced in Youngstown, Ohio, helped America win World War II, and it was used to build the bridges that we cross and the buildings in which we live. But in the 1970s, the mills began closing. Some 50,000 well-paid jobs were gone.


There is a long tradition of imperial denial in the United States. After all, Americans fought the British Empire and have always thought of themselves as different from European colonialists.


Whiteness in America isn’t just the neutral norm against which racial minorities, particularly Black people, are measured. Whiteness in America means having the privilege and power that go along with being part of that supposed norm.

The Half-Life of Democracy

The issue of police violence and racism is a familiar one. It’s been present in the United States since the Republic’s beginnings. And the stories of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Tamir Rice and others cannot be understood if we do not know and comprehend that history.


How We Got Here is a podcast for journalists about how history and identity shape narrative. As journalists, we like to say we’re writing the first draft of history. But if we don’t know our own history, we run the risk of misinterpreting what we see and what we hear. Of failing to connect the dots.

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