Podcast FAQ

italy made easy podcast

by Miss Oceane Lemke IV Published 2 years ago Updated 1 year ago

How can I download the Italy made easy podcast?

The PDF can be downloaded directly from the Italy Made Easy Podcast page - so convenient! The audio quality is very high and of a professional standard, so crisp and clear, it’s a pleasure to listen to! Every episode discusses a fun and interesting topic, so you will always learn something new about Italian life and culture

Who is behind Italy made easy?

Manu Venditti, the founder of Italy Made Easy is a native Italian language lover, with a passion for helping people like you learn, improve, practice and master the Italian language.

Is there a podcast in 100% Italian?

This podcast is in 100% Italian – spoken at a slower pace, in clear and authentic Italian. It has been How do Italians spend their money? Come spendono gli italiani i loro soldi? This podcast is in 100% Italian – spoken at a slower pace, in clear and authentic Italian.

What is Italy made easy membership?

Become part of our immersive, all-inclusive Italian universe. Experience the real Italy. Get life-changing results. An Italy Made Easy membership is your one-stop ticket to everything Italian. You'll have unlimited access to a huge variety of Italian courses and resources.


Is Italy made easy worth it?

It offers everything you need to become truly fluent in Italian. The lessons are engaging and interesting while still being packed full of quality learning material. Although it may be a bit costly, I would highly recommend this program to anyone who is serious about learning Italian.

Is Italy made easy free?

The great thing about Italy Made Easy podcast is that it's a free podcast. Listening to podcasts is always a good option no matter your level since they help you get used to the sounds of a language. If you already understand some Italian, the podcast will help you improve your listening and comprehension skills.

Who is Manu Venditti?

Ciao, I'm Manu Venditti – the Founder of Italy Made Easy! Italy Made Easy is the online world I created to bring my beautiful language to students across the globe who love all things Italy, who want to learn to speak Italian and who dream of immersing themselves completely in the Italian culture.

How do Beginners speak Italian?

0:074:2112 Italian phrases for absolute beginners (subs in ... - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipRight here with the translation in English ciao ciao ciao is the most common way to greet someone.MoreRight here with the translation in English ciao ciao ciao is the most common way to greet someone. And you can you can say it both when you arrive.

How much does Italy made easy cost?

Price. Each level costs $300 for lifetime access. For an extra $100, you can upgrade to the VIP version in which a native Italian speaker will check your assignments and give you customized feedback.

What is the best site to learn Italian?

10 Best Websites to Learn ItalianBBC Learn Italian. The BBC is a great resource for learning the basics as you prepare for an upcoming trip to Italy. ... Duolingo. ... FluentU. ... ItalianPod101. ... Live Lingua. ... Memrise. ... Omniglot. ... Online World Italiano.More items...•

How do you curse in Italy?

Italian swear wordsAccidenti! - Damn it, holy smoke! ( lit. ... Porca vacca! - Holy cow! ( lit. ... Porca miseria! - For God's sake, for Goodness' sake (lit. pig misery)Porco cane! - For God's sake! ( lit. ... Cavolo! - Holy smoke! ( lit. ... Col cavolo! - No way! (lit. ... Madonna! - Good God! ( lit. ... Madonna santa! - Good God! ( lit.More items...

Can I teach myself Italian?

How to Learn Italian: Can I Teach Myself Italian? Traditional classroom instruction and language immersion are always going to be great ways to learn a new language like Italian, but you can definitely learn Italian on your own, too. Start by dedicating at least 20 minutes a day to studying Italian.

Can you learn Italian in 2 months?

There are many ways to learn the Italian language within 2 months. We recommend spending at least 20 hours actively learning Italian. You could attend a full-immersion course of 4 hours a day. Ideally, you should take one-to-one lessons.

What is Learn Italian with Audio?

With our new revolutionary program, Learn Italian With Audio, you will have all the right tools to improve your Italian listening & comprehension. Designed to work for students of all levels, you will be glad you found it!

Is Manu's Italy Made Easy the best?

"Manu’s Italy Made Easy is the best. If you ever felt that you could not learn Italian, taking Manu’s course will change every negative language learning experience you have had in the past. Manu cracked the code on how to teach Italian. He understands the goals of his students who want to learn Italian. His enthusiasm for his work and his desire to see you achieve your goal is unsurpassed. His method engages you in a way that breaks through every psychological block you may have developed from previous bad language courses. He lifts your spirits and he is inspiring. Just when I was ready to give up on learning Italian, I stumbled on Manu’s course. I immediately knew that I had found in him the perfect teacher. I feel incredibly lucky that I found his course. Manu has made all the difference and I am deeply grateful."

Gli Studios di Italy Made Easy

In this new format of the Podcast, which will be more conversational and 100% natural Italian, Manu talks about the Studios of Italy Made Easy.

Download the Bonus PDF

Join our Italian Family and take your Italian to the next level with Italy Made Easy. It's free!

You will find the answers to these questions and even more questions in the Bonus PDF

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